Aim: To determine the characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques (ASP) remaining after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute coronary syndrome (ACS), that are significantly associated with cardiovascular events (CVE), according to computed tomography angiography (CTA) data.
Material And Methods: CTA was performed in 249 ACS patients on days 3-7 of the disease (in 41 patients, on a 64-slice CT scanner, and in the rest, on a 320-slice CT scanner). CTA data of all patients were analyzed on a Vitrea workstation.
Aim: To evaluate characteristics of atherosclerotic plaques (ASP) remaining after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA).
Material And Methods: Among 249 patients (193 men) with ACS aged 58±10 years, 183 (73.5%) had myocardial infarction, 66 (26.
The article presents a clinical case of mild novel coronavirus infection COVID-19 complicated with bilateral interstitial pneumonia in a female patient with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim To create a three-dimensional mathematical model of coronary flow in patients with ischemic heart disease based on findings of computed tomography angiography (CTA) with subsequent calculation of the fractional flow reserve (FFRCTA) and comparison of estimated FFRCTA with FFR reference values measured by coronary angiography (CAG).Material and methods The study included 10 patients with borderline stenosis (50-75 %) as determined by CTA performed with a 640‑slice CT-scanner. Based on CTA findings, three-dimensional mathematical models were constructed for further calculation of FFRCTA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of cardiac perfusion computed tomography (PCT) with transesophageal electrocardiostimulation (TE ECS) for detection of ischemia in patients with borderline coronary stenosis (50-75 %) compared to measurements of fractional flow reserve (FFR).Material and methods The study included 25 patients with borderline (50-75 %) coronary stenosis as per data of computed tomography angiography (CTA) or coronary angiography (CAG). Later the patients underwent invasive measurement of FFR and cardiac PCT on a 320-row detector tomograph in combination with the TE ECS stress test.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComputed tomography angiography (CT-angiography, CTA) allows noninvasive visualization of coronary arteries (CA). This method is highly sensitive in detecting coronary atherosclerosis. However, standard CTA does not allow evaluation of the hemodynamic significance of found CA stenoses, which requires additional functional tests for detection of myocardial ischemia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of сoronary сomputed tomography angiography (CCTA) in the diagnosis of stable coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients aged ≥70 years.
Materials And Methods: The study included 390 patients aged ≥70 years with symptoms suggested stable CAD which underwent elective coronary artery angiography (CAG). Initially the prevalence of angiographically significant CAD was estimated according to the gender and chest pain character, and identifications of patients in whom CCTA was appropriate.
Objective: Introduction: The hazardous effect of industrial noise exposure on ship repair workers has been highlighted in a number of studies. However, no data are currently available for studying the effect of noise exposure on the auditory system and general health of ship repair workers. The aim: The study is focused on the early diagnosis of hearing impairments and identifying risk groups among the workers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe review illuminated actual issues of the diagnostic efficiency of computed tomography (CT) of the coronary arteries in the planning of the procedure percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with chronic occlusion of coronary arteries (CTO). The results of researches of detection of predictors of unsuccessful recanalization according to traditional coronary angiography (CAG) and CT angiography were presented. The major CT characteristics of the CTO, which can supplement the coronary angiography data to predict outcomes of the PCI were discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: to assess the state of vascular bed, parenchyma, and perfusion of lungs in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) using the method of subtraction computed tomography (CT).
Methods: CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) was performed in 45 patients with verified CTEPH (18 men, 27 women, age 26-79 years) by CT scanner using the "Lung subtraction" standard protocol. Parameters analyzed were characteristics of the state of main pulmonary artery (MPA) and the right ventricle (RV), and calculated CT angiographic (CTA) obstruction and perfusion defect scores.
Unlabelled: The purpose of our study was analysis of myocardial hypoenhancement areas (MHAs) found by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) and comparison of these findings with results of standard methods of diagnostics of myocardial infarction and ischemia [electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiography (ECHO)].
Methods: MHAs were found in 18 of 21 patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) (85.7%) and only in 3 of 22 patients with unstable angina (UA) (13.
The paper describes a case of primary diagnosis of functioning patent ductus arteriosus in a 75-year-old female patient.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To evaluate the vascular bed and lung perfusion in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) by computed tomography (CT) and to compare the severity of pulmonary arterial (PA) thrombotic lesions concurrent with parenchymal perfusion disorders with angiopulmonographic findings and clinical and hemodynamic characteristics.
Subjects And Methods: In the period from November 2015 to May 2016, 22 patients (7 men, 15 women) aged 27 to 67 years with a verified diagnosis of CTEPH were examined using an Aquilion ONE VISION Edition 640 (Toshiba Medical Systems, Japan) CT scanner with a 320-row detector. Perfusion defect in this study was evaluated with the new software allowing one to combine contrast and contrast-free images by a subtraction method.
Purpose: Determination of computed tomography angiography (CTA) informativeness in assessment of state of atherosclerotic coronary plaque (ACP) and identification of signs of its instability compared with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS).
Materials And Methods: Coronary CTA was carried out in 52 patients with clinical presentation of non-ST elevation (NSTE) acute coronary syndrome on the first day of hospitalization. ACPs were identified in 32 of 52 patients (61.
Aim: to analyze morphological features of atherosclerotic plaques in culprit and non-culprit coronary lesions in patients with non ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) by multidetector spiral computed tomography (MDCT). RESULTS. In culprit lesions (n = 70) compared to non-culprit lesions (n = 144) frequency of soft plaques (60 vs 43%, p = 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn most cases direct cause of acute coronary syndrome and sudden death is an intracoronary thrombus formed on a surface of unstable atherosclerotic plaque (UAP). The following are main characteristics of UAP: active inflammation; large lipid rich nucleus occupying a40% of plaque volume; thin (< 65 mm) fibrous cap; erosions of intima over plaque; tear of plaque cap; superficially located calcium nodules; intraplaque hemorrhage. Visualization of UAP in coronary arteries is a very important direction in diagnostics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe prevalence of ischemic heart disease (IHD) as well as high mortality from its exacerbations led to an active search and study of diagnostic methods to predict the possible development of acute coronary events. At the moment, it is proved that the morphological properties of atherosclerotic plaque largely determine the course of IHD. Contemporary multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is the only non-invasive method which allows to study the state of coronary arteries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant Physiol Biochem
February 2015
The deteriorative reactions underlying seed aging, namely, lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic carbohydrate hydrolysis, were studied in pea seeds differing in quality. Aging air-dry seeds were subdivided to three fractions using the application to individual seeds of room temperature phosphorescence. These fractions were strong seeds (fraction I) producing normal seedlings, weak seeds (fraction II) producing mainly abnormal seedlings, and dead seeds (fraction III).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To estimate the informative value of multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI).
Subjects And Methods: The study enrolled 171 patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), including 121 patients diagnosed with acute ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI), 19 with non-STEMI, and 31 with unstable angina. A comparison group consisted of 52 patients with stable coronary heart disease (CHD) and a control group comprised 17 patients without CHD.
Aim of the study was to assess perfusion defect and viability of the myocardium by the method of multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) in patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and to assess their prognostic role in development of remodeling of the left ventricle (LV). We included into the study 117 patients with AMI. MSCT with intravenous contrast enhancement was carried out on days 3-4 and at 12 months after AMI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To elucidate possibilities of multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) for assessment of morphology of atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or stable ischemic heart disease (SIHD).
Material And Methods: Assessment of internal relief of coronary arteries and composition of atherosclerotic plaques was carried out in 85 patients with ACS and 41 patients with SIHD. MSCT was performed with the use of computed tomograph.
Radiats Biol Radioecol
November 2012
Some physical treatments, such as microwave- and gamma-radiation and magnetic field, induce long-term transition of air-dry seeds from the fraction of strong seeds into the weak seed fraction, due to non-enzymatic hydrolysis ofbiomacromolecules. These physical factors make water molecules more active, which is followed by the release of water molecules from the hydration layer, disturbance of this layer structure, further activation of water molecules by means of the "domino effect," and accumulation of hydrolysis products.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiats Biol Radioecol
November 2012
The seeds with low level of room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) were selected from a lot of air-dry peas (Pisum sativum) with 62% germination. These strong seeds (95-97% germination percentage) in air-dry, imbibed or emerged states were exposed to 905 MHz GSM-band electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The following effects of EMR were observed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiats Biol Radioecol
June 2012
The aim of this work was to determine which processes in air-dry seeds result in bimodal changes of the pea seed quality under the influence of low doses of gamma-radiation. Pea seeds (cv. "Nemchinovsky-85", harvest 2006, 82% germination persentage) were exposed to gamma-radiation at doses of 3, 10 and 100 Gy The germination percentage decreased to 45% four days after irradiation at the dose of 3 Gy, rised up to 87% at doses of 10 Gy, while the dose of 100 Gy killed the most part of seeds.
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