Publications by authors named "Vasily Ptushenko"

The photosynthetic apparatus of plants is capable of capturing even weak fluxes of light energy. Hence, strong and rapid increase in irradiance should be dangerous for plants. To solve the problems caused by fluctuations of incident radiation (up to excessive), plants have developed a number of protective mechanisms, including non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of excited chlorophyll states.

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Cytochrome (CytC), a one-electron carrier, transfers electrons from complex to cytochrome oxidase (CcO) in the electron-transport chain. Electrostatic interaction with the partners, complex and CcO, is ensured by a lysine cluster near the heme forming the Universal Binding Site (UBS). We constructed three mutant variants of mitochondrial CytC with one (2Mut), four (5Mut), and five (8Mut) Lys->Glu substitutions in the UBS and some compensating Glu->Lys substitutions at the periphery of the UBS for charge compensation.

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In the bioenergetics studies, the direct electrometric method played an important role. This method is based on measuring the electrical potential difference (Δψ) between two compartments of the experimental cell generated by some membrane proteins. These proteins are incorporated into closed lipid-protein membrane vesicles associated with an artificial lipid membrane that separates the compartments.

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PsbS is one of the key photoprotective proteins, ensuring the tolerance of the photosynthetic apparatus (PSA) of a plant to abrupt changes in irradiance. Being a component of photosystem II, it provides the formation of quenching centers for excited states of chlorophyll in the photosynthetic antenna with an excess of light energy. The signal for "turning on" the photoprotective function of the protein is an excessive decrease in pH in the thylakoid lumen occurring when all the absorbed light energy (stored in the form of transmembrane proton potential) cannot be used for carbon assimilation.

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Cytochrome c (CytC) is a single-electron carrier between complex bc1 and cytochrome c-oxidase (CcO) in the electron transport chain (ETC). It is also known as a good radical scavenger but its participation in electron flow through the ETC makes it impossible to use CytC as a radical sensor. To solve this problem, a series of mutants were constructed with substitutions of Lys residues in the universal binding site (UBS) which interact electrostatically with negatively charged Asp and Glu residues at the binding sites of CytC partners, bc1 complex and CcO.

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Nikolai K. Koltzoff (Koltsov) (1872-1940) is one of the key figures in Russian biology. He essentially initiated Russian physicochemical biology and established a large scientific school in the area.

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Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of excited chlorophyll states is essential for protecting the photosynthetic apparatus (PSA) from the excessive light-induced damage in all groups of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. The key component of the NPQ mechanism in green algae and some other groups of algae and mosses is the LhcSR protein of the light harvesting complex (LHC) protein superfamily. In vascular plants, LhcSR is replaced by PsbS, another member of the LHC superfamily and a subunit of photosystem II (PSII).

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By the early 1980s, unique devices appeared in the USSR: a series of benchtop specialized EPR spectrometers. This equipment was quickly accepted not only in science but also in medicine and in many technical and economic areas including chemical industries and geologic exploration. The appearance of these devices was perceived as a salvation for the Soviet magnetic resonance (MR) scientific instrumentation by those who worked in the field of EPR spectroscopy in the USSR.

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Photosynthetic organisms have developed a set of mechanisms aimed at preventing photo-oxidative reactions in the photosynthetic apparatus (PSA) initiated by excessively absorbed light energy. Along with high irradiance, other stressors, e.g.

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Genetics in the Soviet Union (USSR) achieved state-of-the-art results and had reached a peak of development by the mid-1930s due to the efforts of the scientific schools of several major figures, including Sergei Navashin, Nikolai Koltsov, Grigorii Levitsky, Yuri Filipchenko, Nikolai Vavilov, and Solomon Levit. Unfortunately, the Soviet government distrusted intellectually independent science and this led to state support for a fraudulent pseudoscientific concept widely known as Lysenkoism, which hugely damaged biology as a whole. Decades of dominance of the Lysenkoism had ruinous effects and the revival of biology in the USSR in the late 1950s-early 1960s was very difficult.

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The significance of the spectral composition of light for growth and other physiological functions of plants moved to the focus of "plant science" soon after the discovery of photosynthesis, if not earlier. The research in this field recently intensified due to the explosive development of computer-controlled systems for artificial illumination and documenting photosynthetic activity. The progress is also substantiated by recent insights into the molecular mechanisms of photo-regulation of assorted physiological functions in plants mediated by photoreceptors and other pigment systems.

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Influenza A virus (IAV) is a major public health problem and a pandemic threat. Its evolution is largely driven by diversifying positive selection so that relative fitness of different amino acid variants changes with time due to changes in herd immunity or genomic context, and novel amino acid variants attain fitness advantage. Here, we hypothesize that diversifying selection also has another manifestation: the fitness associated with a particular amino acid variant should decline with time since its origin, as the herd immunity adapts to it.

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Mitochondria-targeted antioxidants (also known as 'Skulachev Ions' electrophoretically accumulated by mitochondria) exert anti-ageing and ROS-protecting effects well documented in animal and human cells. However, their effects on chloroplast in photosynthetic cells and corresponding mechanisms are scarcely known. For the first time, we describe a dramatic quenching effect of (10-(6-plastoquinonyl)decyl triphenylphosphonium (SkQ1) on chlorophyll fluorescence, apparently mediated by redox interaction of SkQ1 with Mn cluster in Photosystem II (PSII) of chlorophyte microalga Chlorella vulgaris and disabling the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC).

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Here, we summarize diverse evidence from species that belong to the genus Tradescantia, which we propose as handy and versatile models for studies of the ecology of photosynthesis and the mechanisms of photoacclimation in higher plants. A valuable feature of this genus is the amazingly broad range of ecological niches occupied by its species: from shady understory of tropical rainforest to deserts and semideserts. The former habitats demand shade tolerance (e.

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In framework of the continuum electrostatics theory, the reorganization energies of the electron transfers Q-Q (fast phase), Bph-Q, P-Q, and P-Q in the photosynthetic bacterial reaction center have been calculated. The calculations were based on the static dielectric permittivity spatial distribution derived from the data on the electrogenesis, with the corresponding characteristic times relatively close to the reaction times of Q-Q (fast phase) and Bph-Q but much shorter than those times of the latter two recombination reactions. The calculated reorganization energies were reasonably close to the experimental estimates for Q-Q (fast phase) and Bph-Q but substantially lower than those of P-Q and P-Q.

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Subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) from mitochondria and many bacteria contains a cation binding site (CBS) located at the outer positively charged aqueous phase not far from heme a. Binding of Ca with the CBS in bovine CcO inhibits activity of the enzyme 2-3 -fold [Vygodina, T., Kirichenko, A.

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In plants, the short-term regulation (STR, seconds to minute time scale) of photosynthetic apparatus is associated with the energy-dependent control in the chloroplast electron transport, the distribution of light energy between photosystems (PS) II and I, activation/deactivation of the Calvin-Benson cycle (CBC) enzymes, and relocation of chloroplasts within the plant cell. In this work, using a dual-PAM technique for measuring the time-courses of P photooxidation and Chl a fluorescence, we have investigated the STR events in Tradescantia fluminensis leaves. The comparison of Chl a fluorescence and [Formula: see text] induction allowed us to investigate the contribution of the trans-thylakoid pH difference (ΔpH) to the STR events.

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In 1944, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was discovered by Evgenii Konstantinovich Zavoisky in the USSR (Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics). Since then, magnetic resonance methods have contributed invaluably to our knowledge in many areas of Life Sciences and Chemistry, and particularly in the area of photosynthesis research. However, the road of the magnetic resonance methods, as well as its acceptance in Life Sciences and Chemistry, was not smooth and prompt in the (former) USSR.

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In this study, we have compared the photosynthetic characteristics of two contrasting species of Tradescantia plants, T. fluminensis (shade-tolerant species), and T. sillamontana (light-resistant species), grown under the low light (LL, 50-125 µmol photons m s) or high light (HL, 875-1000 µmol photons m s) conditions during their entire growth period.

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Plant protoplasts are widely used for genetic manipulation and functional studies in transient expression systems. However, little is known about the molecular pathways involved in a cell response to the combined stress factors resulted from protoplast generation. Plants often face more than one type of stress at a time, and how plants respond to combined stress factors is therefore of great interest.

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Continuum electrostatic calculation of the transfer energies of anions from water into aprotic solvents gives the figures erroneous by order of magnitude. This is due to the hydrogen bond disruption that suggests the necessity to reconsider the traditional approach of the purely electrostatic calculation of the transfer energy from water into protein. In this paper, the method combining the experimental estimates of the transfer energies from water into aprotic solvent and the electrostatic calculation of the transfer energies from aprotic solvent into protein is proposed.

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Molecular dynamics (MD) calculations, a semi-continuum (SC) approach, and quantum chemistry (QC) calculations were employed together to investigate the molecular mechanics of ultrafast charge separation reactions in Photosystem I (PS I) of Thermosynechococcus elongatus. A molecular model of PS I was developed with the aim to relate the atomic structure with electron transfer events in the two branches of cofactors. A structural flexibility map of PS I was constructed based on MD simulations, which demonstrated its rigid hydrophobic core and more flexible peripheral regions.

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Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis is one of the most convenient and widespread techniques used to monitor photosynthesis performance in plants. In this work, after a brief overview of the mechanisms of regulation of photosynthetic electron transport and protection of photosynthetic apparatus against photodamage, we describe results of our study of the effects of actinic light intensity on photosynthetic performance in Tradescantia species of different ecological groups. Using the chlorophyll fluorescence as a probe of photosynthetic activity, we have found that the shade-tolerant species Tradescantia fluminensis shows a higher sensitivity to short-term illumination (≤20min) with low and moderate light (≤200μEm(-2)s(-1)) as compared with the light-resistant species Tradescantia sillamontana.

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In this work, we have investigated the effects of atmospheric CO(2) and O(2) on induction events in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaves. These effects manifest themselves as multiphase kinetics of P(700) redox transitions and non-monotonous changes in chlorophyll fluorescence. Depletion of CO(2) and O(2) in air causes a decrease in linear electron flux (LEF) and dramatic lowering of P(700)(+) level.

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