The accessibility of primary care is under pressure, because more and more responsibilities and tasks are being shifted to general practitioners. Changes will have to take place to safeguard the core values of primary care: person-oriented, medical-generalistic and continuous. The increase in chronic diseases and multimorbidity forces general practitioners to delve deeper into complex care and maintain their management role in healthcare.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA father consulted his general practitioner with his 3-years-old son who had swelling on his penis for several months. He experienced no miction problems. The swelling appeared to be a retention of smegma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGuidelines are undeniably of great value to practicing physicians, but there are also objections. Due to the multitude of guidelines, it is sometimes difficult to find the most appropriate and it is not always clear how well-founded recommendations are. In addition, guidelines can limit the freedom of action.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 68-year-old man consulted his GP with a crease in his earlobe, running diagonally from the tragus over the earlobe backwards. This is the Frank's sign, which is a risk factor for the presence and prognosis of cardiovascular pathology, such as coronary sclerosis, cerebrovascular accident and peripheral arterial disease.
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