Objective: To present the problems possibly associated with psychological sequelae of accidents and make proposals for appropriate therapy.
Major Points: Accidents experienced by the victim as threatening, whether associated with immediate physical or mental impairment or not, often trigger multiple psychological reactions, and may lead to psychological disorders of either a temporary or a permanent nature. Accident-related psychological symptoms or problems are almost regularly overlooked during the acute medical treatment phase.
Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol
January 1992
This report is an evaluation of a questionnaire sent to 160 psychosomatic institutions in West and East Germany. There are 4 types of institutions and 3 types of therapy concepts. The outer and inner conditions of these various types of institutions are differentiated, for instance ownership, number of beds, diagnoses of patients, as well as the relationship between patients and staff and the existent technical equipment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArch Psychiatr Nervenkr (1970)
April 1979
A 16-year-old physically and mentally retarded male developed a complete Klüver-Bucy syndrome similar to that demonstrated in animal experiments and characterized by so-called psychic blindness, oral tendencies, hypermetamorphosis, emotional disturbance, and hypersexuality after severe brain trauma with loss of consciousness and a transitory hemiplegia. In addition, transitory oral and grasp reflexes were observed. Despite the severity of the clinical symptoms, the patient was able to realize and report on his subjective experience of the reflex and on the instinct-motivated behavior associated with the Klüver-Bucy syndrome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDtsch Med Wochenschr
October 1977
A 39-year-old woman developed generalised paralysis, reversible organic brain syndrome, and cardiac dysrhythmias after 15 years of laxative abuse. Under continuous and cautious administration of potassium the cardiac rhythm became normal within four days and two days later the paralysis and organic brain syndrome almost disappeared. The cause of the psychiatric symptoms is thought to be cerebral potassium deficiency and an abnormal sodium/potassium equilibrium.
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