Vestn Rentgenol Radiol
November 1983
Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
November 1976
By means of the electron microscopic method it became possible to study the structure of the lymph groin node (bioptic material) in 4 cases of schizophrenia and in 2 normals. All the schizophrenic patients had continuous forms (nuclear) of the disease, while their mental state during the period of examination was characterized as terminal. An analysis of the cell structure in the lymph node demonstrated that in both groups the functional activity of the lymphoid tissue was sufficiently high and in relation to some indices this activity was even higher in the group of schizophrenics (a more expressed pynocytose activity of the reticular cells and macrophages, a higher amount of blast forms of the lymphocytes, plasmatic cells and activated lymphocytes).
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