Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol
December 2023
Objective: summarizing the results of many years of research by the authors on the influence of gene polymorphisms encoding xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes (GSTТ1, GSTM1, GSTР1), antioxidant protection (С^262Т of the catalase gene), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (4a/4b VNTR polymorphism of the eNOS gene), and some environmental factors on the occurrence of broncho-obstructive disorders and the development of bronchial asthma in children, residents of radioactively contaminated areas.
Materials And Methods: The examined school-aged children were residents of radioactively RCA who had no clinical signs of respiratory pathology. Deletion polymorphism of catalase gene (CAT C^262T), polymorphism of glutathione-S-transferase gene (GSTТ1, GSTM1, GSTР1) and the polymorphism in the 4th intron (4a/4b) of the eNOS gene were studied in the molecular genetics laboratory of the State Institution «Reference Center for Molecular Diagnostics of Public Health Ministry of Ukraine».
Objective: to determine the association of catalase С-262Т gene polymorphism with the presence of bronchial hyper-reactivity in children living in radioactively contaminated territories.
Materials And Methods: There were examined school-age children-residents of radioactively contaminated territories (RCT), who did not have clinical signs of respiratory pathology. Catalase (CAT) С-262Т gene deletion polymorphism was studied in the molecular genetic laboratory of the State Institution «Reference Center for Molecular Diagnostic of Public Health Ministry of Ukraine».
Objective: to evaluate the influence of processes of lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant protection on the function of external respiration in children-residents of radioactive contaminated territories.
Materials And Methods: There were examined children of school age, inhabitants of radioactive contaminated ter- ritories (RCT) without respiratory and pulmonary pathology, and patients with bronchial asthma (BA). Examination of the ventilation lung function was performed by the method of pneumotachography according to the analysis of the «flow-volume» loop.
Objective: To determine the features of the nitrogen oxide metabolism and risk of developing endothelial dysfunc-tion in children with e-NOS 4a/4b gene polymorphism, who live under prolonged enter 137Cs to the body.
Materials And Methods: There were examined 117 children-residents of radioactively contaminated territories and50 children of control group. The level of stable metabolites was defined in blood serum (NO2- and NO3-).
Unlabelled: Objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of intermittent normobaric hypoxi therapy as the means that can posi tively influence on the different links in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction in children residents of radioactively contaminated areas.
Materials And Methods: Disorders of personal and emotional sphere, symptoms of asthenic vegetative and neurot ic character, the signs of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, abdominal and dyspeptic syndromes are attrib uted to the clinical signs of endothelial dysfunction. There were determined the biochemical parameters of the con tent of stable metabolites of NO, L arginine, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes in the blood serum; the indices of cellular and humoral immunity; the instrumental indices of vascular endothelium dependent reaction to occlu sion test, ventilating ability of the lungs, the bioelectric activity of the myocardium.