Publications by authors named "V H Paramo Figueroa"

Cow-calf systems grazing native grasslands must transition toward improved economic performance simultaneously with the conservation and improvement of ecosystem services they provide. We present an innovation model with this objective based on a hierarchical model that links functional relationships between state variables, grazing experiments and its validation, and co-innovation at the farm level. This paper describes the hypotheses, designs, and results of the studies, and the role of grazing ecology and herbivore nutrition to support the process of ecological intensification of livestock systems on native grasslands.

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Context: The pituitary gland is key for childhood growth, puberty, and metabolism. Pituitary dysfunction is associated with a spectrum of phenotypes, from mild to severe. Congenital hypopituitarism (CH) is the most commonly reported pediatric endocrine dysfunction, with an incidence of 1:4000, yet low rates of genetic diagnosis have been reported.

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Interpreting three-dimensional models of biological macromolecules is a key skill in biochemistry, closely tied to students' visuospatial abilities. As students interact with these models and explain biochemical concepts, they often use gesture to complement verbal descriptions. Here, we utilize an embodied cognition-based approach to characterize undergraduate students' gesture production as they described and interpreted an augmented reality (AR) model of potassium channel structure and function.

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Inferior vena cava (IVC) atresia is a rare congenital anomaly. Standardized treatment is not well defined due to its uncommon presentation, with this pathology associated with an increased risk of unprovoked lower extremity deep vein thrombosis (DVT). We present a case of a 32-year-old man who was admitted for bilateral lower extremity edema and pain and was found to have bilateral extensive iliofemoral and femoropopliteal DVT, absence of IVC filling, and extensive tortuous collateralization arising from the pelvic veins to the azygos vein.

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The pressure to survive ever-changing pathogen exposure explains the frequent observation that immune genes are among the fastest evolving in the genomes of many taxa, but an intriguing proportion of immune genes also appear to be under purifying selection. Though variance in evolutionary signatures of immune genes is often attributed to differences in gene-specific interactions with microbes, this explanation neglects the possibility that immune genes participate in other biological processes that could pleiotropically constrain adaptive selection. In this study, we analyzed available transcriptomic and genomic data from Drosophila melanogaster and related species to test the hypothesis that there is substantial pleiotropic overlap in the developmental and immunological functions of genes involved in immune signaling and that pleiotropy would be associated with stronger signatures of evolutionary constraint.

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