Publications by authors named "Vorob'eva N"

We studied the effect of laser radiation of moderate intensity with a wavelength of 970 nm on the efficiency of colony formation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in vitro. In this case, photobimodulation and thermal heating of MSC occur simultaneously. This combined laser treatment allows increasing the number of colonies by 6 times in comparison with the control and by more than 3 times in comparison with thermal heating alone.

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We studied the formation of the reparative regenerate of the skin wound in rats under the effect of drug products based on keratan and secretome of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), as well as bone marrow cells (native and exposed to laser radiation with a wavelength of 1.56 μm). Due to the biological affinity for the dermal tissue, keratan preparations being applied to the skin stimulate regeneration of the wound defect.

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The experiments on mice showed that subchronic food restriction to 40 and 8% of unrestricted ration is a strong stressor inducing devastation of lymphoid organs, primarily the thymus and spleen. The mice in the group with severe food restriction (8% of normal ration) demonstrated increased front paw grip force. We also observed an increase in spontaneous motor activity in these animals correlated with food restriction.

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Transcription profiles of genes of local immune response were determined in the vagina of women with bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis, and vulvovaginal candidosis for detection of the most specific immune markers for these vaginal infections. Laboratory diagnosis of the vaginal infections was performed microscopically; the inflammatory reaction in the vagina (leukorrhea) was defined as the presence of >10 white blood cells per field of view. Transcription profiles of IL1b, IL10, IL18, TNFα, TLR4, GATA3, and CD68 were determined using reverse-transcription quantitative real-time PCR.

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We studied the effect of non-thermal argon plasma on proliferative activity of bone marrow multipotent stromal cells in vitro. Treatment of stromal cell suspension with pure argon did not affect their proliferation. The cells treated with non-thermal argon plasma and explanted in the treatment medium demonstrated growth inhibition by 30-40% in comparison with the control.

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We performed a comparative study of the formation of γН2АХ foci (a marker of DNA doublestrand breaks) in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells after 24-h incubation with Н-thimidin and tritium oxide with low specific activities (50-800 MBq/liter). The dependence of the number of γH2AX foci on specific activity of 3H-thymidine was described by a linear equation y=2.21+43.

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We created an anisotropic material based on collagen sponge and reactive polylactide structured by laser photopolymerization. The combination of collagen with reactive polylactide improves the resistance of the formed matrices to biodegradation in comparison with collagen sponge, while the existence of sites with different mechanical characteristics and cell affinity on the matrix provides directed cell growth during their culturing. It was shown that reinforcement of the collagen sponges 7-fold increased the mean Young's modulus for the hybrid matrix without affecting its cytotoxicity.

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Oropharyngeal candidiasis in 512 HIV-infected patients at the late stages of the disease was studied with special reference to the clinical and microbiological characteristics of this condition. The diagnosis was established based on the results of the clinical and microbiological examination of the patients including investigation of the tissue samples taken from the oral cavity and the throat with the use of the device specially developed for this purpose. It was shown that the disease existed in various clinical forms the most common of which were monocomponent pathology represented by pseudomembranous candidiasis in 37.

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The paper presents the All-Russian consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease in children and adults, which has been elaborated by leading experts, such as gastroenterologists and pediatricians of Russia on the basis of the existing Russian and international guidelines. The consensus approved at the 42nd Annual Scientific Session of the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology on Principles of Evidence-Based Medicine into Clinical Practice (March 2-3, 2016). The consensus is intended for practitioners engaged in the management and treatment of patients with celiac disease.

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We studied the possibility of restoring the integrity of the Achilles tendon in rabbits using autologous multipotent stromal cells. Collagen or gelatin sponges populated with cells were placed in a resorbable Vicryl mesh tube and this tissue-engineered construct was introduced into a defect of the middle part of the Achilles tendon. In 4 months, histological analysis showed complete regeneration of the tendon with the formation of parallel collagen fibers, spindle-shaped tenocytes, and newly formed vessels.

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Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and causes degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal system of the brain. PHF10 is one of the most important regulatory subunits of the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling protein complex, which controls the gene function and chromatin state in neurons. Two alternative RHF10 isoforms, PHF10-P and PHF10-S, replace each other in the complex to change the target gene pattern.

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Aim: Comparative assessment of the efficiency of application of different therapeutic schemes for post-contact prevention (PCP) of HIV infection in health providers.

Methods: Medical personnel that had professional contacts with HIV-infected patients (n=44) were given medications for PCP. 19 of them (group 1) used phosphazide, 25 (group 2) combivir (lamivudine + zidovudine) in combination with kaletra for 4 weeks after the contact.

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The paper gives the results of an investigation of platelet serotonin levels in patients with tick-borne encephalitis to determine a criterion for predicting the development of its to-wave course. Fifty-five patients were examined at the height of tick-borne encephalitis (in the first 2-4 days): Group 1 included 39 patients with a one-wave course of the disease; Group 2 consisted of 16 patients with its two-wave course. Platelet serotonin concentrations were determined by enzyme immunoassay.

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We studied the effects of physical factors (acoustic impulses of laser-induced hydrodynamics, AILIH, and EHF-radiation) on the formation of heterotopic bone marrow organs. Suspension of precipitated mouse bone marrow cells was exposed to AILIH and EHF or their combinations (AILIH+EHF, EHF+AILIH). The developed tissue engineering constructions (gelatin sponges containing 107 nucleated bone marrow cells exposed to physical factors) were transplanted under the renal capsule of syngeneic mice.

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The paper shows the informative value of changes in the serum levels of serotonin and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in 44 patients in the acute period of tickborne encephalitis. Group 1 included 35 patients with non-paralytic neuroinfection; Group 2 comprised 9 patients with paralytic neuroinfection. The serum level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein increased and that of serotonin decreased in relation to the form and severity of the disease at its height.

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The review considers the biological role of vanadium, its participation in various processes in humans and other mammals, and the anti-diabetic effect of its compounds. Vanadium salts have persistent hypoglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects and reduce the probability of secondary complications in animals with experimental diabetes. The review contains a detailed description of all major synthesized vanadium complexes having antidiabetic activity.

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Aim: To elucidate whether and how tacrolimus affects the cumulative survival of patients after living related kidney donor transplantation.

Subjects And Methods: The clinical materials of 246 related kidney transplant recipients, including 108 patients in whom tacrolimus (Prograf and Advagraf) Astellas Pharma US, Inc) was included in the immunodepression protocol (Group 1) and 138 patients who did not receive the agent (Group 2), were analyzed. Comparative analysis used the following tests: the Kaplan Meier test estimating the cumulative survival of recipients and transplants; the Cox test assessing the cumulative risk; and the log-rank test.

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A substantial body of evidence suggests that subsurface water masses in mid-Proterozoic marine basins were commonly anoxic, either euxinic (sulfidic) or ferruginous (free ferrous iron). To further document redox variations during this interval, a multiproxy geochemical and paleobiological investigation was conducted on the approximately 1000-m-thick Mesoproterozoic (Lower Riphean) Arlan Member of the Kaltasy Formation, central Russia. Iron speciation geochemistry, supported by organic geochemistry, redox-sensitive trace element abundances, and pyrite sulfur isotope values, indicates that basinal calcareous shales of the Arlan Member were deposited beneath an oxygenated water column, and consistent with this interpretation, eukaryotic microfossils are abundant in basinal facies.

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The article deals with a study of hemostasis (D-dimer soluble fibrin-monomer complex, time fibrin self-assemblance, antitrombin III, fibrinogen), endothelial dysfunction (f. Willebrand and activity of plasminogen activators inhibitor type 1) and CRP in 61 patients with CAP in the day of admission and before discharge from hospital 17 patients had a severe pneumonia, 6 people died. The levels of all markers (except AT-3) were increased on admission and were reduced before discharge, but within the normal range to include only FW, CRP and time fibrin self-assemblance.

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Unlabelled: Adenomyomatosis (AMM) is related to the group of hyperplastic cholecystosis. Despite a long history of studying the problem, many questions concerning the etiology, pathogenesis, prevalence, tactics, management and treatment remain unsolved.

Objective: To set the frequency of the AMM, its types, nature of pathological changes in the wall and lumen of gallbladder on the base of analizing the gallbladders after surgical removal.

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The estimation of efficiency of metabolic drugs and psychotherapy in dental implantation in the elderly was carried out. On the basis of the study results an important pathogenetic significance of use of metabolic drug cytoflavin and cognitive therapy in the treatment of partially adentia at elderly patients was justified. It was proved that the optimization of the internal picture of health by means of the implementation of information and regulatory functions, and emotional reinforcement of the therapeutic process in patients receiving cytoflavin and cognitive therapy would improve the effectiveness of the treatment, to increase "survival" performance of implants and to approach to understanding the underlying mechanisms of forming health in elderly patients with partial adentia.

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Aim: Study safety, reactogenicity, immunogenicity and prophylactic effectiveness of polysaccharide pneumococcus vaccines during immunization of adult HIV-infected patients.

Materials And Methods: 200 HIV-infected patients at stages 3 to 4A of the disease aged 20 to 50 years with the quantity of CD4+ T-lymphocytes in blood of no less than 500 microl(-1) took part in the study. 100 individuals immunized with polysaccharide 23-valent pneumococcus vaccine (Pneumo 23, Sanofi Pasteur, France) constituted the observation group.

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The authors presents the clinical case of autoimmune overlap syndrome: autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis with outcomes in the hepatic cirrhosis complicated fatal intestinal bleeding.

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DNA replication begins from multiple sites distributed thoughout the genome and named replication origins. Despite the increasing amount of data on the properties of replication origins, it is still unknown what factors(s) is the primary determinant of ORC localization. Su(Hw) is a zinc-finger protein that is responsible for the activity of the best-studied Drosophila insulators.

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