: The aim of this study was the determination of reference values for the common laboratory parameters in early pregnancy using a direct method and to assess their clinically significant difference, which was compared to the reference intervals for non-pregnant women with respect to the reference change value (RCV). : This study was conducted from September 2022 to December 2023 at the Clinical Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, Clinical Hospital Centre RIJEKA, Croatia. The inclusion criteria were as follows: age ≥ 18 years, singleton pregnancy, normal ultrasound examination, and prenatal screening.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the initial diagnostics of arterial hypertension (AH) laboratory medicine is a cornerstone, along with a blood pressure (BP) measurement and an electrocardiogram. It mainly refers to routine blood and urine tests for diagnosis and monitoring primary hypertension and its associated conditions such as asymptomatic hypertension-mediated organ damage, chronic kidney disease and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. In addition, long term non-fatal and fatal risks for cardiovascular (CV) events in hypertension are assessed based on clinical and laboratory data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The aim was to evaluate the stability of serum bicarbonate at room temperature, depending on time to centrifugation and air exposure.
Methods: Stability study was conducted in the laboratory of Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, Croatia in January-February 2022. Nine samples from 10 volunteers were collected in clot activator gel tubes (Greiner Bio-One).
Introduction: Vitamin D testing is excessively used in clinical practice, despite of the clinical guidelines statements against population screening for vitamin D deficiency. This study aimed to assess an annual number of performed 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) tests that were unsupported by the national guidelines for prevention, detection and therapy of vitamin D deficiency in adults and to calculate associated financial burden for the publicly funded healthcare.
Materials And Methods: A representative sample of requested 25(OH)D tests in 2018 (N = 474) was formed after selection and randomisation of data set (N = 5298) collected from the laboratory information system database of the Clinical Department for Laboratory Diagnostics, the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka.
is an open access journal that does not charge manuscript processing or publishing. All editorial staff are continuously educated and directed to follow the highest ethical and scholarly publishing standards in all steps of the manuscript processing. They are all laboratory medicine professionals, who apart from their regular jobs, are in charge of different phases in Journal processing as volunteers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper deliberates on the place and role of informed consent in everyday clinical laboratory practice. Taking into account international ethical guidelines such as the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association, and Croatian national laws and codes such as the Act on the Protection of Patients' Rights, the Act on Medical Biochemistry, the Code of Ethics of Medical Biochemists and Medical Deontology, the Act on Healthcare Services, and the Code of Ethics of the Croatian Chamber of Healthcare Workers, an overview is given on the actual implementation of the aforementioned recommendations and regulations. A distinction between consent to a medical procedure and consent to enrolment in a research protocol is strongly stressed out.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiochem Med (Zagreb)
October 2018
Informed consent is a process in which a human subject who is to participate in research needs to give his or her consent after being properly informed of the expected benefits as well as the potential harm of the research that will be performed. The function and purpose of the research ethics committee is to ensure that the research that will take place is in accordance with the relevant ethical standards. This means that the committee must assess the appropriateness of the design of the study reviewed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The aim of our study was to perform verification of serum indices on three clinical chemistry platforms.
Methods: This study was done on three analyzers: Abbott Architect c8000, Beckman Coulter AU5800 (BC) and Roche Cobas 6000 c501. The following analytical specifications were verified: precision (two patient samples), accuracy (sample with the highest concentration of interferent was serially diluted and measured values compared to theoretical values), comparability (120 patients samples) and cross reactivity (samples with increasing concentrations of interferent were divided in two aliquots and remaining interferents were added in each aliquot.
Biochem Med (Zagreb)
October 2017
Studies with positive results are greatly more represented in literature than studies with negative results, producing so-called publication bias. This review aims to discuss occurring problems around negative results and to emphasize the importance of reporting negative results. Underreporting of negative results introduces bias into meta-analysis, which consequently misinforms researchers, doctors and policymakers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Our aim was to investigate if: (a) authors of Biochemia Medica meet authorship criteria given by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), (b) authorship violations are more frequent in submissions containing some type of scientific misconduct.
Materials And Methods: Self-reported authorship contributions regarding the three ICMJE criteria were analysed for all submissions to Biochemia Medica (February 2013-April 2015) which were forwarded to peer-review. To test the differences in frequencies we used Chi-squared test.
Recent findings of authorship criteria violations in the manuscripts submitted to Biochemia Medica show that almost 40% of authors do not meet necessary criteria for authorship and thus indicate the need for better dissemination of editorial policy on authorship in our journal. We believe that such cases are mostly due to the authors' unawareness or the lack of understanding of the authorship criteria. With this article we therefore wish to declare our editorial policy on authorship and authorship criteria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Endogenous interferences are an important source of biased laboratory results. Hemolysis, lipemia and icteria are the main source of endogenous interference in laboratory medicine. Accreditation according to ISO 15189 improves the overall quality of the laboratory procedures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInstructions for authors (IFA) need to be informative and regularly updated. We hypothesized that journals with a higher impact factor (IF) have more comprehensive IFA. The aim of the study was to examine whether IFA of journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports 2013, "Medical Laboratory Technology" category, are written in accordance with the latest recommendations and whether the quality of instructions correlates with the journals' IF.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Despite the standardization of the phlebotomy procedure, blood analysis is occasionally requested after recommended hours with the excuse that the patient is still fasting. We aimed to examine the influence of prolonged fasting and mild physical activity on routine laboratory tests.
Design And Methods: The study was conducted on 30 volunteers (27 female) median age 40y (20-59).
Peer review is widely used system for evaluating manuscripts prior to publication. It has been and still is widely used tool for making justified and fair editorial decision. However, the evidence of its efficacy is limited and it has been criticized to be time-consuming, biased, inconsistent, conservative, and open to abuse.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhlebotomy is one of the most complex medical procedures in the diagnosis, management and treatment of patients in healthcare. Since laboratory test results are the basis for a large proportion (60-80%) of medical decisions, any error in the phlebotomy process could have serious consequences. In order to minimize the possibility of errors, phlebotomy procedures should be standardised, well-documented and written instructions should be available at every workstation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSalami publication or segmented publication is a distinct form of redundant publication which is usually characterized by similarity of hypothesis, methodology or results but not text similarity. These aspects of publications are not objectively detected by software applications and therefore present a serious threat to publication ethics. This article presents a practical approach for dealing with manuscripts suspected of salami publication during the submission process and after article publication in Biochemia Medica.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn February 2013, Biodhemia Medica has joined CrossRef, which enabled us to implement CrossCheck plagiarism detection service. Therefore, all manuscript submitted to Biodchemia Medica are now first assigned to Research integrity editor (RIE), before sending the manuscript for peer-review. RIE submits the text to CrossCheck analysis and is responsible for reviewing the results of the text similarity analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlagiarism remains at the top in terms of interest to the scientific community. In its many vicious forms, patchwork plagiarism is characterized by numerous unresolved issues and often passes "below the radar" of editors and reviewers. The problem of detecting the complexity of misconduct has been partially resolved by plagiarism detection software.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Cobas 6000 (Roche, Germany) is biochemistry analyzer for spectrophotometric, immunoturbidimetric and ion-selective determination of biochemical analytes. Hereby we present analytical validation with emphasis on method performance judgment for routine operation.
Materials And Methods: Validation was made for 30 analytes (metabolites, enzymes, trace elements, specific proteins and electrolytes).
Background: This cross-sectional multicentric survey study aimed to assess the quality of the extra-analytical phase of laboratory activities in some developing European countries and Mexico. We assessed the quality of the extra-analytical practices in participating laboratories regarding the: a) sample acceptance criteria; b) phlebotomy procedures; c) test results reporting and d) recording non-conformities.
Methods: A survey was performed during the April-May 2009.