Background: A review of existing tools suggested a need for a goal setting tool for autistic people that (1) addresses the heterogeneity of autistic people to the greatest degree possible; (2) addresses a broad range of goals in areas including self-care and home living, and social, community, educational, and employment participation; (3) incorporates autism-specific adaptations such as visual supports; (4) facilitates the initial identification of goals; and (5) enables the prioritization of goals.
Aim: This project aimed to develop a picture-based card-sort goal setting tool with relevant and comprehensible goal cards using a co-design and co-production process.
Methods: The first three of four phases of participatory action research (PAR) used to develop the tool are presented, including (1) initial design by autistic people and professional practitioners, and co-production with an autistic graphic designer; (2) survey of 15 autistic people and 11 family members to evaluate and refine the goals, pictures, and wording; (3) second survey of 23 autistic people and 19 family members to re-evaluate and re-refine the goals, pictures, and wording.