Publications by authors named "Vitaly Syomin"

The unique aquatic Pontocaspian (PC) biota of the Black Sea Basin (BSB) is in decline. The lack of detailed knowledge on the status and trends of species, populations, and communities hampers a thorough risk assessment and precludes effective conservation. This paper reviews PC biodiversity trends in the BSB (Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia) using endemic mollusks as a model group.

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In 2009, a hitherto unknown Laonome species was found in the Canal Ghent-Terneuzen in the Netherlands and subsequently in other Dutch rivers, canals and estuaries. A few years later, more unknown Laonome specimens were found in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea and in the Don River estuary, Sea of Azov. Initially, it was assumed that these specimens could represent Laonome calida Capa, 2007, originally described from Australia.

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