Introduction: Health technology assessment (HTA) is a standardized methodology that allows the assessment technologies' value. By incorporating the perspective of stakeholders in a public consultation process, transparency and quality of decisions can be improved.
Objective: To describe the active stakeholder consultation process for rapid HTAs in an Argentinean, independent, academic, non-profit HTA agency, assessing its initial five years.
Introduction: The economic consequences of mandatory coverage, through judicial means, of high-priced medications constitutes a growing problem, which merits knowing its local characteristics to provide possible solutions.
Objective: To identify medications, diseases involved, economic impact and contextual factors of the judicialization of high-priced medications in the Argentine Health System(MEP).
Methods: Quali-quantitative descriptive study that retrospectively analyzed legal protection resources by MEP from three national and provincial databases from January 2017 to December 2020, evaluating the existing relationship between lawsuits with regulatory approval, inclusion in benefit packages and relationship with journalistic articles for the three most frequently prosecuted drugs.
Objectives: In 2020, a group of 30 stakeholders from Latin America established 15 criteria for a diagnostic technologies value framework (D-VF) to help assess and inform decisions on diagnostic technologies. This article aims to present the operationalization, piloting, and initial validation of the framework for its implementation.
Methods: This work was carried out collaboratively with a variety of stakeholders.
Objectives: To comprehensively identify and map an exhaustive list of value criteria for the assessment of next-generation sequencing/comprehensive genomic profiling (NGS/CGP), to be used as an aid in decision making.
Methods: We conducted a systematic review to identify existing value frameworks (VFs) applicable to any type of healthcare technology. VFs and criteria were mapped to a previously published Latin American (LA) VF to harmonize definitions and identify additional criteria and or subcriteria.
Int J Technol Assess Health Care
December 2022
Objective: The objective of Health Technology Assessment International's 6th Latin America Policy Form, held in 2021, was to explore the implementation of deliberative processes in the framework of health technology assessment (HTA) and how agencies in the region could involve stakeholders in this process.
Methods: This paper is based on a preparatory survey, a background document, and the deliberative work of participants at the virtual Forum conducted in 2021. There were ninety-one participants in the open session and fifty-two in the closed sessions, representing twelve countries and diverse areas of the health sector.