Publications by authors named "Villasenor J"

Secretory canals are distributed among seed plants, and their diversity is concentrated in many families of angiosperms, while other internal secretory structures such as secretory cavities have been identified only in Rutaceae, Myrtaceae, and Asteraceae. Identifying and recognizing these two types of secretory structures has been complicated, mainly due to their structural similarities. In this study, the ontogeny of canals and secretory cavities in two species of Asteraceae are described and compared, to understand the structural differences between them and allow the establishment of more appropriate homology hypotheses.

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Astronomers have found more than a dozen planets transiting stars that are 10-40 million years old, but younger transiting planets have remained elusive. The lack of such discoveries may be because planets have not fully formed at this age or because our view is blocked by the protoplanetary disk. However, we now know that many outer disks are warped or broken; provided the inner disk is depleted, transiting planets may thus be visible.

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Introduction: Concerns about safety and effectiveness of tobacco treatments reduce their use. We explored integrating the nicotine metabolite ratio (NMR), and messaging about its potential for improving safety and effectiveness, as a strategy to increase the use of tobacco treatments within primary care.

Aims And Methods: Through a prospective cohort design, we explored the effects of integrating NMR testing within primary care on the provision of tobacco treatment; 65 patients completed assessments including NMR before a clinic visit.

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Pentachlorophenol is a pesticide widely known for its harmful effects on sewage, causing harm to the environment. In previous studies, our group identified adsorption as a crucial factor in catalytic ozonation processes, and subsequent observations revealed the catalyst's role in reducing toxicity during degradation. In this research, we quantified organochlorine intermediates and low molecular weight organic acids generated under optimal pH conditions (pH 9), with and without the catalyst.

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Four new natural chemical entities, including 2-hydroxy-α-truxillic acid (), (3,4)-2,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4-(1-angeloyloxy)-6-acetyl-7-methoxychromane (), -tricosanoyltyramine (), and grandifolamide (), were isolated along with 11 known compounds (, -) from the aerial parts of . The chemical structures were elucidated using chemical derivatization and HR-MS, NMR, and DFT-calculated chemical shifts, combined with DP4+ statistical analysis. It was found that decomposed into its biogenetic precursor, -coumaric acid, upon standing at room temperature for a few weeks.

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Evidence supports unequal burdens of chemical exposures from personal care products (PCPs) among some groups, namely femme-identifying and racial and ethnic minorities. In this study, we implemented an online questionnaire to assess PCP purchasing and usage behaviors and perceptions of use among a sample of US adults recruited at a Northeastern university. We collected PCP use across seven product categories (hair, beauty, skincare, perfumes/colognes, feminine hygiene, oral care, other), and behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions of use and safety across sociodemographic factors to evaluate relationships between sociodemographic factors and the total number of products used within the prior 24-48 h using multivariable models.

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Background: The effects of diabetes on the cardiovascular system as well as in the kidney are profound, which include hypertrophy and fibrosis. Diabetes also induces oxidative stress, at least in part due to the uncoupling of nitric oxide synthase (NOS); this is a shift in NO production toward superoxide production due to reduced levels of the NOS cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). With this in mind, we tested the hypothesis that BH4 supplementation may prevent the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy and nephropathy.

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The aim of this study was to study and model the bioleaching of abandoned mine tailings at different pulp densities 1-20% w/v by using an autochthonous mesophilic microbial culture. Because of the importance of the ferrous-iron oxidation as sub-process on the bioleaching of sulphide mineral ores, the ferrous-iron oxidation process by the autochthonous microbial culture was studied at different ferrous-iron concentrations. A mathematical model fitted to the experimental results and the main kinetic and stoichiometric parameters were determined, being the most relevant the maximum ferrous-iron oxidation rate 5.

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Background: Ageratina is an American genus of the tribe Eupatorieae (Asteraceae), comprising about 320 species. In Mexico, some species of this genus are highly valued for their medicinal properties, particularly A. pichinchensis, A.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study analyzes the impact of naturalized plant species on the uniqueness of regional floras across 658 global regions, revealing significant taxonomic and phylogenetic homogenization due to these alien plants.
  • It highlights that the natural decline in similarity among floras as geographic distance increases is lessened by the presence of naturalized species, with climate similarity further driving floristic homogenization.
  • The research suggests that historical relationships and current administrative ties between regions increase plant exchange, posing a threat to the uniqueness of regional floras, and warns that without better biosecurity, globalization will continue to diminish floristic diversity worldwide.
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Pesticides are used worldwide to increase crop yields in agriculture. However, their toxicity and accumulation capacity can make them toxic to the environment, animals and humans. In the case of workers chronically exposed to these substances, they must be sampled continuously, so urine is an excellent option.

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Coastal marine ecosystems face a host of pressures from both offshore and land-based human activity. Research on terrestrial threats to coastal ecosystems has primarily focused on agricultural runoff, specifically showcasing how fertilizers and livestock waste create coastal eutrophication, harmful algae blooms, or hypoxic or anoxic zones. These impacts not only harm coastal species and ecosystems but also impact human health and economic activities.

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Handwashing is key to preventing the transmission of various infectious diseases of which school-aged children are particularly susceptible. Traditional, information-messaging campaigns may increase handwashing awareness but have had limited success in promoting behavior change. Behavioral economics "nudges," which explicitly target the knowledge-behavior gap, is a promising alternative.

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Regionalization through the analysis of species groups offers important advantages in conservation biology, compared to the single taxon approach in areas of high species richness. We use a systematic framework for biogeographic regionalization at a regional scale based on species turnover and environmental drivers (climate variables and soil properties) mainly of herbaceous plant species richness. To identify phytogeographic regions in the Balsas Depression (BD), we use Asteraceae species, a family widely distributed in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest (SDTF) and the most diverse of the vascular plants in Mexico.

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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for first responders (eg, police, fire, and emergency medical services) and nonmedical essential workers (eg, workers in food, transportation, and other industries). Health systems may be uniquely suited to support these workers given their medical expertise, and mobile apps can reach local communities despite social distancing requirements. Formal evaluation of real-world mobile app-based interventions is lacking.

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The ability to prioritize learning some information over others when that information is considered important or valuable is known as value-directed remembering. In these experiments, we investigate how value influences different aspects of memory, including item memory (memory for the to-be-learned materials) and context memory (memory for peripheral details that occurred when studying items) to get a better understanding of how people prioritize learning information. In this investigation, participants encoded words associated with a range of values (binned into higher, medium, and lower value in Experiment 1, and into higher and lower value in Experiment 2) for a subsequent memory test that measured item memory (Is this item old or new?) as well as both objective context memory (memory for an objectively verifiable contextual detail: In which voice was this item spoken?) and subjective context memory (How many visual, auditory, and extraneous thoughts/feelings can you remember associated with this item?).

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This study reports the impact of the HiFive program, a 6-week handwashing campaign that targets social and emotional motivators to improve student handwashing in primary schools in the Philippines. We designed a clustered randomized trial to evaluate the impact of HiFive on student handwashing behavior, motivation, and access. Of the sample of 196 primary schools located in two districts, half were randomly assigned to receive the program in the 2017-2018 school year.

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Little attention has been paid in Mexico to species' geographical distribution, particularly documenting geographic ranges, as a tool to estimate their conservation status. The objective of this study was to review known species distribution and propose potential and conservation status for species in Michoacán sState using Ecological Niche Models (ENM). We reviewed taxonomic studies for in Michoacán to compile an initial species checklist, built upon with recently-described species; all the specimens deposited in the National Herbarium were reviewed.

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The aim of this work is to compare three biological strategies for the in situ remediation of a 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) polluted clayey soil by coupling electrokinetics (EK) and bioremediation (technology named as electrobioremediation, EBR). The first option (i) is EK-biostimulation, in which the activity of microorganisms already present in soil is enhanced by EK phenomena. The second and third options are EK-bioaugmentation, which consist of addition of microorganisms to soil through the inclusion of permeable biological barriers: (ii) using a microbial fixed biofilm reactor as biobarrier (BB1), and (iii) using a mixture of clean soil and a microbial suspension as biobarrier (BB2).

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The interiors of giant planets remain poorly understood. Even for the planets in the Solar System, difficulties in observation lead to large uncertainties in the properties of planetary cores. Exoplanets that have undergone rare evolutionary processes provide a route to understanding planetary interiors.

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Finding a sound ecological-based approach for the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) from petroleum oily sludge (POS) generated in oil refinery plants is still a challenge. This study investigated the removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) using bioaugmentated composting (BC) by hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria (HDB) and vermicomposting (VC) by Eisenia fetida, individually and in combination (BCVC). After isolating two native bacterial strains from POS prepared from an oil refinery plant in Iran, the degradation capability of their consortium was initially assessed in mineral Bushnell-Haas medium (MBHM).

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Plant genomes vary greatly in composition and size mainly due to the diversity of repetitive DNAs and the inherent propensity for their amplification and removal from the host genome. Most studies addressing repeatome dynamics focus on model organisms, whereas few provide comprehensive investigations across the genomes of related taxa. Herein, we analyze the evolution of repeats of the 13 species in sect.

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The effect of competition between isolated petroleum-degrading bacteria (PDB) and indigenous compost microorganisms (ICM) on the efficiency of composting process in bioremediation of petroleum waste sludge (PWS) was investigated. After isolating two native PDB (Acinetobacter radioresistens strain KA5 and Enterobacter hormaechei strain KA6) from PWS, their ability for growth and crude oil degradation was examined in the mineral-based culture (MBC). Then, the PDB isolate were inoculated into the composting experiments and operated for 12 weeks.

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Electrokinetic-assisted phytoremediation (EKPR) has been recently proposed for the removal of pesticides from polluted soils. In this work, we report the results from an EKPR experiment that was carried out in a mesocosm mock-up of 0.386 m using ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.

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This paper focuses on the removal of lindane from soil washing effluents (SWEs) using combined electrochemical -biological processes. In particular, it has been evaluated the influence of the anodic material used in the electrolysis of the SWE on the biodegradability and toxicity of the effluents. Four anode materials were tested: Boron Doped Diamond (BDD), Carbon Felt (CF), and Mixed Metal Oxides Anodes with iridium and ruthenium (MMO-Ir and MMO-Ru).

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