Publications by authors named "Vesovic V"

This paper reports the results of an investigation of industrial requirements for thermodynamic and transport properties carried out during the years 2019-2020. It is a follow-up of a similar investigation performed and published 10 years ago by the Working Party (WP) of Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE). The main goal was to investigate the advances in this area over the past 10 years, to identify the limitations that still exist, and to propose future R&D directions that will address the industrial needs.

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This paper describes the European Space Agency (ESA) experiments devoted to study thermodiffusion of fluid mixtures in microgravity environment, where sedimentation and convection do not affect the mass flow induced by the Soret effect. First, the experiments performed on binary mixtures in the IVIDIL and GRADFLEX experiments are described. Then, further experiments on ternary mixtures and complex fluids performed in DCMIX and planned to be performed in the context of the NEUF-DIX project are presented.

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A four-dimensional potential energy surface (PES) for the interaction between a rigid carbon dioxide molecule and a rigid nitrogen molecule was constructed based on quantum-chemical ab initio calculations up to the coupled-cluster level with single, double, and perturbative triple excitations. Interaction energies for a total of 1893 points on the PES were calculated using the counterpoise-corrected supermolecular approach and basis sets of up to quintuple-zeta quality with bond functions. The interaction energies were extrapolated to the complete basis set limit, and an analytical site-site potential function with seven sites for carbon dioxide and five sites for nitrogen was fitted to the interaction energies.

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Compositional grading within a mixture has a strong impact on the evaluation of the pre-exploitation distribution of hydrocarbons in underground layers and sediments. Thermodiffusion, which leads to a partial diffusive separation of species in a mixture due to the geothermal gradient, is thought to play an important role in determining the distribution of species in a reservoir. However, despite recent progress, thermodiffusion is still difficult to measure and model in multicomponent mixtures.

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An alternative analytical solution is presented, based on irreversible thermodynamics, that describes the equilibrium distribution of the components of a nonideal fluid mixture in a one-dimensional hydrostatic and isothermal system. In such a system, the vertical compositional profile of the fluid at equilibrium will be determined by the interaction of gravitational and chemical potentials. Our alternative analytical solution estimates this profile from the overall composition of the fluid.

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The thermal conductivity of low-density CH4-N2 gas mixtures has been calculated by means of the classical trajectory method using state-of-the-art intermolecular potential energy surfaces for the CH4-CH4, N2-N2, and CH4-N2 interactions. Results are reported in the temperature range from 70 K to 1200 K. Since the thermal conductivity is influenced by the vibrational degrees of freedom of the molecules, which are not included in the rigid-rotor classical trajectory computations, a new correction scheme to account for vibrational degrees of freedom in a dilute gas mixture is presented.

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The viscomagnetic effect for two linear molecules, N2 and CO2, has been calculated in the dilute-gas limit directly from the most accurate ab initio intermolecular potential energy surfaces presently available. The calculations were performed by means of the classical trajectory method in the temperature range from 70 K to 3000 K for N2 and 100 K to 2000 K for CO2, and agreement with the available experimental data is exceptionally good. Above room temperature, where no experimental data are available, the calculations provide the first quantitative information on the magnitude and the behavior of the viscomagnetic effect for these gases.

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A five-dimensional potential energy surface (PES) for the interaction of a rigid methane molecule with a rigid nitrogen molecule was determined from quantum-chemical ab initio calculations. The counterpoise-corrected supermolecular approach at the CCSD(T) level of theory was utilized to compute a total of 743 points on the PES. The interaction energies were calculated using basis sets of up to quadruple-zeta quality with bond functions and were extrapolated to the complete basis set limit.

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The transport properties in the dilute gas limit have been calculated by the classical-trajectory method for a gas consisting of chain-like molecules. The molecules were modelled as rigid chains consisting of spherical segments that interact through a combination of site-site Lennard-Jones 12-6 potentials. Results are reported for shear viscosity, self-diffusion, and thermal conductivity for chains consisting of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, and 16 segments in the reduced temperature range of 0.

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Article Synopsis
  • New viscosity expressions for liquid mixtures made of chain-like molecules have been developed using Enskog-type analysis, modeling molecules as rigid spheres connected in chains.
  • The study defines molecular size parameters based on the viscosity of pure substances and enhances the Vesovic-Wakeham (VW) method with thermodynamically consistent mixing rules.
  • Initial comparisons of the new VW-chain model with experimental viscosity data for mixtures like octane-dodecane and methane-decane show it accurately predicts real liquid mixture viscosity.
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A six-dimensional potential energy hypersurface (PES) for two interacting rigid hydrogen sulfide molecules was determined from high-level quantum-mechanical ab initio computations. A total of 4016 points for 405 different angular orientations of two molecules were calculated utilizing the counterpoise-corrected supermolecular approach at the CCSD(T) level of theory and extrapolating the calculated interaction energies to the complete basis set limit. An analytical site-site potential function with eleven sites per hydrogen sulfide molecule was fitted to the interaction energies.

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Fuel cell performance is determined by the complex interplay of mass transport, energy transfer and electrochemical processes. The convolution of these processes leads to spatial heterogeneity in the way that fuel cells perform, particularly due to reactant consumption, water management and the design of fluid-flow plates. It is therefore unlikely that any bulk measurement made on a fuel cell will accurately represent performance at all parts of the cell.

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Transport properties of dilute water vapor have been calculated in the rigid-rotor approximation using four different potential energy hypersurfaces and the classical-trajectory method. Results are reported for shear viscosity, self-diffusion, thermal conductivity, and volume viscosity in the dilute-gas limit for the temperature range of 250-2500 K. Of these four surfaces the CC-pol surface of Bukowski et al.

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Transport properties of pure methane have been calculated in the rigid-rotor approximation using the recently proposed intermolecular potential energy hypersurface [R. Hellmann et al., J.

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Transport properties of pure methane gas have been calculated in the rigid-rotor approximation using the recently proposed intermolecular potential energy hypersurface [R. Hellmann et al., J.

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An expression for the viscosity of a dense fluid is presented that includes the effect of molecular shape. The molecules of the fluid are approximated by chains of equal-sized, tangentially jointed, rigid spheres. It is assumed that the collision dynamics in such a fluid can be approximated by instantaneous collisions between two rigid spheres belonging to different chains.

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Introduction: Effects of two types of balneotherapy on patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) were compared.

Material And Methods: 58 patients were included in the study and treated in the "Rusanda Spa" in Melenci. The patients were divided into two groups: group I (n=30) received a spa treatment and a mud pack per day, group II (n=28) received only two spa treatments per day.

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Article Synopsis
  • * A model simulating heat transfer between water and LNG, based on pure methane, reveals rapid cooling and ice formation when LNG spills into shallow, confined water.
  • * The formation of ice affects LNG's vaporization rates; initially decreasing during film boiling, then rising during transition boiling, and eventually declining again during nucleate boiling.
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Transport properties of pure carbon dioxide have been calculated from the intermolecular potential using the classical trajectory method. Results are reported in the dilute-gas limit for volume viscosity, depolarized Rayleigh scattering, and nuclear spin relaxation for temperatures ranging from 200 to 1000 K. Three recent carbon dioxide potential energy hypersurfaces have been investigated.

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The transport properties of pure carbon dioxide have been calculated from the intermolecular potential using the classical trajectory method. Results are reported in the dilute-gas limit for thermal conductivity and thermomagnetic coefficients for temperatures ranging from 200 K to 1000 K. Three recent carbon dioxide potential energy hypersurfaces have been investigated.

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