This article lists the changes to virus taxonomy approved and ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) in March 2017.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFViruses in the genus Nanovirus of the family Nanoviridae generally have eight individually encapsidated circular genome components and have been predominantly found infecting Fabaceae plants in Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia. For over a decade Sophora alopecuroides L. (Fabaceae) plants have been observed across Iran displaying dwarfing, yellowing, stunted leaves and yellow vein banding.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith the intensification of human activities, fresh water resources are increasingly being exposed to contamination from effluent disposal to land. Thus, there is a greater need to identify the sources and pathways of water contamination to enable the development of better mitigation strategies. To track discharges of domestic effluent into soil and groundwater, 10 synthetic double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) tracers were developed in this study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe geminiviruses are a family of small, non-enveloped viruses with single-stranded, circular DNA genomes of 2500-5200 bases. Geminiviruses are transmitted by various types of insect (whiteflies, leafhoppers, treehoppers and aphids). Members of the genus Begomovirus are transmitted by whiteflies, those in the genera Becurtovirus, Curtovirus, Grablovirus, Mastrevirus and Turncurtovirus are transmitted by specific leafhoppers, the single member of the genus Topocuvirus is transmitted by a treehopper and one member of the genus Capulavirus is transmitted by an aphid.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe discovery and full-genome sequences of two isolates of a fourth capulavirus species are reported. The viruses were discovered during a viral metagenomics survey of uncultivated Plantago lanceolata plants in the Åland archipelago of south western Finland. The newly discovered viruses apparently produce no symptoms in P.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetagenomic approaches are rapidly expanding our knowledge of the diversity of viruses. In the fecal matter of Nigerian chimpanzees we recovered three gokushovirus genomes, one circular replication-associated protein encoding single-stranded DNA virus (CRESS), and a CRESS DNA molecule.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImplementation of a vector-enabled metagenomics approach resulted in the identification of various geminiviruses. We identified the genome sequences of , , , the first from Iran, and from leafhoppers feeding on beet, parsley, pumpkin, and turnip plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis is the first description of full genome sequences of chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV; genus Mastrevirus; family Geminiviridae) identified in papaya and tomato plants sampled in Burkina Faso. The CpCDV full genome sequences from papaya and tomato share the highest pairwise sequence identity (84% and 93.5%) with Sudanese isolates of the CpCDV-K and CpCDV-M strains, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGeminiviruses are plant-infecting single-stranded DNA viruses that occur in most parts of the world. Currently, there are seven genera within the family Geminiviridae (Becurtovirus, Begomovirus, Curtovirus, Eragrovirus, Mastrevirus, Topocuvirus and Turncurtovirus). The rate of discovery of new geminiviruses has increased significantly over the last decade as a result of new molecular tools and approaches (rolling-circle amplification and deep sequencing) that allow for high-throughput workflows.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMaize streak virus (MSV), the causal agent of maize streak disease (MSD), is the most important viral pathogen of Africa's staple food crop, maize. Previous phylogeographic analyses have revealed that the most widely-distributed and common MSV variant, MSV-A, has been repeatedly traversing Africa over the past fifty years with long-range movements departing from either the Lake Victoria region of East Africa, or the region around the convergence of Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mozambique in southern Africa. Despite Kenya being the second most important maize producing country in East Africa, little is known about the Kenyan MSV population and its contribution to the ongoing diversification and trans-continental dissemination of MSV-A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacilladnaviruses have single-stranded (ss) DNA genomes and infect diatoms, a major group of unicellular algae widespread in aquatic habitats. Despite their ecological importance, the provenance and relationships of bacilladnaviruses to other eukaryotic viruses remain unclear. Accordingly, they are currently classified into the 'floating' genus Bacilladnavirus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe family Circoviridae contains viruses with covalently closed, circular, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes, including the smallest known autonomously replicating, capsid-encoding animal pathogens. Members of this family are known to cause fatal diseases in birds and pigs and have been historically classified in one of two genera: Circovirus, which contains avian and porcine pathogens, and Gyrovirus, which includes a single species (Chicken anemia virus). However, over the course of the past six years, viral metagenomic approaches as well as degenerate PCR detection in unconventional hosts and environmental samples have elucidated a broader host range, including fish, a diversity of mammals, and invertebrates, for members of the family Circoviridae.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe number and diversity of viral sequences that are identified in metagenomic data far exceeds that of experimentally characterized virus isolates. In a recent workshop, a panel of experts discussed the proposal that, with appropriate quality control, viruses that are known only from metagenomic data can, and should be, incorporated into the official classification scheme of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). Although a taxonomy that is based on metagenomic sequence data alone represents a substantial departure from the traditional reliance on phenotypic properties, the development of a robust framework for sequence-based virus taxonomy is indispensable for the comprehensive characterization of the global virome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFViruses are ubiquitous in nature, however, very few have been identified that are associated with Antarctic animals. Here we report the identification of a polyomavirus in the kidney tissue of a deceased Weddell seal from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. The circular genome (5186 nt) has typical features of polyomaviruses with a small and larger T-antigen open reading frames (ORFs) and three ORFs encoding VP1, VP2 and VP3 capsid proteins.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe mark the 50th anniversary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) by presenting a brief history of the organization since its foundation, showing how it has adapted to advancements in our knowledge of virus diversity and the methods used to characterize it. We also outline recent developments, supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust (UK), that are facilitating substantial changes in the operations of the ICTV and promoting dialogue with the virology community. These developments will generate improved online resources, including a freely available and regularly updated ICTV Virus Taxonomy Report.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEarth Planets Space
September 2017
We report on the large-scale evolution of dipolarization in the near-Earth plasma sheet during an intense (AL ~ -1000 nT) substorm on August 10, 2016, when multiple spacecraft at radial distances between 4 and 15 were present in the night-side magnetosphere. This global dipolarization consisted of multiple short-timescale (a couple of minutes) disturbances detected by spacecraft distributed over 9 MLT, consistent with the large-scale substorm current wedge observed by ground-based magnetometers. The four spacecraft of the Magnetospheric Multiscale were located in the southern hemisphere plasma sheet and observed fast flow disturbances associated with this dipolarization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFViruses in the genus Babuvirus have multi-component ssDNA genomes and often associate with alphasatellite molecules containing two common motifs, a common-region stem-loop (CR-SL) involved in initiation of rolling-circle replication and a common-region major (CR-M) motif involved in secondary-strand synthesis. We compared known babuvirus genome components and alphasatellite CR-SL and CR-M sequences, defining five divergent CR-SL sequence classes. We identified iterated sequence elements in babuvirus genome components that have particularly conserved sequences and spatial arrangements between known babuviruses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the first Jupiter X-ray observations planned to coincide with an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME). At the predicted ICME arrival time, we observed a factor of ∼8 enhancement in Jupiter's X-ray aurora. Within 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on field-aligned current observations by the four Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft near the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) during two major substorms on 23 June 2015. Small-scale field-aligned currents were found embedded in fluctuating PSBL flux tubes near the separatrix region. We resolve, for the first time, short-lived earthward (downward) intense field-aligned current sheets with thicknesses of a few tens of kilometers, which are well below the ion scale, on flux tubes moving equatorward/earthward during outward plasma sheet expansion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBotanical, mycological, zoological, and prokaryotic species names follow the Linnaean format, consisting of an italicized Latinized binomen with a capitalized genus name and a lower case species epithet (e.g., Homo sapiens).
View Article and Find Full Text PDF(BBTV; family Nanoviridae, genus ) is a multi-component single-stranded DNA virus, which infects banana plants in many regions of the world, often resulting in large-scale crop losses. We analyzed 171 banana leaf samples from fourteen countries and recovered, cloned, and sequenced 855 complete BBTV components including ninety-four full genomes. Importantly, full genomes were determined from eight countries, where previously no full genomes were available (Samoa, Burundi, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the USA [HI]).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) seriously impacts tomato production throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It has a broad geographical distribution and continues to spread to new regions in the Indian and Pacific Oceans including Australia, New Caledonia and Mauritius. We undertook a temporally-scaled, phylogeographic analysis of all publicly available, full genome sequences of TYLCV, together with 70 new genome sequences from Australia, Iran and Mauritius.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) in Madagascar is caused by a complex of at least six African cassava mosaic geminivirus (CMG) species. This provides a rare opportunity for a comparative study of the evolutionary and epidemiological dynamics of distinct pathogenic crop-infecting viral species that coexist within the same environment. The genetic and spatial structure of CMG populations in Madagascar was studied and Bayesian phylogeographic modelling was applied to infer the origins of Madagascan CMG populations within the epidemiological context of related populations situated on mainland Africa and other south western Indian Ocean (SWIO) islands.
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