Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
January 1998
A randomized trial of 77 patients with polyosteoarthrosis of stage I-II was made in two groups which received hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy according to conventional regimen (controls) and inhalations of hydrogen sulfide water. Ultrasonic hydrogen sulfide inhalations are not inferior in efficacy to conventional treatment, but balneoreaction occurred less frequently. High bioavailability of hydrogen sulfide in inhalations provides antiinflammatory, analgetic, trophic effects, stimulates general and immune reactivity of the body.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult
January 1997
In vitro experiments demonstrate stability of ascorbic acid pH solution and a 1.5-fold increase in ascorbic acid mass-transfer through semipermeable membranes in exposure to laser radiation and magnetic field generated by the device Uzor. Bioavailability of ascorbic acid was proved by adaptogenic and antioxidant effects of laser-magnetophoresis of 2% ascorbic acid solution applied to the affected joints in 79 patients with osteochondrosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJoint degeneration and dystrophy observed in some subjects exposed to low-dose radiation after the Chernobyl accident is accompanied with more active production of lipid peroxidation products. This overproduction is corrected by combined sulfurated hydrogen balneotherapy and magnetophoresis of vitamin E on the affected joints.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF225 females of reproductive age were treated in Sochi for inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis. The patients underwent climate, balneological, laser treatments and received thymogen. Therapeutic results estimated clinically, by adaptive responses, protein metabolism, proteolysis and ceruloplasmin activity, concentrations of proteolysis inhibitors and middle-mass molecules were analyzed with respect to the patients' residence and the season of their stay in the sanatorium.
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