Publications by authors named "Vera Oliveira"

Introduction: The clinical translation of chitosan-based formulations for siRNA delivery has been partially limited by their poor stability/solubility at physiological conditions, although they have good biocompatibility and cost-effectiveness.

Method: In this study, the chitosan was O-substituted with diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA) groups, which improved its solubility at pH 7.4 by increasing the degree of ionization and enhanced the ability of chitosan to load siRNA at very low amine/phosphate (N/P) ratios.

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Gastric schwannomas are rare, slow-growing tumors whose clinical presentation is nonspecific. These are mostly benign, with a low probability of malignant transformation and an excellent prognosis. We present 2 cases of gastric schwannomas with distinct clinical features and imaging patterns, whose therapeutic approach differed.

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Abdominal actinomycosis is a rare disease caused by a Gram-positive bacillus (Actinomyces). Liver manifestation is rare and, in patients with a history of cancer, differential diagnosis with secondary malignant disease can be difficult. Microbiological result is necessary for a correct diagnosis, though not always possible in preoperative workout.

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Mucinous cystic neoplasms (MCNs) of the pancreas occurring during pregnancy constitute a rare condition requiring special management due to its large size, malignant potential and the risk of fetal growth restriction. The key points to manage MCNs are to perform a correct diagnosis, accurately evaluate the grade of malignant potential in order to establish the right time for pancreatic surgery and to choose the most appropriate fetal mode of delivery. We describe a case of an incidental abdominal mass detected in a third-trimester pregnant woman.

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Coronaries are essential for myocardial growth and heart function. Notch is crucial for mouse embryonic angiogenesis, but its role in coronary development remains uncertain. We show Jag1, Dll4 and activated Notch1 receptor expression in sinus venosus (SV) endocardium.

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Background: People living in poverty (PLP) are highly vulnerable to hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. This study aimed to investigate the epidemiology of HBV infection in PLP in the metropolitan region of Goiânia, Goiás State, in the Central-West Region of Brazil.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from August to December 2016 in adults aged ≥12 years living in poverty.

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Background: Fifty-five percent of Americans aged 50-65 are submitted to colonoscopy. For over 65-year, this number increases to 64%. In Brazil, it is forecast that the population submitted to colonoscopy will grow, even though inadequate preparation is still a major problem.

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Background: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) can be used in the treatment of patients with refractory Crohn's disease (CD) when no alternative treatment is available. However, HSCT increases the risk of infections, in particular during the aplasia of mobilization and conditioning. Moreover, intestinal stomas in CD augment the risk of morbidity in immunocompromised patients and under aplastic conditions.

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Introduction: Road traffic crashes (RTC) are an important public health problem, accounting for 1.2 million deaths per year worldwide. In Brazil, approximately 40,000 deaths caused by RTC occur every year, with different trends in the Federal Units.

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Heavy metal contamination is a long-standing and very well-known public health problem, and its exposure can cause damage to several organs of human body, especially on the central nervous system of young children and teenagers. The aim of this article is to evaluate lead, cadmium, and manganese contamination in 125 children from 6 to 13 years old living in contaminated areas during the period from 2006 to 2009 (São Vicente, Cubatão Downtown, Bertioga and Cubatão Pilões/Água Fria). This estuary area is the most important example of environmental degradation by chemicals from industrial sources.

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Background: Restrictive bariatric surgery procedures currently used include adjustable gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy (SG), and gastric plication (GP), of which the last two techniques still lack sufficient data and long-term studies on weight loss, surgical complications, resolution of comorbidities, and mechanisms of weight loss. Therefore, gastric plication and sleeve gastrectomy as a standalone procedure are still considered experimental. Our aim was to analyze the effects of SG and GP on body weight, food intake, and endocrine profile.

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Article Synopsis
  • The article analyzes emergency care for children under 10 years old who suffered injuries from violence, based on data from Brazil's VIVA system during 2006 and 2007.
  • A total of 518 cases were studied, revealing that most victims were male (60.6%), aged 5-9 (52.1%), and predominantly black (71.2%), with the majority of incidents occurring at home (55%).
  • Physical aggression was the most common type of violence (67.4%), often involving sharp objects and family members as aggressors, highlighting a critical need for targeted interventions and social mobilization to address children’s vulnerability.
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Background: Baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) impairment has been associated with endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress.

Methods: Because exercise training could improve endothelial function in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), the effect of moderate exercise training on oxidative stress and BRS was investigated. Groups were divided into sedentary and trained Wistar-Kyoto rats (S-WK, n = 7 and T-WK, n = 6) and SHR (S-SHR and T-SHR, n = 9 each).

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1. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) increase 6 and 24 h after sinoaortic baroreceptor denervation (SAD), whereas plasma renin activity (PRA) and renal renin mRNA levels remain unchanged. We postulated that a simultaneous rise in BP could offset the expected activation of renin associated with an increased renal sympathetic discharge secondary to SAD.

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The study was aimed at evaluating the impact of educative health actions on nursing appointments with 18 transplanted heart clients, based on Orem's Theory. It was conducted in a Heart Transplant and Insufficiency Unit of a Public Health Institution in Fortaleza-CE. The data were collected by way of nursing appointments.

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