Publications by authors named "Vielsmeier V"

Objectives: Hearing aids (HAs) are a widely accepted first-line treatment option for individuals suffering from both hearing loss and chronic tinnitus. Though HAs are highly effective at improving speech understanding, their effectiveness in ameliorating tinnitus symptoms is less clear. In recent years, several investigators have reported on attempts to predict HAs effectiveness on tinnitus symptoms using an array of variables.

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Background: There are few adequate randomized clinical trials directly comparing the therapeutic options of primary laryngectomy (pLE) vs. primary radio(system)therapy (pR(S)T) in patients with locally advanced laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma and thus little clear scientific evidence to decide which patients will benefit most from which procedure.

Aims/objectives: Aim was to compare survival between the therapeutic options and to learn from the limitations of this study, especially in the context of improved clinical assessment.

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Background: Vascular malformations belong to the group of vascular anomalies. They are rare congenital diseases resulting from abnormal development of vessels and can arise in any location, often in the head and neck region. Clinical symptoms are variable, functional handicaps and esthetic problems may result.

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Background: We aimed to correlate alterations in the rat sarcoma virus (RAS)/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in vascular anomalies to the clinical phenotype for improved patient and treatment stratification.

Methods And Results: This retrospective multicenter cohort study included 29 patients with extracranial vascular anomalies containing mosaic pathogenic variants (PVs) in genes of the RAS/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. Tissue samples were collected during invasive treatment or clinically indicated biopsies.

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Legal requirements, certification specifications, as well as the demand for real world data on cancer research and treatment led to the decision to establish the University Clinical Cancer Registry Regensburg. The first organizational step in the implementation process of this oncological data registry was the evaluation and acquisition of suitable tumor documentation and database software. For this purpose, an evaluation matrix comprising required database software criteria was designed and consented by a multidisciplinary group of experts.

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Background: Several research has underlined the multi-system character of COVID-19. Though effects on the Central Nervous System are mainly discussed as disease-specific affections due to the virus' neurotropism, no comprehensive disease model of COVID-19 exists on a neurofunctional base by now. We aimed to investigate neuroplastic grey- and white matter changes related to COVID-19 and to link these changes to neurocognitive testings leading towards a multi-dimensional disease model.

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Study Objectives: Hypoglossal nerve stimulation is an established therapy for sleep apnea syndrome. Whether or not this therapy on snoring and nighttime noise exposure is effective and how strong this effect may be has not been objectively investigated thus far and was the aim of this study.

Methods: In 15 participants (14 males; age: 30-72 years; mean: 51.

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Article Synopsis
  • Systemic glucocorticoids, like prednisolone and dexamethasone, are often used to treat idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL), but it's unclear if higher doses are more effective or riskier than lower doses.
  • In a study with 325 patients, groups were given different regimens: high-dose intravenous prednisolone, high-dose oral dexamethasone, or lower-dose oral prednisolone.
  • Results showed that while there were improvements in hearing, high-dose therapies (HD-Pred and HD-Dex) did not outperform lower-dose treatment (Pred-Control) and were associated with more adverse side effects.
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Background: Tracheobronchial mucus plays a crucial role in pulmonary function by providing protection against inhaled pathogens. Due to its composition of water, mucins, and other biomolecules, it has a complex viscoelastic rheological behavior. This interplay of both viscous and elastic properties has not been fully described yet.

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Background: Somatosensory tinnitus represents a clinically significant subgroup of chronic tinnitus. Although not completely understood, increasing evidence suggests interactivity between the somatosensory and auditory systems is responsible for both the development and maintenance of tinnitus.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the evaluation of somatosensory tinnitus and to propose an examination protocol to support the diagnosis and treatment of this patient group.

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Extracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are regarded as rare diseases and are prone to complications such as pain, bleeding, relentless growth, and high volume of shunted blood. Due to the high vascular pressure endothelial cells of AVMs are exposed to mechanical stress. To control symptoms and lesion growth pharmacological treatment strategies are urgently needed in addition to surgery and interventional radiology.

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Purpose: Given the concerns about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer care, we analyzed the treatment quality of the head and neck cancer center Regensburg before and throughout 2 years of the pandemic. We included data of 3 years to reflect the extended pandemic period as new developments continued to influence its course.

Methods: This retrospective review included all patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer in 2019, 2020, and 2021 who had not started treatment elsewhere prior to being referred to the head and neck cancer center.

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Introduction: This study aimed to explore whether body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (RR syst), diastolic blood pressure (RR diast) or heart rate (HR) are associated with tinnitus status and/or severity.

Methods: To that end, we evaluated the influence of tinnitus status and Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) score on BMI, RR syst, RR diast and HR by comparing data from a large sample of patients presenting to a specialized tertiary referral clinic (N = 1066) with data from a population-based control group (N = 9885) by means of linear models.

Results: Tinnitus patients had a significantly lower BMI and higher RR syst, RR diast and HR than non-tinnitus patients; however, the contribution of the case-control status to was very small (0.

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Soon after the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, preprocedural mouthwashes were recommended for temporarily reducing intraoral viral load and infectivity of individuals potentially infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in order to protect medical personnel. Particularly, the antiseptic cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) has shown virucidal effects against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. Therefore, the aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to investigate the efficacy of a commercially available mouthwash containing CPC and chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) at 0.

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To date, there is no approved local therapeutic agent for the treatment of epistaxis due to hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). Several case reports suggest the topical use of timolol. This monocentric, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, cross-over study investigated whether the effectiveness of the standard treatment with a pulsed diode laser can be increased by also using timolol nasal spray.

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Purpose: Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) as rare diseases are diagnostically and therapeutically challenging. Due to the limited evidence regarding treatment outcome, prospective data are needed on how different treatment regimens affect outcome. The aims of this prospective trial are to determine effectiveness, safety, and clinical outcome of multimodal treatment in patients with extracranial AVMs.

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Background: Important organs and structures are located in the cervical region. In case of blunt and penetrating trauma, emergency situations may arise.

Objective: Emergency management as well as diagnostic and therapeutic steps pertaining to neck injuries are presented.

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Purpose: Several theories have been proposed regarding the origin of lateral neck cysts (LNC). Besides complete surgical resection ipsilateral tonsillectomy and dissection of a tract or its remnants is sometimes recommended. In this retrospective trial we wanted to evaluate if patients, who received LNC resection only, develop complications or recurrence to justify this surgical strategy.

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Background: Olfactory dysfunction is one of the leading symptoms of COVID-19. Previous data suggest a different prevalence between the wild type virus and its subsequent variants. Here, we report on a prospective study to psychophysically compare olfactory function in acute SARS-CoV-2 infection between wild type, VOC alpha and VOC delta.

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The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of synchronous upper aerodigestive tract (UAT) tumors within oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients, and to specify distinct risk groups who benefit from panendoscopy. Definite clinical and pathohistological characteristics, as well as overall and recurrence-free survival (OAS and RFS, respectively) of OSCC patients with and without synchronous second UAT tumors, carcinomas in situ, or higher-grade dysplasia/metaplasia, were evaluated based on a retrospective population-based cohort study, including alignment with cancer registry data. Out of 727 included OSCC patients, 465 cases (64.

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The emergence of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) represents an unprecedented threat for the human population, necessitating rapid and effective intervention measures. Given the main infection route by airborne transmission, significant attention has been bestowed upon the use of antiseptic mouthrinses as a way to possibly reduce infectious viral titers. However, clinical evaluations are still sparse.

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Olfactory and gustatory disorders are prominent symptoms of acute COVID-19. Although both senses recover in many patients within weeks to months, persistency has been described in up to 60%. However up to now most reports on the course of chemosensitive disorders after COVID-19 are not based on psychophysical testing but only on subjective patients' ratings.

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Background: Personalization of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for tinnitus might be capable to overcome the heterogeneity of treatment responses. The assessment of loudness changes after short rTMS protocols in test sessions has been proposed as a strategy to identify the best protocol for the daily treatment application. However, the therapeutic advantages of this approach are currently not clear.

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