Aim: To compare survival of kidney transplants from deceased extended criteria donors (ECD) according to: (1) donor graft histological score; and (2) allocation of high score grafts either to single (SKT) or dual (DKT) transplant.
Methods: Renal biopsy was performed as part of either a newly adopted DKT protocol, or of surveillance protocol in the past. A total 185 ECD graft recipients were categorized according to pre-implantation graft biopsy into 3 groups: SKT with graft score 1 to 4 [SKT, = 102]; SKT with donor graft score 5 to 8 [SKT, = 30]; DKT with donor graft score 5 to 7 (DKT, = 53).
J Transplant
May 2018
Background: Grafts from elderly donors (ECD) are increasingly allocated to single (SKT) or dual (DKT) kidney transplantation according to biopsy score. Indications and benefits of either procedure lack universal agreement.
Methods: A total of 302 ECD-transplants in period from Jan 1, 2000, to Dec 31, 2015, were allocated to SKT (SKT) on clinical grounds alone (before Dec 2010, pre-DKT era, = 170) or according to a clinical-histological protocol (after Dec 2010, DKT era, = 132) to DKT ( = 48), SKT biopsy-based protocol ("high-risk", SKT, = 51), or SKT clinically based protocol ("low-risk", SKT, = 33).