Publications by authors named "V Kurilovich"

Understanding how interacting particles approach thermal equilibrium is a major challenge of quantum simulators. Unlocking the full potential of such systems towards this goal requires flexible initial state preparation, precise time evolution and extensive probes for final state characterization. Here we present a quantum simulator comprising 69 superconducting qubits that supports both universal quantum gates and high-fidelity analogue evolution, with performance beyond the reach of classical simulation in cross-entropy benchmarking experiments.

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A transmon qubit embedded in a high-impedance environment acts in a way dual to a conventional Josephson junction. In analogy to the AC Josephson effect, biasing of the transmon by a direct current leads to the oscillations of voltage across it. These oscillations are known as the Bloch oscillations.

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We develop a theory of charge transport along the quantum Hall edge proximitized by a superconductor. We note that generically Andreev reflection of an edge state is suppressed if translation invariance along the edge is preserved. Disorder in a "dirty" superconductor enables the Andreev reflection but makes it random.

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Electrostatic charging affects the many-body spectrum of Andreev states, yet its influence on their microwave properties has not been elucidated. We developed a circuit quantum electrodynamics probe that, in addition to transition spectroscopy, measures the microwave susceptibility of different states of a semiconductor nanowire weak link with a single dominant (spin-degenerate) Andreev level. We found that the microwave susceptibility does not exhibit a particle-hole symmetry, which we qualitatively explain as an influence of Coulomb interaction.

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A quantum magnetic impurity of spin S at the edge of a two-dimensional time reversal invariant topological insulator may give rise to backscattering. We study here the shot noise associated with the backscattering current for arbitrary S. Our full analytical solution reveals that for S>1/2 the Fano factor may be arbitrarily large, reflecting bunching of large batches of electrons.

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