Publications by authors named "Vorob'ev K"

The article deals with experimental evaluation with flow cytofluorimetry technique of the level of cellular immunologic memory in persons vaccinated with plague and anthrax live dry vaccines. It is established that the introduction of plague and anthrax live dry vaccines into organism of vaccinated persons ignites immunologic rearrangement manifested by reliable increase of level of blood concentration of Th1-lymphocytes (immunologic memory cells) against the background of vaccination. The higher correlation coefficient is detected between leucocytes lysis coefficient and stimulation coefficient according blood concentration level of T-lymphocytes predominantly at the expense of Th1-lymphocytes.

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Data on pheromonal influence on phagocytic activity of leukocytes in peripheral blood of adult randombred and CBA male mice have been obtained. The identified mouse pheromone 2,5-dimethylpyrazine was used, which induces some physiological effects associated with reproduction in both mouse males and females. Significant differences in spontaneous level of phagocytosis were between inbred CBA and randombred animals: the frequency of phagocytic cells was lower in CBA males by 1.

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Mature laboratory male mice CBA, C57BL/6, BALB/c, and hybrids CBAB6F1 were exposed for 2 or 24 h to vapors of 2,5-dimethylpyrazine (DMP), which is a pheromone of the house mouse. This caused changes in the content of noradrenaline within the nerve fibers of both nasal mucosa and vascular testis tunic and an inhibition of leukocyte migration in the peripheral blood. Intrastrain distinctions were also revealed in the level of spontaneous leukocyte migration and intensity of the response to the DMP.

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Time-related course was studied of vegetative indicators during the hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) sessions in 36 liquidators of the effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant breakdown, who suffered from early forms of cerebrovascular insufficiency. Shown for the first time in therapeutic hyperoxia in the liquidators are features of the time-related course of vegetative regulation. Significant group particularities of changes in vegetative regulation have been stated, that suggest a different approach to the tactics of HBO employment.

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The authors studied immune status of upper respiratory tracts mucosa in patients with different forms of chronic rhinosinusitis (purulent, polypous, vasomotor) in comparison to control subjects. An original complex of laboratory diagnostic techniques is proposed which can assess functional condition of the defense barriers of the upper respiratory tract mucosa in chronic inflammation, estimate impairment of specific and nonspecific resistance. This facilitates choice of optimal scheme of pathogenetic therapy of chronic inflammation in the upper respiratory tracts.

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Three schemes of conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children are compared. Chelidonium majus L. tincture improved tonsillar function, cellular and humoral immunity, nonspecific resistance, promoted a reduction in the number of recurrences.

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The capacity of a live influenza vaccine (LIV) to stimulate cytotoxic cells (ADCMC and NK) was studied in 49 volunteers and 56 patients with influenza. Experimental batches of LIV from influenza A and B viruses prepared by genetic recombination on the basis of cold-adapted attenuation donors were used. Type A and B LIV were shown to stimulate the cytotoxic cell-mediated and humoral immunity; the intensity of immune response, however, depended on the molecular genetic characteristics of the vaccine (genome structure, properties of the donor of attenuation), its biological activity and capacity of reproduction in tissues.

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The regulation of the synthesis of factor inhibiting the migration of macrophages in response to C. albicans antigen in CBA (H-2k) and C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice has been studied. The low level of macrophage migration inhibition factor in response to this antigen is due to the existence of cyclophosphamide-inhibited specific suppressors.

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Resistance to C. albicans, an opportunistic microorganism, has been studied in CBA and C57BL/6 mice, oppositely responsive in the production of the factor inhibiting migration of macrophages to antigen obtained from this fungus. The study has shown that CBA mice, highly responsive in the macrophage migration inhibiting factor, are less resistant to C.

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The authors studied cell regulation of macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF) in response to Candida albicans antigen in C57BL/6 mice. It was revealed that low MIF production in response to this antigen is determined by the existence of specific suppressors which are inhibited by cyclophosphamide. The differences between the mouse lines are accounted for by different activity of suppressor cells of the thymic origin, which is confirmed by the treatment with anti-Thy1-serum and by bone marrow cell transfer.

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The authors studied the time course of MIF production by lymphocytes of CBA (H-2k), C57BL/6J (H-2b) and (CBA X C57BL/6J) F1 (H-2b/H-2k) mice sensitized to Candida albicans antigens. The interstrain differences in lymphokin production were identified, CBA mice appeared to be highly responsive, whereas C57BL/6J to be low-responsive. Partial hybridological analysis made it possible to ascertain the presence of the dominant type heredity of high MIF production in response to Candida albicans antigens.

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