Publications by authors named "Viviany T do Nascimento"

Encounters between flowers and invertebrates are key events for the functioning of tropical forests. Assessing the structure of networks composed of the interactions between those partners leads to a better understanding of ecosystem functioning and the effects of environmental factors on ecological processes. Gathering such data is, however, costly and time-consuming, especially in the highly diverse tropics.

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Background: This study aimed to investigate the local botanical knowledge of native food plants in three rural communities, located in the semiarid region of Paraíba State, Brazil, verifying possibilities of differences of knowledge among communities and between men and women.

Methods: Semi-structured interviews about native plant knowledge and use were conducted with all householders in each community, totaling 117 informants. The species similarity among the communities of Pau D'Arco, Várzea Alegre, and Barroquinha was compared with Jaccard index, and the use value index (UV, UV, UV) was used to determine the most important species.

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Ethnopharmacological Relevance: This study examined how people classify plants in terms of their taste and smell, and how those organoleptic properties influence the differential use of medicinal plants for treating different diseases.

Methods: We conducted an ethnobotanical survey of household heads in the community of Sucruiu, located in Barreiras, Bahia, Brazil. The head of each family was questioned concerning their knowledge and use of medicinal plants, as well as the therapeutic indications (TIs), taste, and smell of each plant.

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The investigation aimed to compare the knowledge about food plants in rural communities of the Caatinga. The study was conducted in two rural communities in northeastern Brazil. Data collection utilized different ethnobotanical methods, including free listing, semi-structured interviews, and recall.

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