Purpose: To study the clinical profile of patients with microspherophakia and the factors associated with poor vision following lensectomy surgery.
Methods: A multicenter, retrospective, cross-sectional analysis was conducted from January 2010 to June 2022 on patients diagnosed with microspherophakia.
Results: A total of 102 eyes from 51 patients were enrolled, of whom 24 (47.
Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of amblyopia treatment through a smartphone-based anaglyph system by virtual reality (VR) in adult patients.
Methods: A total of 10 subjects diagnosed with anisometropic amblyopia were enrolled during the study period. Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA), stereoacuity, and contrast acuity were evaluated during three visits (at presentation, 3 months and 6 months) of smartphone-based anaglyph video run in the VR mode.
Purpose: To evaluate the causes, associated neurological and ocular findings in children with cerebral visual impairment (CVI), and to identify risk factors for severe vision impairment.
Methods: A multicenter, retrospective, cross-sectional analysis was carried out from January 2017 to December 2019 on patients less than 16 years of age with a diagnosis of CVI.
Results: A total of 405 patients were included of which 61.
Indian J Ophthalmol
December 2022
Purpose: Low-concentration atropine is an emerging therapy for myopia progression, but its efficacy remains uncertain among high myopic children. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of low-concentration atropine eye drop (0.01%) in high myopic children.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus
July 2022
Purpose: To measure and compare suture-related complications in children undergoing cataract surgery with a surgical incision closure performed by either a 10-0 nylon suture followed by suture removal within 1 to 2 weeks after surgery or a 10-0 polyglactin suture left in situ.
Methods: This was a prospective, non-randomized cohort study. All children with bilateral cataracts who underwent cataract surgery with a surgical incision closure by non-absorbable 10-0 nylon sutures followed by suture removal within 1 to 2 weeks after surgery in their first eye and incision closure by absorbable 10-0 polyglactin sutures left in situ after their second eye surgery.
Purpose: To assess major causes of severe visual impairment (SVI)/blindness (BL) in children studying in schools for the blind in western Uttar Pradesh, India and the extent of inappropriate enrolment of children in blind schools.
Methods: Students of five schools for the blind were examined in a tertiary care eye hospital. The anatomical sites and etiology for SVI/BL were recorded using the World Health Organization/Prevention of Blindness standard reporting form.