Publications by authors named "V Bohut"

Background: The contribution of fine needle transparietal aspiration biopsy for the diagnosis of diseases of thoracic organs is generally accepted. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the contribution of this method to the diagnosis of processes in the lung and mediastinum.

Methods And Results: Transparietal fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed in 115 patients, 75 men and 40 women, mean age 59 +/- 10.

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The status in the sphere of diagnosis of respiratory diseases and the revealed shortcomings in this area stimulated workers of the First Clinic for TB and Respiratory Diseases to elaborate two investigations, the aim of which was to reveal in the course of the eighties (1983-1988) the most important problems in the diagnostic process and thus contribute to the improvement of the present state. Another task was to record developmental trends as regards the contents of the discipline of pneumology. A relatively large number of patients (2207 subjects) and the period of investigation made it possible to draw some general conclusions.

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The authors evaluate the importance of pulmonary digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in anomalies of pulmonary tissue, the bronchial tree and vascular pulmonary malformations. In a group of eight patients, comprising unilateral pulmonary hypoplasia, pulmonary cysts, vascular malformations and pulmonary sequestrations, they analyze the asset of DSA and the place of this method in the diagnostic algorithm. Reduction of the invasive and risky character of the examination, lower costs, the possibility of immediate evaluation and subsequent processing of the picture and modification of the length of the record is one of the main advantages, as compared with classical angiography.

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The authors present their first experience with lung DSA in a group of 75 patients. The examination was most frequently performed by instilling a contrast medium into central, less frequently into peripheral veins. The most frequent indications included tumorous lung diseases and mediastinal tumours before an operation treatment, a suspected pulmonary embolism, lung and vascular malformation.

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