Staining of the nucleolar ribosome organizer with AgNO3 followed by computer analysis of images by discriminant analysis helped distinguish 6 morphological types in the cells of cytological preparations of mammary glands. Comparison of the morphometrical data and results of visual examination of cells showed that the first type included nonproliferating fibroadenoma and mastopathy, type 2 fibroadenoma and mastopathy with moderate proliferation of epithelium, type 3 fibroadenoma and mastopathy with precancer epithelial proliferation, and types 4-6 included malignant proliferating cells which are compatible with well, moderately, and poorly differentiated cancer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA critical analysis of prophylactic medical examination of population was conducted for detecting early oncological pathology. Methodological approaches in the practice of selecting persons with pretumorous diseases were examined. Great emphasis was put on the necessity of ascertaining the rates of accelerating functional changes as the most characteristic and accessible sign of tissue change from normal into pathological.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmong 5,400 male patients with lung cancer examined at Oncological Dispensaries of Moscow and Khabarovsk in 1967-1982, 37 men (0.7%) had never smoked. The latter group was characterized by prevalent incidence of glandular form of cancer and a relatively high percentage of old and middle-aged patients.
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