Publications by authors named "Vernunft A"

The high mortality rate of suckling piglets in commercial farms is a cause for concern and requires the adoption of innovative breeding and management approaches for effective mitigation. Piglets are particularly vulnerable during the first days of life, which concerns especially neonates with a low birth weight. In this study, neonatal adaptation was analysed regarding genotype and housing conditions following hormonally induced farrowing.

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Among other bioactive molecules, milk contains high amounts of sialylated milk oligosaccharides (MOs) that influence numerous processes in the offspring. For instance, sialylated MOs inhibit the invasion of pathogens and positively influence the gut microbiome to support the optimal development of the offspring. For these reasons, sialylated MOs are also used in infant formula as well as food supplements and are potential therapeutic substances for humans and animals.

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Sialylated milk oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates have several positive effects on the mucosal barrier, the gut microbiome, and an effective immune system. For this reason, they are important biomolecules for mammary gland health and optimal development of offspring. In milk, the major sialic acid, N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), can be attached as monosialyl-residues or as polymers.

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The losses of piglets in commercial pig farming remain at concerning levels and need to be addressed through the implementation of new sustainable breeding and management strategies. In fact, piglets are especially at risk in the first days of life. Both genetics and the farrowing process have been shown to impact piglet vitality.

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Ovulation is an inflammation-like process, and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-dependent production of prostaglandin E (PGE) is its key mediator. Balanced regulation of inflammatory processes in high-yielding dairy cows may be essential for physiological ovulation and fertility. This study aimed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying ovulation failure and cyst development after disturbing intrafollicular inflammatory cascades.

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The bioactivity of the IGF system is not a function of isolated hormone concentrations in a given biological matrix. Instead, the biological activities of IGFs are regulated by IGFBPs, IGFBP proteases, and inhibitors of IGFBP proteases. Therefore, assays based on IGF-related bioactivity may describe functions of the complete IGF system in a given biological matrix.

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A growing need exists for the development of practical feeding strategies to mitigate methane (CH) emissions from cattle. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of milk replacer feeding intensity (MFI) in calves on CH emission, rumen development, and performance. Twenty-eight female newborn Holstein calves were randomly assigned to 2 feeding groups, offered daily either 10% of the body weight (BW) in colostrum and subsequently 10% of the BW in milk replacer (MR; 10%-MR), or 12% of the BW in colostrum followed by 20% of the BW in MR (20%-MR).

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Here we assessed the effects of dietary essential fatty acids on the developmental competence of oocytes in cows and on the functionality of follicular granulosa cells (GC). Lactating German Holstein cows were supplemented from week 9 ante partum (ap) until week 8 post-partum (pp) in four dietary groups designed as (i) control (CTRL: coconut oil), (ii) essential fatty acid (EFA: linseed and safflower oil), (iii) conjugated linoleic acid (CLA: Lutalin®), and (iv) EFA+CLA (mixture of linseed oil, safflower oil and Lutalin®). EFA, CLA or EFA+CLA supplementation did not improve embryo production.

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In mammals, around the time of ovulation, the hormonal profile dynamically changes in synchrony with reproductive events occurring in the oviduct, that is, sperm arrival, fertilization, and early embryo development. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been recently recognized as key components of the embryonic milieu; however, composition and function of oviductal EVs during this crucial period remains to be further explored. Therefore, we initially characterized EVs from porcine oviductal fluid specifically around the critical ovulation window: that is, estrus (E), late estrus (LE, day of expected ovulation), post ovulation (PO), and additionally diestrus (D).

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The aim of this study was to establish a model to induce cystic ovarian follicles (COFs) in cattle using the cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin. Eighteen Holstein-Frisian cattle were synchronized with prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2α) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Ultrasound-guided transvaginal intrafollicular injections were performed in 23 preovulatory follicles with different concentrations of indomethacin 16 h after GnRH administration.

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We have previously mimicked the morphological and functional changes occurring in the oviduct epithelium during the estrous cycle in vitro by using an air-liquid interface (ALI) culture system and basolateral application of 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4). In the current study we aimed to explore the transcriptomic changes elicited by E2 and P4 together during estrous cycle simulation and to dissect the individual effects of E2 and P4 on oviduct epithelium physiology. Primary porcine oviduct epithelial cells (POECs) (N = 6 animals) were cultured at the ALI.

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Transcriptome profiling of FACS purified small luteal cells (SLC) and large luteal cells (LLC), isolated from mid-cycle corpora lutea (day 10-11), was performed using Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Gene 1.0 ST Arrays. Gene expression was recorded using an Affymetrix gene chip scanner 3000.

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The innate immune system has numerous mechanisms to fight against pathogens, including the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). By spreading out chromatin, antimicrobial peptides and enzymes, neutrophils efficiently trap pathogens like bacteria and facilitate their elimination. During this process, high concentrations of extracellular histones can be reached.

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Genome wide mRNA expression analysis of small and large luteal cells, isolated from the mature staged corpora lutea (CL), was not performed in any species. In the current study, we have isolated bovine small and large luteal cells from mid-cycle (day 10-11) animals and characterized their transcriptomes using "GeneChip™ Bovine Gene 1.0 ST Arrays".

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Postprandial alterations of plasma amino acid (PAA) levels partly reflect a temporal contribution of the feed. How cereal grains affect PAA levels is not known. We hypothesized that a meal of cereal grains causes a temporal increase of PAA, affected by grain species, grain genotype and meal size.

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Experimental setups for physiological research, in which acute operative interventions need to be performed, can require inclusion of general anesthesia (GA), which may interfere or confound with the effects of the experimental factors of interest on measured variables. It was recently shown that the most commonly used sedatives/anesthetics in pigs (e.g.

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The provision of NaCl, according to current recommendations, to horses in moderate work has been shown to induce immediate postprandial acidosis. The present study aimed to clarify whether this NaCl induced acidosis i) persists beyond the immediate postprandial period, and ii) is still present after a 2 week adaptation period. Six adult warmblood mares in moderate work received daily 1.

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Physiological research with swine often includes sedation or general anesthesia (GA), which may influence the basal physiological responses of experimental animals and may have the potential to confound or interfere with the effects of experimental factors of interest. Using 6 adult female pigs, we investigated whether selected plasma metabolites and hormones are influenced by GA induced with ketamine (K) and 2 neuroleptic sedatives, namely azaperone (A) and xylazine (X). Fasted pigs rotationally received either no drug, a single intravenous administration of A or X, or A or X combined with ketamine (AK or XK, respectively), and plasma concentrations of glucose, lactate, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), triglycerides (TG), glucagon, insulin, and cortisol were determined for a 5-h period following administration.

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High environmental temperatures induce detrimental effects on various reproductive processes in cattle. According to the predicted global warming the number of days with unfavorable ambient temperatures will further increase. The objective of this study was to investigate effects of acute heat stress during the late pre-ovulatory phase on morphological, physiological and molecular parameters of dominant follicles in cycling cows during lactation.

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The peptide hormone INSL3 is uniquely produced by the fetal testis to promote the transabdominal phase of testicular descent. Because it is fetal sex specific, and is present in only very low amounts in the maternal circulation, INSL3 acts as an ideal biomarker with which to monitor the movement of fetal hormones within the pregnant uterus of a polytocous species, the pig. INSL3 production by the fetal testis begins at around GD30.

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The aim of this study was to investigate whether plasma anti-Muellerian hormone (AMH) levels of Holstein-Friesian heifers could be used to predict ovum pick-up (OPU) and embryo production outcomes. Plasma samples and data were collected from 64 heifers, which underwent repeated OPU with subsequent in vitro embryo production followed by embryo flushing after superovulation. AMH levels were significantly positively correlated with the number of follicles aspirated per OPU session (r = 0.

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F2-isoprostanes such as 8-iso-prostaglandin F2 (8-iso-PGF2α) are formed by free radical-catalyzed mechanisms from membrane phospholipids and from low density lipoproteins through peroxidation of arachidonic acid. Esterified 8-iso-PGF2α is cleaved by phospholipases, circulates in blood and is excreted as putatively harmful oxidatively modified lipid via the kidney into urine. In this study we demonstrate that 8-iso-PGF2α concentrations in plasma samples from heifers are higher (p<0.

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In female mammals, granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle differentiate into the corpus luteum after ovulation of the pregnable oocyte into the fallopian tube. During these differentiation processes several morphological alterations have to occur and the molecular basis is not fully understood. As an endpoint estradiol production from granulosa cells has to switch off in favor for progesterone production from the proceeding corpus luteum to sustain the developing embryo.

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Estradiol produced by ovarian granulosa cells triggers the luteinizing hormone surge which in turn initiates ovulation in female mammals. Disturbances in estradiol production from granulosa cells are a major reason for reproductive dysfunctions in dairy cows. Endogenous estradiol production might be altered by reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL).

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