This paper proposes a taxonomy for Community Health Workers (CHWs) and others engaged in front-line community health activities, encompassing formally-employed workers extending government primary health care (PHC) service delivery as well as a range of other actors with roles at the nexus of government PHC and communities. The taxonomy is grounded in current definitions from the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization, and proposes some refinements for future iterations of guidance from these agencies. The designation, "Community Health Worker" is currently used to cover a broad range of roles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic caused significant morbidity and mortality in Africa, in addition to other socio-economic consequences. Across the continent, Schools of Public Health (SPHs) played several roles in supporting national, regional, and global response to the pandemic. Following a published and grey literature search, this paper reviews and analyses the contribution of SPHs in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAfr J Prim Health Care Fam Med
July 2024
Background: Collaboration between traditional health practitioners (THPs) and biomedical health practitioners (BHPs) is highly recommended in catering for pluralistic healthcare users. Little is known about bidirectional collaborations at healthcare service provision level.
Aim: To map global evidence on collaboration attempts between THPs and BHPs between January 1978 and August 2023.
Institutional capacity for doctoral training is key to addressing the complex challenges facing the global south. In the context of the need for skilled knowledge workers in health systems and growing demand for doctoral places, we reflect on the evolution of a public health doctoral programme in a South African School of Public Health. Through this case, we aim to contribute to wider debates on the form and content of emerging public health doctoral programmes in South Africa and the African continent.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To explore the experiences and perceptions of barriers of parents and family members of patients with cleft lip and palate in accessing cleft services in remote northwest Nigeria.
Design: Face-to-face semi-structured audio recorded interviews were used to obtained qualitative textual data. Thematic analysis using interpretative descriptive techniques was employed to understand the participants' lived experiences with barriers and accessibility to cleft services.
Int J Health Plann Manage
May 2024
Background: Community health worker (CHW) programmes are increasingly being recognized as an important strategy that can help to strengthen comprehensive primary health care (PHC), as the foundation of work towards achieving universal health care (UHC) and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean undertook a situational analysis of CHW programmes in the Region to better understand the current situation and the issues involved.
Methods: A two-step process was employed: a review of available literature on CHWs in the Region was conducted, followed by a survey of CHW programmes in the region, focussing on programmes that were country-led and country-wide.
In Nigeria's federal government system, national policies assign concurrent healthcare responsibilities across constitutionally arranged government levels. Hence, national policies, formulated for adoption by states for implementation, require collaboration. This study examines collaboration across government levels, tracing implementation of three maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH) programmes, developed from a parent integrated MNCH strategy, with intergovernmental collaborative designs, to identify transferable principles to other multilevel governance contexts, especially low-income countries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To examine how and why a South-South capacity development and networking program for leadership, research, practice and advocacy on maternal new-born, child and adolescent health and health policy and systems strengthening in West Africa and Cameroon worked and identify lessons for low- and middle-income countries.
Design: Single qualitative case study drawing on data from document review, observations, key informant interviews and a deliberative workshop. Ethics approval for primary data collection was obtained from the Ghana Health Service Ethical Review Committee (GHS-ERC 012/10/18).
Objectives: To explore historical and contemporary factors and processes that influenced the emergence of WANEL and analyse how the formation process has influenced the network's continued existence and sustainability and lesson for sub-regional health policy and systems research (HPSR) networking in Low -and -Middle -Income Countries (LMICs).
Design: Qualitative explanatory case study which used process tracing to chart the formation and development of WANEL.
Methods: Data was obtained through document reviews, semi-structured interviews, group discussions, and participant observation.
There have been increased calls for low- and middle-income countries to develop community health systems (CHS) policies or strategies. However, emerging global guidance brackets the inherent complexity and contestation of policy development at the country level. This is explored through the case of Zambia's 5-year Community Health Strategy (CH Strategy), formulated in 2017 and then summarily withdrawn and reissued two years later, with largely similar content.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHealth Res Policy Syst
October 2021
Background: Community health workers (CHWs) can play a critical role in primary healthcare and are seen widely as important to achieving the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the key role of CHWs. Improving how CHW programmes are governed is increasingly recognized as important for achieving universal access to healthcare and other health-related goals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Western Cape province was the early epicentre of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in South Africa and on the African continent. In this short article we report on an initiative set up within the provincial Department of Health early in the pandemic to facilitate collective learning and support for health workers and managers across the health system, emphasising the importance of leadership, systems resilience, nonhierarchical learning and connectedness. These strategies included regular and systematic engagement with organised labour, different ways of gauging and responding to staff morale, and daily 'huddles' for raid learning and responsive action.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Healthcare seekers around the globe use more than one healthcare system, with most using the traditional and the Western approaches concurrently. To date, little collaboration between the two systems has taken place within the mental health space compared with other areas of medicine. In order to inform integrating plans for traditional health practitioners and biomedical health practitioners in the South African mental health system, it is important to know which models of collaboration are used in other medical settings and contexts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile South Africa has had a fairly consistent record of producing national-level strategic plans for human resources for health in the past 25 years, the country continues to face major problems of affordability, availability, distribution and management of its health workforce. There are several factors contributing to the state of health human resources in the country, but problems with governance stand out as one area requiring further research, analysis and critique. This paper presents a retrospective analysis of the historical patterns in national health human resources governance in South Africa, based on a desktop policy review spanning 25 years after democracy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper reports a study from Cape Town, South Africa, that tested an existing framework of everyday health system resilience (EHSR) in examining how a local health system responded to the chronic stress of large-scale organizational change. Over two years (2017-18), through cycles of action-learning involving local managers and researchers, the authorial team tracked the stress experienced, the response strategies implemented and their consequences. The paper considers how a set of micro-governance interventions and mid-level leadership practices supported responses to stress whilst nurturing organizational resilience capacities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There is a growing interest in implementing intersectoral approaches to address social determinants especially within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) era. However, there is limited research that uses policy analysis approaches to understand the barriers to adoption and implementation of intersectoral approaches. In this paper we apply a policy analysis lens in examining implementation of the first thousand days (FTD) of childhood initiative in the Western Cape province of South Africa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In-country postgraduate training programme in low and middle income countries are widely considered to strengthen institutional and national capacity. There exists dearth of research about how new training initiatives in public health training institutions come about. This paper examines a south-south collaborative initiative wherein three universities based in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Mozambique set out to develop a local based postgraduate programme on health workforce development/management through partnership with a university in South Africa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: While intersectoral collaboration is considered valuable and important for achieving health outcomes, there are few examples of successes. The literature on intersectoral collaboration suggests that success relies on a shared understanding of what can be achieved collectively and whether stakeholders can agree on mutual goals or acceptable trade-offs. When health systems are faced with negotiating intersectoral responses to complex issues, achieving consensus across sectors can be a challenging and uncertain process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Health systems in sub-Saharan Africa face multifaceted capacity challenges to fulfil their mandates of service provision and governance of their resources. Four academic institutions in Africa implemented a World Health Organisation-funded collaborative project encompassing training, curriculum development, and partnership to strengthen national leadership and training capacity for health workforce development. This paper looks into the training component of the project, a blended Masters programme in public health that sought to improve the capacity of personnel involved in teaching or management/development of human resources for health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAgainst the background of efforts to strengthen health systems for universal health coverage and health equity, many African countries have been relying on lay members of the community, often referred to as community health workers (CHWs), to deliver primary healthcare services. Growing demand and great variability in definitions, roles, governance and funding of CHWs have prompted the need to revisit CHW programmes and provide guidance on the implementation of successful programmes at scale. Drawing on the synthesised evidence from two extensive literature reviews, this article determines foundational elements of functioning CHW programmes, focusing in particular on the systems requirements of large-scale programmes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The launch of Global Health Initiatives in early 2000' coincided with the end of the war in Burundi. The first large amount of funding the country received was ear-marked for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and immunization programs. Thereafter, when at global level aid effectiveness increasingly gained attention, coordination mechanisms started to be implemented at national level.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOptimising community health worker (CHW) programmes requires evidence-based policies on their education, deployment, and management. This guideline aims to inform efforts by planners, policy makers, and managers to improve CHW programmes as part of an integrated approach to strengthen primary health care and health systems. The development of this guideline followed the standard WHO approach to developing global guidelines.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The paper examines external multiple job holding practices in public health training institutions based in prominent public universities in three sub-Saharan Africa countries (Rwanda, Ethiopia, Mozambique).
Objective: The study aims to contribute to broadening understanding about multiple job holding (nature and scale, drivers and reasons, impact, and efforts to regulate) in public health training schools in public universities.
Methods: A qualitative multiple case study approach was used.
Leadership capacity needs development and nurturing at all levels for strong health systems governance and improved outcomes. The Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) is a professional, interdisciplinary terminal degree focused on strategic leadership capacity building. The concept is not new and there are several programmes globally-but none within Africa, despite its urgent need for strong strategic leadership in health.
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