Publications by authors named "V A Shishkova"

Unlabelled: is a comparative analysis of algorithms for segmentation of three-dimensional OCT images of human skin using neural networks based on U-Net architecture when training the model on two-dimensional and three-dimensional data.

Materials And Methods: Two U-Net-based network architectures for segmentation of 3D OCT skin images are proposed in this work, in which 2D and 3D blocks of 3D images serve as input data. Training was performed on thick skin OCT images acquired from 7 healthy volunteers.

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Article Synopsis
  • Anxiety and anxiety disorders are significant risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and other chronic illnesses, impacting patients' motivation and adherence to treatment.
  • Anxiety disorders are prevalent in patients with heart conditions, leading to reduced quality of life and increased healthcare costs as well as poor outcomes.
  • Treatment for anxiety includes both medications, like SSRIs and non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers such as fabomotizole, and non-drug options, with careful consideration of potential side effects in patients with cardiovascular issues.
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This review discusses the importance of the main psychoemotional risk factors for the development of chronic noncommunicable diseases. Current data on the prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) are presented. Data on the relationship between the development of psychoemotional disorders and CVD are summarized and the prospects for managing such patients within the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation are discussed.

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[Postcovid cognitive impairment].

Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova

December 2022

This review addresses current issues in post-COVID syndrome with a focus on neurocognitive impairment. The results of studies on complications in patients of different ages and health statuses recovered from mild to severe COVID-19 are discussed. Current data on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of various post-COVID disorders are presented, including a detailed discussion of central nervous system damage.

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Cerebrovascular diseases are one of the main causes of death and permanent disability. Effective and timely neuroprotective therapy can reduce the burden of cerebrovascular disease. The possibilities of neuroprotection as a method of prevention and medical rehabilitation of acute and chronic cerebrovascular diseases are addressed.

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