Publications by authors named "Vasileios Basios"

It appears that the free energy minimization principle conflicts with quantum cognition since the former adheres to a restricted view based on experience while the latter allows deviations from such a restricted view. While free energy minimization, which incorporates Bayesian inference, leads to a Boolean lattice of propositions (classical logic), quantum cognition, which seems to be very dissimilar to Bayesian inference, leads to an orthomodular lattice of propositions (quantum logic). Thus, we address this challenging issue to bridge and connect the free energy minimization principle with the theory of quantum cognition.

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The slogan "nobody is safe until everybody is safe" is a dictum to raise awareness that in an interconnected world, pandemics, such as COVID-19, require a global approach. Motivated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we model here the spread of a virus in interconnected communities and explore different vaccination scenarios, assuming that the efficacy of the vaccination wanes over time. We start with susceptible populations and consider a susceptible-vaccinated-infected-recovered model with unvaccinated ("Bronze"), moderately vaccinated ("Silver"), and very-well-vaccinated ("Gold") communities, connected through different types of networks via a diffusive linear coupling for local spreading.

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After a brief introduction to the theory underlying block-entropy and its relation to the dynamics of complex systems as well as certain information theory aspects, we study musical texts coming from two distinct musical traditions, Japanese and Western European, encoded via symbolic dynamics. We quantify their information content, also known as the degree of "non-randomness" which essentially defines the complexity of the text. We analyze the departure of "total randomness" to the constraints underlying the dynamics of the symbol generating process.

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Labyrinth chaos was discovered by Otto Rössler and René Thomas in their endeavor to identify the necessary mathematical conditions for the appearance of chaotic and hyperchaotic motion in continuous flows. Here, we celebrate their discovery by considering a single labyrinth walk system and an array of coupled labyrinth chaos systems that exhibit complex, chaotic behavior, reminiscent of chimera-like states, a peculiar synchronization phenomenon. We discuss the properties of the single labyrinth walk system and review the ability of coupled labyrinth chaos systems to exhibit chimera-like states due to the unique properties of their space-filling, chaotic trajectories, which amounts to elegant, hyperchaotic walks.

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Animals making a group sometimes approach and sometimes avoid a dense area of group mates, and that reveals the ambiguity of density preference. Although the ambiguity is not expressed by a simple deterministic local rule, it seems to be implemented by probabilistic inference that is based on Bayesian and inverse Bayesian inference. In particular, the inverse Bayesian process refers to perpetual changing of hypotheses.

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We consider a multidimensional extension of Thomas-Rössler systems, that was inspired by Thomas' earlier work on biological feedback circuits, and we report on our first results that shows its ability to sustain spatio-temporal behaviour reminiscent of chimera states. The novelty here is that its underlying mechanism is based on "chaotic walks" discovered by Thomas during the course of his investigations on what he called Labyrinth Chaos. We briefly review the main properties of these systems and their chaotic and hyperchaotic dynamics and discuss the simplest way of coupling, necessary for this spatio-temporal behaviour that allows the emergence of complex dynamical behaviours.

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To overcome the dualism between mind and matter and to implement consciousness in science, a physical entity has to be embedded with a measurement process. Although quantum mechanics have been regarded as a candidate for implementing consciousness, nature at its macroscopic level is inconsistent with quantum mechanics. We propose a measurement-oriented inference system comprising Bayesian and inverse Bayesian inferences.

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Over the last years, in a series papers by Arecchi and others, a model for the cognitive processes involved in decision making has been proposed and investigated. The key element of this model is the expression of apprehension and judgment, basic cognitive process of decision making, as an inverse Bayes inference classifying the information content of neuron spike trains. It has been shown that for successive plural stimuli this inference, equipped with basic non-algorithmic jumps, is affected by quantum-like characteristics.

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We propose in this paper a generic model of a nonstandard aggregation mechanism for self-assembly processes of a class of materials involving the mediation of intermediates consisting of a polydisperse population of nanosized particles. The model accounts for a long induction period in the process. The proposed mechanism also gives insight on future experiments aiming at a more comprehensive picture of the role of self-organization in self-assembly processes.

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We present results demonstrating the occurrence of changes in the collective dynamics of a Hamiltonian system which describes a confined microplasma characterized by long-range Coulomb interactions. In its lower energy regime, we first detect macroscopically the transition from a "crystallinelike" to a "liquidlike" behavior, which we call the "melting transition." We then proceed to study this transition using a microscopic chaos indicator called the smaller alignment index (SALI), which utilizes two deviation vectors in the tangent dynamics of the flow and is nearly constant for ordered (quasiperiodic) orbits, while it decays exponentially to zero for chaotic orbits as exp[-(lambda(1)-lambda(2))t], where lambda(1)>lambda(2)>0 are the two largest Lyapunov exponents.

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Recent observations of the growth of protein crystals have identified two different growth regimes. At low supersaturation, the surface of the crystal is smooth and increasing in size due to the nucleation of steps at defects and the subsequent growth of the steps. At high supersaturation, nucleation occurs at many places simultaneously, the crystal surface becomes rough, and the growth velocity increases more rapidly with increasing supersaturation than in the smooth regime.

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It is shown that hyperchaos of order m (i.e., with m positive Lyapunov exponents) can be generated by a single feedback circuit in n = 2m + 1 variables.

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A kinetic model of protein crystallization accounting for the nucleation stage, the growth and competition of solid particles and the formation of macroscopic patterns is developed. Different versions are considered corresponding successively, to a continuous one-dimensional crystallization reactor, a coarse grained two-box model and a model describing the evolution of the space averaged values of fluid and solid material. The analysis brings out the high multiplicity of the patterns.

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