Publications by authors named "Ven'iaminova A"

A series of novel fluorescent conjugates of oligo(2'-O-methylribonucleotides) containing the insertions of 2'bispyrenylmethylphosphorodiamidate derivatives of ribonucleosides (Urd, Cyd) were synthesized and their fluorescent properties were investigated. The possibility of detection of RNA transcript of 5'-terminal fragment of mRNA of multidrug resistance gene mdr1 (1-678) in solution using synthesized multipyrene probes was demonstrated.

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Small interfering RNAs (siRNA) are considered to be potent agents for specific gene silencing, but troubles in delivery of siRNA into cells limit their biomedical application. An accumulation of siRNA coupled with cholesterol residue at the 5'-end of the "passenger" strand (chol-siPHK) was investigated in HEK293, HepG2, SC1, and KB-8-5 cells. In the absence of a transfectant levels of both unmodified and chol-siRNAs were very low, whereas transfectant substantially increased transfection rate in all cell lines; in HEK293, SC1, and KB-8-5 cells transfection efficiency for the chol-siRNA being higher than that for the corresponding siRNA.

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5'-Pyrenylmethylphosphoramidite and 5'-bispyrenylmethylphosphordiamidite derivatives of oligo(2'-O-methylribonucleotides) and their analogues with thymidine attached at their 3'-termini by a 3'-3'-phosphodiester internucleotide bond (inverted thymidine) were synthesized. The effect of the pyrene residue(s) on the thermal stability of duplexes of the modified oligonucleotides with RNA and DNA was studied. A possibility of detection of hybridization of 5'-mono- and 5'-bispyrenyl derivatives with RNA and DNA targets in solution was demonstrated according to the changes in fluorescence.

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Protein S15 is a characteristic component of the mammalian 80S ribosome that neighbors mRNA codon at the decoding site and the downstream triplets. In this study we determined S15 protein fragments located close to mRNA positions +4 to +12 with respect to the first nucleotide of the P site codon on the human ribosome. For cross-linking to ribosomal protein S15, a set of mRNA was used that contained triplet UUU/UUC at the 5'-termini and a perfluorophenyl azide-modified uridine in position 3' of this triplet.

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The environment of tRNA 3'-terminus in the 80S ribosomal A and P sites was studied with a tRNA(Asp) analogue that bears a 4-thiouridine residue (s4U) attached to the 3'-terminal adenosine. The tRNA(Asp) analogue was obtained by in vitro T7 transcription followed by crosslinking with [32P]ps4Up and removal of the 3'-terminal phosphate. It was shown that the presence of the additional nucleotide at the 3'-end does not to hinder the codon-dependent binding of the tRNA to the A and P sites of 80S ribosome.

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Positioning of stop codon and the adjacent triplet downstream of it with respect to the components of human 80S termination complex was studied with the use of mRNA analogues that bore stop signal UPuPuPu (Pu is A or G) and photoactivatable perfluoroaryl azide group. This group was attached to one of nucleotides of the stop signal or 3' of it (in positions +4 to +9 with respect to the first nucleotide of the P site codon). It was shown that upon mild UV irradiation the mRNA analogues crosslinked to components of model complexes imitating state of 80S ribosome in the course of translation termination.

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The protein environment of mRNA 3' of the A-site codon (the decoding site) in the human 80S ribosome was studied using a set of oligoribonucleotide derivatives bearing a UUU triplet at the 5'-end and a perfluoroarylazide group at one of the nucleotide residues at the 3'-end of this triplet. Analogues of mRNA were phased into the ribosome using binding at the tRNAPhe P-site, which recognizes the UUU codon. Mild UV irradiation of ribosome complexes with tRNAPhe and mRNA analogues resulted in the predominant crosslinking of the analogues with the 40S subunit components, mainly with proteins and, to a lesser extent, with rRNA.

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Small interfering RNAs (siRNA) provide a powerful approach for sequence-specific silencing of gene expression. In the present study we investigated inhibition of c-myc gene expression by siRNAs targeted to the sequence 1452-1470 b. in third exon of c-myc mRNA and to homologous regions in second exons of c-myc (697-715 b.

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Short mRNA analogues carrying a UUU triplet at the 5'-termini and a perfluorophenylazide group at either the N7 atom of the guanosine or the C5 atom of the uridine 3' of the triplet were applied to study positioning of mRNA 3' of the A site codon. Complexes of 80S ribosomes with the mRNA analogues were obtained in the presence of tRNAPhe that directed UUU codon to the P site and consequently provided placement of the nucleotide with cross-linker in positions +9 or +12 with respect to the first nucleotide of the P site bound codon. Both types mRNA analogues cross-linked to the 18S rRNA and 40S proteins under mild UV-irradiation.

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The 18S rRNA nucleotides close to the 80S ribosome template nucleotide adjacent to the A-site codon on the 3-end (i.e., the nucleotide in position +7 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon) were identified using template-controlled chemical affinity ligation.

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Positioning of mRNA on the 80S ribosome upstream the E site bound codon was studied using derivatives of nona- and dodecaribonucleotides containing the triplet UUU coding for Phe at the 3'-terminus, and a perfluorophenylazide cross-linker on either the first or the third nucleotide. Two sets of the mRNA analogues were used, with the photoactivatable groups on either the C5 atom of the uridine or the N7 atom of the guanosine. The modified nucleotides were directed to positions from -4 to -9 with respect to the first nucleotide of the P site bound codon by tRNA(Phe) cognate to the triplet UUU targeted to the P site.

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Modification of the 18S rRNA with a pUUUGUU derivative carrying a perfluorophenylazido group at N7 of G was studied in the complex with the human 80S ribosome and Val-tRNA(Val), which directs modified GUU to the P site. Reverse transcription reported modification of invariant G1702 of the 18S rRNA. On evidence of the results and the earlier data on affinity modification of the human ribosome with tetra- or heptaribonucleotide derivatives carrying an alkylating group at the 3' end, the template was assumed to make a bend between the A- and P-site codons, which brings both codons closer to G1702 of the 18S rRNA.

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The protein environment of each nucleotide of the template codon located in the A site of the human ribosome was studied with UUCUCAA and UUUGUU derivatives containing a Phe codon (UUC and UUU, respectively) and a perfluoroarylazido group at U4, U5, or U6. The analogs were positioned in the ribosome with the use of tRNA(Phe), which is cognate to the UUC or UUU codon and directs it to the P site, bringing a modified codon in the A site with a modified nucleotide occupying position +4, +5, or +6 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon. On irradiation of ribosome complexes with tRNA(Phe) and mRNA analogs with mild UV light, the analogs crosslinked predominantly to the 40S subunit, modifying the proteins to a greater extent than the rRNA.

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Oligoribonucleotide derivatives containing Phe codon UUC along with a 3'-flanking sense codon or stop codon carrying a perfluoroarylazido group at G or U were used to study the position of each nucleotide of the latter codon relative to the 18S rRNA in the A site of the 80S ribosome. To place the modified sense or stop codon in the A site, UCC-recognizing tRNA(Phe) was bound in the P site. Regardless of the position in the sense or stop codon, the modified nucleotide crosslinked with invariant dinucleotide A1823/A1824 or nucleotide A1825 in helix 44 close to the 3' end of the 18S rRNA.

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Two mRNA analogs, pUUCUAAA (with stop codon UAA) and pUUCUCAA (with Ser codon UCA) containing a perfluoroarylazido group at U4, were used to study the position relative to the 18S rRNA for the first nucleotide of the codon located in the A site of the human 80S ribosome. To place UAA or UCA in the A site, UCC-recognizing tRNAPhe was bound in the P site. With each analog, crosslinking was detected for highly conserved fragment 1816-1831, which contains invariant dinucleotide A1823/A1824 and is in helix 44 at the 3' end of the 18S rRNA.

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Three mRNA analogs--derivatives of hexaribonucleotide pUUUGUU comprising phenylalanine and valine codons with a perfluoroarylazido group attached to the C5 atom of the uridine residue at the first, second, or third position--were used for photocrosslinking with 80S ribosomes from human placenta. The mRNA analogs were positioned on the ribosome with tRNA recognizing these codons: UUU was at the P site if tRNA(Phe) was used, while tRNA(Val) was used to put there the GUU codon (UUU at the E site). Thus, the crosslinking group of mRNA analog might occupy positions -3 to +3 with respect to the first nucleotide of the codon at the P site.

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Crosslinking of mRNA analog, dodecaribonucleotide pUUAGUAUUUAUU derivative carrying a perfluoroarylazido group at the guanine N7, was studied in model complexes with 80S ribosomes involving tRNA and in binary complex (i.e., in the absence of tRNA).

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Oligo(2'-tetrahydropyranylribonucleotides) and their analogues containing a 3'-3'-internucleotide bond at the 3'-terminus are nuclease-resistant and possess rather high affinity toward RNA, the main target in the antisense approach.

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