Publications by authors named "V A Ilyukhina"

The review states and argues theoretical propositions on the pathogenetic role of pre- and perinatal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in the formation of sustained oxygen-dependent energy deficit underlying in further ontogenesis the following neurobiological abnormalities: a) a decline in the level of health and compensatory-adaptive capacities of the organism, b) disorders of the psycho-speech development and adaptive behavior in children, c) early development of neuropsychic diseases, g) addition of other types of brain energy metabolism (including glucose metabolism) disorders in chronic polyetiologic diseases young and middle-aged individuals. We highlight and theoretically substantiate the integrated physiological parameters of the oxygen-dependent energy deficit types. We address the features of abnormalities in neuroreflectory and neurohumora regulatory mechanisms of the wakefulness level and its vegetative and hemodynamic provision in different types of energy deficit in children with DSMD, ADHD and school maladjustment.

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There are summarized results of studies on peculiarities of formation of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of brain circulation and respiration at oxygen-dependent energy deficit in the 3-6-year old children with delayed consequences of perinatal CNS lesion of the hypoxic-ischemic genesis and delay of psychic development (DPD) with use of the systemic-integrative approach and of parameters of superslow information-control systems of brain and of organism. In the examined contingent of children, differences have been revealed in development of emotional sphere and the higher psychic functions depending on character of disorganization of regulatory CNS functions and of the type of formed compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of autoregulation of cerebral circulation and of the system of external respiration.

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The efficacy of a method of combined treatment, developed by ourselves, using transcranial micropolarization in patients with delayed development of speech and general mental development, was studied in 30 children aged 4-6 years. High therapeutic effects were seen with this method in 60-80% of children, with accelerated development of communicative behavior and formation of speech-motor functions, along with increases in the stability of attention and improvements in the processes of perception and the productivity of cognitive activity.

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The results of many years of investigations of the features of the functional state and physiological activity of some structures of the striopallidum (Cd, GP, Put) and thalamus (VP, VL, CM) as links in the brain systems of the organization of mental and motor activity in patients with various forms of parkinsonism are presented in generalized form. The possibilities for the use of various types of ultraslow physiological processes to study the brain mechanisms of the activational and emotional states, with more precise definition of the role of structures of the striopallidal complex in the formation of systems supporting these types of mental activity in parkinsonism, are reviewed.

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