Publications by authors named "Venkatesan A"

1,4-Dioxane is a persistent contaminant that is not effectively removed by conventional water treatment processes. In this study, bench-scale granular activated carbon (GAC)-based biologically active filtration (BAF) systems were developed to metabolically degrade 1,4-dioxane at environmentally relevant levels (<1000 μg L). BAF was established using predeveloped biologically activated carbon particles by mixing a 1,4-dioxane-degrading microbial community with granular activated carbon.

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Two new multifunctional fluorescent Schiff base chemosensors 2,2'-(4-chlorophenyl)methylene)bis(azanylylidene))bis(methanylylidene))bis(4-chlorophenol) (CSCB) and 2,2'-(4-methoxyphenyl)methylene)bis(azanylylidene))bis(methanylylidene))bis(4-chlorophenol) (CSMB) were synthesized by following solvent free one pot synthesis approach for the colorimetric detection of Cu(II), Mn(II), CO, S and CN ions. The Schiff base chemosensors showed a colorimetric response towards the ions, where there was appearance of yellow color over colorless Schiff base solution. The detection process was accomplished by absorption and emission methods in aqueous methanol medium.

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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent organic pollutants in estuaries. In this study, 19 PFAS were quantified in surface waters, sediments, marine invertebrates (aquatic worms, Eastern oysters, and blue crab), and forage fish (Atlantic silverside, four-spine stickleback, mummichog, sheepshead minnow, and rainwater killifish) in an aqueous film forming foam (AFFF)-contaminated estuary, Georgica Pond (NY, USA). Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δC and δN) were used to determine trophic position of organisms and to identify modes of PFAS exposure.

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Many dynamical systems exhibit unexpected large amplitude excursions in the chronological progression of a state variable. In the present work, we consider the dynamics associated with the one-dimensional Higgs oscillator, which is realized through gnomonic projection of a harmonic oscillator defined on a spherical space of constant curvature onto a Euclidean plane, which is tangent to the spherical space. While studying the dynamics of such a Higgs oscillator subjected to damping and an external forcing, various bifurcation phenomena, such as symmetry breaking, period doubling, and intermittency crises are encountered.

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Objective: This study evaluated the renoprotective effects of p-Coumaric acid nanoparticles (PCNPs) in nephropathic rats.

Methods: Six groups of male Albino Wistar rats were randomly assigned. Group 1 was the control, while Group 2 received 45 mg/kg of streptozotocin (STZ) to induce diabetic nephropathy.

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MicroRNAs (miRNA) are categorized as short endogenous non-coding RNAs, which have a significant role in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Identifying new animal precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA) and miRNA is crucial to understand the role of miRNAs in various biological processes including the development of diseases. The present study focuses on the development of a Light Gradient Boost (LGB) based method for the classification of animal pre-miRNAs using various sequence and secondary structural features.

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Objective: Encephalitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition of infectious or autoimmune cause. We aim to characterize the frequency and clinical spectrum of presenting psychiatric symptoms in encephalitis in order to inform earlier recognition and initiation of treatment.

Methods: This was a retrospective study of adult patients who met the 2013 International Encephalitis Consortium (IEC) and/or 2016 Graus criteria between February 2005 and February 2023.

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Albendazole/ivermectin combination therapy is a promising alternative to benzimidazole monotherapy alone for Trichuris trichiura control. We used fecal DNA metabarcoding to genetically characterize Trichuris spp. populations in patient samples from Côte d'Ivoire showing lower (egg reduction rate <70%) albendazole/ivermectin sensitivity than those from Laos and Tanzania (egg reduction rates >98%).

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Purpose: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a significant cause of cervical cancer. We hypothesized that detecting viral cell-free HPV DNA (cfDNA) before, during, and after chemoradiation (chemoRT) could provide insights into disease extent, clinical staging, and treatment response.

Experimental Design: A total of 66 patients with locally advanced cervical cancer were enrolled between 2017 and 2023, with 49 receiving standard-of-care treatment and 17 participating in a clinical trial combining a therapeutic HPV vaccine (PDS0101; IMMUNOCERV).

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  • - There is a significant need to assess the knowledge and training gaps among infectious disease (ID) physicians regarding encephalitis, specifically autoimmune encephalitis.
  • - A survey was conducted among European ID specialists, with 201 respondents indicating that 64% dealt with infectious encephalitis, while only 7.5% focused on autoimmune cases.
  • - Many physicians reported low confidence in recognizing (60%), diagnosing (71%), and treating (85%) autoimmune encephalitis, highlighting the demand for standardized guidelines from ESCMID for better management practices (89%).
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  • Exfoliation Syndrome (XFS) is an age-related condition affecting the eye, leading to the accumulation of fibrillar materials that can cause Exfoliation Glaucoma (XFG), a form of secondary open-angle glaucoma.
  • XFG is linked to neurodegenerative disease features and characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, including impaired energy production and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) in affected cells.
  • Research shows that treating XFG patient-derived cells with agents like Urolithin A and Nicotinamide Ribose can help improve mitochondrial function and reduce ROS, suggesting a potential therapeutic approach for XFG.
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The European Molecular Biology Laboratory's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) is one of the world's leading sources of public biomolecular data. Based at the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK, EMBL-EBI is one of six sites of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Europe's only intergovernmental life sciences organization. This overview summarizes the latest developments in services that EMBL-EBI data resources provide to scientific communities globally (https://www.

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A 63-year-old man, with a history of melanoma and basal cell carcinoma, presented with progressive right-sided facial numbness, vertical diplopia, and headache. Brain MRI revealed leptomeningeal enhancement of multiple cranial nerves and an enhancing mass-like lesion along the anterolateral surface of the pons and midbrain. Subsequent brain biopsy demonstrated the final diagnosis.

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  • Encephalitis is a serious condition that can result from infections or autoimmune responses, with increasing recognition of the role of anti-neuronal antibodies in autoimmune cases.
  • The review highlights similarities and differences in clinical features, causes, and treatment methods for infectious and autoimmune encephalitis.
  • Despite advancements in understanding these conditions, diagnosing them remains difficult due to overlapping symptoms, and more comprehensive clinical trials are needed to explore effective treatments.
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Recent studies on reservoir computing essentially involve a high-dimensional dynamical system as the reservoir, which transforms and stores the input as a higher-dimensional state for temporal and nontemporal data processing. We demonstrate here a method to predict temporal and nontemporal tasks by constructing virtual nodes as constituting a reservoir in reservoir computing using a nonlinear map, namely, the logistic map, and a simple finite trigonometric series. We predict three nonlinear systems, namely, Lorenz, Rössler, and Hindmarsh-Rose, for temporal tasks and a seventh-order polynomial for nontemporal tasks with great accuracy.

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  • * The two-step process involves first changing the inferior dislocation into an anterior one and then placing the humeral head back in its original position.
  • * This new technique can be performed by a single medical professional, usually takes only one attempt, requires less force, and can be done with minimal sedation, making it a better option than older methods.
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Many older adults do not meet the physical activity recommendations of the American Heart Association; hence, it is important to understand the factors that can facilitate regular physical activity in older adults. Notably, the role of affective response has been understudied. Mixed findings have been reported in terms of age effects in affective response to daily physical activity.

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Background: Children with tuberculous meningitis (TBM) present with diagnostic challenges as they often have atypical clinical features.

Objective: To describe the baseline characteristic features of children diagnosed with central nervous system (CNS) TB (TBM and tuberculoma).

Design: Retrospective descriptive study.

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Two-dimensional (2D) transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), such as tungsten diselenide (WSe), hold immense potential for applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices. However, a significant Schottky barrier height (SBH) at the metal-semiconductor (MS) interface reduces the electronic device performance. Here, we present a unique 2D/2D contact method for minimizing contact resistance and reducing the SBH.

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  • Remote sensing using UAVs and satellites offers a promising method to measure Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in inland waters by correlating it with Colored Dissolved Organic Matter absorption (aCDOM) coefficients.
  • The study focused on utilizing a UAV-borne hyperspectral camera and data from Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI to create accurate reflectance-based models for quantifying DOC.
  • Results demonstrated strong relationships between measured and estimated DOC, with high Nash-criterion values (up to 0.92) and low Root Mean Squares Error, although estimates were affected by environmental factors like haze and sun glint.
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Identifying non-invasive blood-based biomarkers is crucial for early detection and monitoring of liver cancer (LC), thereby improving patient outcomes. This study leveraged computational approaches to predict potential blood-based biomarkers for LC. Machine learning (ML) models were developed using selected features from blood-secretory proteins collected from the curated databases.

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  • The pilot study investigated the safety and efficacy of daratumumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting CD38, in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) and metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC).
  • In the MIBC group, one out of eight patients achieved a pathologic complete response with no toxicity events noted in either cohort, while the mRCC group showed no objective responses and a median progression-free survival of only 1.5 months.
  • Overall, the study concluded that while daratumumab was safe for use, its efficacy in these cancers was limited, with indications of targeted effects on CD38-expressing immune cells.
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