Background: Progressive cognitive decline is an inevitable feature of Huntington's disease (HD) but specific criteria and instruments are still insufficiently developed to reliably classify patients into categories of cognitive severity and to monitor the progression of cognitive impairment.
Methods: We collected data from a cohort of 180 positive gene-carriers: 33 with premanifest HD and 147 with manifest HD. Using a specifically developed gold-standard for cognitive status we classified participants into those with normal cognition, those with mild cognitive impairment, and those with dementia.
Background: Arithmetic word-problem solving depends on the interaction of several cognitive processes that may be affected early in the disease in gene-mutation carriers for Huntington's disease (HD).
Objective: Our goal was to examine the pattern of performance of arithmetic tasks in premanifest and manifest HD, and to examine correlations between arithmetic task performance and other neuropsychological tasks.
Methods: We collected data from a multicenter cohort of 165 HD gene-mutation carriers.
Background: Cognitive impairment is an essential feature of Huntington's disease (HD) and dementia is a predictable outcome in all patients. However, validated instruments to assess global cognitive performance in the field of HD are lacking.
Objectives: We aimed to explore the utility of the Parkinson's disease-Cognitive Rating Scale (PD-CRS) for the screening of global cognition in HD.
J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci
April 2017
A prospective, observational multicenter study was carried out assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms in a sample of 117 subjects in order to validate the Spanish version of the Problem Behaviors Assessment-Short (PBA-s). The psychometric properties of this version were analyzed. Inter- and intra-rater reliability were good: the mean weighted Cohen's kappa was 0.
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