Objective: The aim of this work is to identify and analyze the key positions of the ECHR in the context of respect for the right to a fair trial (Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter - the Convention)) of a person suffering from mental disorders in criminal proceedings concerning the application of compulsory medical measures (hereinafter referred to as CMM); formulation of scientifically substantiated proposals for determining the restriction legality criteria of the right of a person suffering from a mental disorder to personal participation in the trial.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: During the preparation of the article, the following was processed: scientific research on ensuring the rights of persons suffering from mental disorders in criminal proceedings; provisions of international agreements on the provision of psychiatric care; the legal position of the ECHR on the observance of the right to a fair trial of persons suffering from mental disorders (6 decisions were analyzed in which the ECHR addressed these issues in the context of the requirements of Article 6 of the Convention); criminal procedural legislation of individual states; the results of a survey conducted by the authors of 88 judges (judges of local courts of Ukraine) on key issues of ensuring the participation of a person suffering from a mental disorder in a court hearing. In the process of research a set of general scientific and special methods of cognition was used (comparative-legal method, systemic-structural method, generalization method, method of analysis and synthesis, method of sociological research, method of expert assessments, etc.
Objective: Introduction: In most countries detainees are often subjected to physical and mental abuse by law enforcement officials, but very rarely victims of torture can prove the guilt of these offenders due to the poor quality of findings of state forensic medical and forensic psychiatric experts and due to inconsistency of their findings with international guidelines (Istanbul Protocol). The aim: To determine the role of forensic medical examination in the investigation of torture crimes, to provide arguments for necessity to security of the victim's right to collect evidence independently, including through using of special knowledge of independent forensic medical and forensic psychiatric experts in criminal proceedings.
Patients And Methods: Materials and methods: The authors used the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Decisions on the complaints of the victims' torture, international and Ukrainian human rights legal acts, the results of numerous torture investigations conducted by medical and criminalistics scientists.