Background: Voice outcome was assessed in patients with extended T1 and limited T2 glottic carcinoma, treated with a unilateral type III or a bilateral type II resection according to the European Laryngological Society (ELS) classification.
Methods: Objective evaluation (acoustic and aerodynamic parameters), perceptual evaluation (GRBAS), and patients' self-assessment (voice handicap index [VHI]) were performed before and 1 year after treatment. Results were evaluated according to ELS resection type and the involvement of the anterior commissure.
Background: Can a "typical" voice in terms of auditory perception be defined after type I or II chordectomy? Do other parameters in a multidimensional voice protocol correlate to this perceptual profile?
Methods: Voice evaluation using a multidimensional voice protocol including perceptual (GRBAS; grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia, strain scale), acoustic, aerodynamic, stroboscopic analyses, and self-assessment (Voice Handicap Index [VHI]) in a cohort of 37 consecutive patients with T1a midcord glottic carcinoma.
Results: Sixty-five percent of patients had dysphonia, dominated by mild breathiness (mean grade 1.4).
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
September 2008
Objective: To compare voice quality after radiotherapy or endoscopic laser surgery in patients with similar T1a midcord glottic carcinomas according to a validated multidimensional protocol.
Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Setting: University cancer referral center.