Publications by authors named "Vimal Kumar K G"

The fast degradation in bathymetry, floodwater retention capacity, and changes in salinity regimes of Vembanad-the largest wetland system in South India-and its impacts on the ecosystem services are assessed using high-resolution data sets on bathymetry and hydrography. Strengthening the outer banks of Kuttanad polders to promote paddy cultivation led to a sharp decline in its sediment (suspended) filtration potential, promoting heavy siltation and depth shrinkage of Vembanad Lake. With an area of 315 sq.

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The paper describes the hydrography and vertical current structure along the shelf edge of South East Arabian Sea (SEAS) during summer and winter monsoons based on current profiles from moving Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). During summer monsoon, SEAS was characterized by upwelling with low saline water at the surface along the southern sector (8° N to 11° N). During winter, thermal structure was vertically homogeneous in the upper 80 m, and intrusion of low saline Bay of Bengal waters were found up to 14° N.

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Seasonal variation of the hydrography along the southeast Arabian Sea is described using data collected onboard FORV Sagar Sampada in September--October 2003 (later phase of Southwest monsoon, SWM) and March--April 2004 (Spring inter monsoon, SIM). During the later phase of the SWM, upwelling was in the withdrawal phase and the frontal structure was clearer in the northern sections (13 and 15 degrees N lat) indicating strong upwelling in the area. The driving force of upwelling is identified as the combination of alongshore wind stress and remote forcing with a latitudinal variability.

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