Publications by authors named "Voinov A"

Thе paper describes a new E-ΔE detection module which includes a position-sensitive double-sided strip detector (DSSD) and a low-pressure pentane-filled ΔE chamber for detection of Evaporation Residues (ERs) in complete fusion reactions. The goal is to synthesize superheavy isotopes at the new DC-280 (Dubna Cyclotron) cyclotron of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). With the Ca ion beam intensity of about 5-7 pμA (particle micro ampere) and the ΔE counter count rate of approximately 10 sec, we observe a decrease in the overall registration efficiency of the gas ΔE counter.

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Urban sustainability is a key to achieving the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). Secure and efficient provision of food, energy, and water (FEW) resources is a critical strategy for urban sustainability. While there has been extensive discussion on the positive effects of the FEW nexus on resource efficiency and climate impacts, measuring the extent to which such synergy can benefit urban sustainability remains challenging.

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Fires are an important aspect of environmental ecology; however, they are also one of the most widespread destructive forces impacting natural ecosystems as well as property, human health, water and other resources. Urban sprawl is driving the construction of new homes and facilities into fire-vulnerable areas. This growth, combined with a warmer climate, is likely to make the consequences of wildfires more severe.

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The neutron inelastic scattering of carbon-12, populating the Hoyle state, is a reaction of interest for the triple-alpha process. The inverse process (neutron upscattering) can enhance the Hoyle state's decay rate to the bound states of C, effectively increasing the overall triple-alpha reaction rate. The cross section of this reaction is impossible to measure experimentally but has been determined here at astrophysically-relevant energies using detailed balance.

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Article Synopsis
  • System-of-systems approaches are increasingly used for integrated assessments, combining various models from different disciplines to better inform policy and decision-making related to socio-environmental systems.
  • The paper highlights challenges in integrating these diverse models due to their discipline-specific origins, leading to inconsistencies in how socio-environmental systems are understood and represented.
  • A multidisciplinary team calls for stronger emphasis on scale, uncertainty, and interdisciplinary communication, advocating for a unified vision and funding to foster collaborative research for effective solutions to socio-environmental issues.
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The current intense food production-consumption is one of the main sources of environmental pollution and contributes to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Organic farming is a potential way to reduce environmental impacts by excluding synthetic pesticides and fertilizers from the process. Despite ecological benefits, it is unlikely that conversion to organic can be financially viable for farmers, without additional support and incentives from consumers.

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A new short-lived neutron-deficient isotope ^{220}Np was synthesized in the fusion-evaporation reaction ^{185}Re(^{40}Ar,5n)^{220}Np at the gas-filled recoil separator SHANS. Based on the measurement of the correlated α-decay chains, the decay properties of ^{220}Np with E_{α}=10040(18)  keV and T_{1/2}=25_{-7}^{+14}  μs were determined, which are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. From the new experimental results coupled with the recently reported α-decay data of ^{219,223}Np, the α-decay systematics for Np isotopes around N=126 was established, which allows us for the first time to test the robustness of the N=126 shell closure in Z=93 Np isotopes.

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Scooters, or gasoline powered two-wheelers, are becoming increasingly popular in the Netherlands. They provide fast, independent and affordable transportation, especially in urban congested areas. Unfortunately, they also have considerable adverse impacts on the environment and human health.

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Ecosystem services (the benefits to humans from ecosystems) are estimated globally at $125 trillion/year [1, 2]. Similar assessments at national and regional scales show how these services support our lives [3]. All valuations recognize the role of biodiversity, which continues to decrease around the world in maintaining these services [4, 5].

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Including stakeholders in environmental model building and analysis is an increasingly popular approach to understanding ecological change. This is because stakeholders often hold valuable knowledge about socio-environmental dynamics and collaborative forms of modeling produce important boundary objects used to collectively reason about environmental problems. Although the number of participatory modeling (PM) case studies and the number of researchers adopting these approaches has grown in recent years, the lack of standardized reporting and limited reproducibility have prevented PM's establishment and advancement as a cohesive field of study.

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Integration of models requires linking models which can be developed using different tools, methodologies, and assumptions. We performed a literature review with the aim of improving our understanding of model integration process, and also presenting better strategies for building integrated modeling systems. We identified five different phases to characterize integration process: pre-integration assessment, preparation of models for integration, orchestration of models during simulation, data interoperability, and testing.

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The economic process transforms raw materials and energy into economic products and waste. On a finite planet, continued economic growth threatens to surpass critical socio-ecological thresholds and undermine ecosystem services upon which humans and all other species depend. For most systems, whether such thresholds exist, where they lie and whether they are reversible cannot be known with certainty until they are crossed.

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The article analyzed no-reflow phenomenon after endovascular recanalization for chronic coronary occlusion. An assessment of antegrade blood flow was made while performing the coronary angiography according to TIMI classification. The Rentrop scale was used for evaluation of retrograde blood flow.

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The authors analyzed a condition of coronary collateral circulation in infarction-related artery in patients with acute myocardial infarction with rise and without rise of ST segment. The assessment of collateral circulation was made by coronary angiography using Rentop scale. Results of the research showed, that collateral circulation wasn't visualized by angiography in the first hours after acute myocardial infarction with the rise of ST segment.

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The γ-ray strength function of 56Fe has been measured from proton-γ coincidences for excitation energies up to ≈11  MeV. The low-energy enhancement in the γ-ray strength function, which was first discovered in the (3He,αγ)56Fe reaction, is confirmed with the (p,p'γ)56Fe experiment reported here. Angular distributions of the γ rays give for the first time evidence that the enhancement is dominated by dipole transitions.

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Two years after the discovery of element 117, we undertook a second campaign using the (249)Bk+(48)Ca reaction for further investigations of the production and decay properties of the isotopes of element 117 on a larger number of events. The experiments were started in the end of April 2012 and are still under way. This Letter presents the results obtained in 1200 hours of an experimental run with the beam dose of (48)Ca of about 1.

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Results of a new series of experiments on the study of production cross sections and decay properties of the isotopes of element 115 in the reaction (243)Am+(48)Ca are presented. Twenty-one new decay chains originating from (288)115 were established as the product of the 3n-evaporation channel by measuring the excitation function at three excitation energies of the compound nucleus (291)115. The decay properties of all newly observed nuclei are in full agreement with those we measured in 2003.

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The discovery of a new chemical element with atomic number Z=117 is reported. The isotopes (293)117 and (294)117 were produced in fusion reactions between (48)Ca and (249)Bk. Decay chains involving 11 new nuclei were identified by means of the Dubna gas-filled recoil separator.

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The radiative strength function of 117Sn has been measured up to the neutron separation energy using the (3He, 3He' gamma) reaction. An increase in the slope of the strength function around E gamma=4.5 MeV indicates the onset of a resonancelike structure, giving a significant enhancement of the radiative strength function compared to standard models in the energy region 4.

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There are rich deposits of mineral and fossil natural resources in the Arctic, which make this region very attractive for extracting industries. Their operations have immediate and vast consequences for ecological systems, which are particularly vulnerable in this region. We are developing a management strategy for Arctic watersheds impacted by industrial production.

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Malfunctions of central hemostasis chains, activation of blood coagulation systems and decreased antithrombogenic potentials of vascular walls are typical of craniocerebral trauma at exacerbation. It provokes the onset of the DIC-syndrome in 98.8% of examinees; the below signs are observed in such condition: decreased platelet resistance of vascular walls, increased aggregation activity of platelets, activated coagulation chain of hemostasis and increased blood viscosity.

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Radiative strength functions (RSFs) for the (56,57)Fe nuclei below the separation energy are obtained from the 57Fe(3He,alphagamma)56Fe and 57Fe(3He,3He'gamma)57Fe reactions, respectively. An enhancement of more than a factor of 10 over common theoretical models of the soft (E(gamma) less than or approximately equal 2 MeV) RSF for transitions in the quasicontinuum (several MeV above the yrast line) is observed. Two-step cascade intensities with soft primary transitions from the 56Fe(n,2gamma)57Fe reaction confirm the enhancement.

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