Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Verda Bitirim"
- Verda Bitirim's research focuses on the role of zinc transporters (ZIP7 and ZnT7) in cardiac dysfunction, particularly their effects on the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum and mitochondria coupling in hyperglycemic conditions, which may contribute to cellular dysfunction in cardiomyocytes.
- She has also investigated the signaling pathways involving prokineticin receptor-1 (PKR1) in epicardial to mesenchymal transitions during heart development, and its influence on renal development through mesenchymal-epithelial transitions.
- Additionally, Bitirim has explored innovative biomaterials, such as patterned carbon nanotubes and modified hydrogel films, for enhancing cellular interactions and applications in tissue engineering, particularly regarding mesenchymal stem cells.