Publications by authors named "Veazey R"

The chemiluminescent reaction, in alkaline solution, of lucigenin with the reducing sugars sorbose, fructose, lactose, glucose, xylose, galactose, arabinose and mannose has been studied. There is a linear relationship (correlation coefficient = 0.996) between the emission intensity and the second-order rate constant for the alkaline oxidation of these sugars.

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The projections of the hypothalamus to the amygdala have been studied autoradiographically in a series of eleven cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) in which injections of [3H]amino acids had been made in different regions of the caudal two-thirds of the hypothalamus. The most prominent projection arises from the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and terminates most heavily in the medial, magnocellular division of the central nucleus. Injections confined to the ventromedial nucleus also result in labeling of the piriform cortex, the periamygdaloid cortex, the anterior amygdaloid area, the medial amygdaloid nucleus and the parvocellular divisions of both the basal and basal accessory nuclei.

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The efferent connections of the posterior hypothalamus have been analyzed autoradiographically in a series of eight cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) brains with injections of 3H-amino acids in different regions of the mamillary complex and the surrounding areas. The medial mamillary nucleus was found to project through the mamillothalamic tract to the ipsilateral anteroventral, anteromedial, and interanteromedial nuclei, and by way of the mamillotegmental tract principally to the deep tegmental nucleus (of Gudden). It also appears to contribute fibers to the medial forebrain bundle, some of which reach as far rostrally as the medial septal nucleus.

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The cytoarchitectonic organization of the posterior hypothalamus of the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) was analyzed in Nissl, Golgi, acetylcholinesterase, and reduced silver preparations. The region consists of a number of cell masses that differ considerably in their discreteness and in the homogeneity of their neuronal populations. The nuclei identified include: the medial mamillary nucleus (in which at least three distinct subdivisions can be recognized--a pars medialis, a pars lateralis, and a pars basalis); the small-celled nucleus intercalatus; the large-celled lateral mamillary nucleus; a single premamillary nucleus; the tuberomamillary nucleus; the posterior hypothalamic nucleus; the caudal extension of the lateral hypothalamic area; the supramamillary area; and the paramamillary nucleus (which appears to correspond to the nucleus of the ansa lenticularis of other workers).

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Afferent projections to the deep mesencephalic nucleus (DMN) of the rat were demonstrated with axonal transport techniques. Potential sources for projections to the DMN were first identified by injecting the nucleus with HRP and examining the cervical spinal cord, brain stem, and cortex for retrogradely labeled neurons. Areas consistently labeled were then injected with a tritiated radioisotope, the tissue processed for autoradiography, and the DMN examined for anterograde labeling.

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The projections of the medial part of the deep mesencephalic nucleus (DMN) were traced by autoradiography and retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) techniques. No ascending projections were observed from the medial part of the DMN; however, two groups of descending fibers were observed. One group crossed the midline and coursed to the caudal part of the red nucleus.

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The projections of the lateral part of the deep mesencephalic nucleus (DMN) were traced by autoradiography and retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) techniques. At the level of the DMN, projections from its lateral part crossed the midline and terminated in the medial and lateral part of the contralateral DMN. Furthermore, two labeled tracts passed rostrally from the lateral part of the DMN.

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