Publications by authors named "Valentin A Ilyin"

Lysin of bacteriophages isolated from a particular ecosystem could be inducted as a bio-controlling tool against the inhabiting pathogenic bacterial strains. Our study aims at both experimental and computational characterization of the identical lysin gene product inherent in the genomes of two novel Myoviridae bacteriophages, Escherichia Phage C600M2 (GenBank accession number OK040807, Protein ID: UCJ01465) and Escherichia Phage CL1 (GenBank Genome accession number OK040806.1, Protein ID: UCJ01321) isolated from wastewater collected from the main water treatment plant in Qatar.

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We report the genome sequences of Escherichia phage C600M2 (length, 88,162 bp; G+C content, 38.98%) and Escherichia phage CL1 (length, 87,820 bp; G+C content, 41.32%), which were isolated from a wastewater treatment plant in Qatar.

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Background: Embryonic genome activation (EGA) is a critical event for the preimplantation embryo, which is manifested by changes in chromatin structure, transcriptional machinery, expression of embryonic genes, and degradation of maternal transcripts. The objectives of this study were to determine transcript abundance of HMGN3a and SMARCAL1 in mature bovine oocytes and early bovine embryos, to perform comparative functional genomics analysis of these genes across mammals.

Results: New annotations of both HMGN3a and SMARCAL1 were submitted to the Bovine Genome Annotation Submission Database at BovineGenome.

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Gamma-tubulin belongs to the tubulin superfamily and plays an essential role in the nucleation of cellular microtubules. In the present study, we report the characterization of gamma-tubulin from the psychrophilic Antarctic ciliate Euplotes focardii. In this organism, gamma-tubulin is encoded by two genes, gamma-T1 and gamma-T2, that produce distinct isotypes.

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Abasic (AP) sites in DNA arise through both endogenous and exogenous mechanisms. Since AP sites can prevent replication and transcription, the cell contains systems for their identification and repair. AP endonuclease (APEX1) cleaves the phosphodiester backbone 5' to the AP site.

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Background: The majority of relations between proteins can be represented as a conventional sequential alignment. Nevertheless, unusual non-sequential alignments with different connectivity of the aligned fragments in compared proteins have been reported by many researchers. It is interesting to understand those non-sequential alignments; are they unique, sporadic cases or they occur frequently; do they belong to a few specific folds or spread among many different folds, as a common feature of protein structure.

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TOPOFIT-DB (T-DB) is a public web-based database of protein structural alignments based on the TOPOFIT method, providing a comprehensive resource for comparative analysis of protein structure families. The TOPOFIT method is based on the discovery of a saturation point on the alignment curve (topomax point) which presents an ability to objectively identify a border between common and variable parts in a protein structural family, providing additional insight into protein comparison and functional annotation. TOPOFIT also effectively detects non-sequential relations between protein structures.

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Unlabelled: Friend is a bioinformatics application designed for simultaneous analysis and visualization of multiple structures and sequences of proteins and/or DNA/RNA. The application provides basic functionalities, such as structure visualization, with different rendering and coloring, sequence alignment and simple phylogeny analysis, along with a number of extended features to perform more complex analyses of sequence structure relationships, including structural alignment of proteins, investigation of specific interaction motifs, studies of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions and protein super-families. It is also useful for functional annotation of proteins, protein modeling and protein folding studies.

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Similarity of protein structures has been analyzed using three-dimensional Delaunay triangulation patterns derived from the backbone representation. It has been found that structurally related proteins have a common spatial invariant part, a set of tetrahedrons, mathematically described as a common spatial subgraph volume of the three-dimensional contact graph derived from Delaunay tessellation (DT). Based on this property of protein structures, we present a novel common volume superimposition (TOPOFIT) method to produce structural alignments.

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Unlabelled: Comparative analysis of exon/intron organization of genes and their resulting protein structures is important for understanding evolutionary relationships between species, rules of protein organization and protein functionality. We present Structural Exon Database (SEDB), with a Web interface, an application that allows users to retrieve the exon/intron organization of genes and map the location of the exon boundaries and the intron phase onto a multiple structural alignment. SEDB is linked with Friend, an integrated analytical multiple sequence/structure viewer, which allows simultaneous visualization of exon boundaries on structure and sequence alignments.

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The following resources for comparative protein structure modeling and analysis are described ( MODELLER, a program for comparative modeling by satisfaction of spatial restraints; MODWEB, a web server for automated comparative modeling that relies on PSI-BLAST, IMPALA and MODELLER; MODLOOP, a web server for automated loop modeling that relies on MODELLER; MOULDER, a CPU intensive protocol of MODWEB for building comparative models based on distant known structures; MODBASE, a comprehensive database of annotated comparative models for all sequences detectably related to a known structure; MODVIEW, a Netscape plugin for Linux that integrates viewing of multiple sequences and structures; and SNPWEB, a web server for structure-based prediction of the functional impact of a single amino acid substitution.

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Summary: We describe ModView, a web application for visualization of multiple protein sequences and structures. ModView integrates a multiple structure viewer, a multiple sequence alignment editor, and a database querying engine. It is possible to interactively manipulate hundreds of proteins, to visualize conservative and variable residues, active and binding sites, fragments, and domains in protein families, as well as to display large macromolecular complexes such as ribosomes or viruses.

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A database comprising all ligand-binding sites of known structure aligned with all related protein sequences and structures is described. Currently, the database contains approximately 50000 ligand-binding sites for small molecules found in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The structure-structure alignments are obtained by the Combinatorial Extension (CE) program (Shindyalov and Bourne, Protein Eng.

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MODBASE ( is a relational database of annotated comparative protein structure models for all available protein sequences matched to at least one known protein structure.

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