Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Vahid Jazi"
- Vahid Jazi's research primarily focuses on improving animal nutrition through alternative feed ingredients, specifically exploring the potential of fermented and untreated cottonseed meal as a substitute for soybean meal in broiler chickens and quail.
- In his recent study published in "Animals (Basel)," Jazi found that fermented cottonseed meal could effectively replace soybean meal in broiler diets, positively affecting growth performance, gut microbiota, and enzyme activity without the adverse effects seen with irradiated products.
- Another study in "J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)" evaluated the dietary effects of whey powder and Bacillus subtilis on Japanese quails, showing significant improvements in growth performance, gut health, and antioxidant capacity of muscles, suggesting beneficial interactions between these supplements in poultry nutrition.