Publications by authors named "Uribe C"

We report a case of severe apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in order to discuss the nature of this unusual condition and the possibility of using selective alcohol ablation to effectively treat symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy that presents with apical aneurysm. A 73-year-old woman with severe, progressive dyspnea and intermittent chest pain was found to have localized left ventricular apical dyskinesia distal to an obstructive mid-distal muscular ring. The ring caused total systolic obliteration of the apical left ventricular cavity.

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Introduction: Cancer is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Population-based cancer registries (PBCRs) make possible to estimate the burden of this condition.

Aim: To estimate cancer incidence and mortality rates in the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area (BMA) during 2003-2007.

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Defense and social mechanisms in primates seem to share, at least in infancy, common neural substrata.Among these, recent research has implicated the primate superior colliculus (SC) on tasks involving visual detection and recognition of threatening stimuli, such as snakes and faces with emotional expressions. There is also evidence that both kinds of stimuli share specific characteristics and command special attention in the primate visual system.

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To illustrate the effect of myocardial bridges on coronary vascular tone, we describe the cases of 2 patients with different clinical presentations in the context of reproducible increased spasticity at the site of myocardial bridging. One had an episode of takotsubo cardiomyopathy, and one developed typical Prinzmetal angina while receiving desmopressin treatment for pituitary insufficiency. In both patients, acetylcholine challenge clearly revealed both the presence and the severity of myocardial bridging while producing several recognizable degrees of abnormal spastic tendency.

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Introduction: Ulegyria is a cortical lesion affecting neighbouring vascular zones, which gives the convolutions a mushroom-like appearance. It is an important cause of occipital epilepsy. AIM.

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Working memory (WM) is a memory system responsible for the temporary storage of information and its utilization in problem solving. The central executive is theorized as the controller of storage functions that support WM. Neurophysiological data suggest that electroencephalographic (EEG) theta and alpha oscillations in frontal and midline regions are involved in neural communication between the central executive and storage functions during WM performance.

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The number of percutaneous interventions with stent implantation has increased dramatically in recent years, although the frequent use of this device in reports of infections is extremely rare. In this article we report two cases of mycotic aneurysm after implantation of stents with different clinical presentations and outcomes.

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Objective: Evaluate the accuracy of an algorithm at identifying ethnic minorities from administrative claims for enrollment into a clinical trial.

Data Sources/study Setting: Claims data from a health benefits company.

Study Design: We compared results of a three-step algorithm to self-reported race/ethnicity.

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Objectives: To describe persistence with teriparatide and other biologic therapies in Medicare Part D plans with and without a coverage gap.

Study Design: Retrospective (2006) cohort study of Medicare Part D prescription drug plan beneficiaries from a large benefits company. Two plans with a coverage gap (defined as "basic") were combined and compared with a single plan with coverage for generic and branded medications (defined as "complete").

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Background: Neuromodulatory techniques, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), have been increasingly studied as possible treatments for many neurological and psychiatric disorders. tDCS is capable of inducing changes in regional cerebral blood flow in both cortical and subcortical structures, as shown by positron emission tomography studies, and might conceivably affect hypothalamic and autonomic nervous system functions. However, it remains unknown whether acute changes in autonomic or hypothalamic functions may be triggered by conventional tDCS protocols.

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Emotional content/context enhances declarative memory through modulation of encoding and retrieval mechanisms. At encoding, neurophysiological data have consistently demonstrated the subsequent memory effect in theta and gamma oscillations. Yet, the existing studies were focused on the emotional content effect and let the emotional context effect unexplored.

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The objective of this study is to examine the literature and identify most salient outcomes of early postnatal discharge for women, newborns and the health system. An electronic search strategy was designed including the following sources: Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest and PubMed/MEDLINE, using the following terms: (early AND discharge) OR (length AND stay) AND (postpartum OR postnatal) AND (effect* OR result OR outcome). Content analysis was used to identify and summarise the findings and methods of the research papers.

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Introduction: A paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by neuropsychiatric symptoms, involuntary movements and seizures has been recently associated with antibodies targeting NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor in patients with an ovarian teratoma. Severe neurological impairment is frequent and treatment in the intensive care unit is often required because of ventilatory failure and life-threatening autonomic instability. Tumor removal is curative in many cases and neurological improvement is demonstrated shortly after surgery.

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Objective: To evaluate health care resource utilization and costs 1 year before and 3 years after a fibromyalgia (FM) diagnosis.

Methods: This retrospective cohort analysis used claims from Humana to identify newly diagnosed FM patients ≥18 years of age based on ≥2 medical claims for ICD-9 CM code 729.1 and 729.

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Objective: To compare healthcare utilization and costs between subjects with and without fibromyalgia (FM) using claims data from a large health benefits company in the United States.

Study Design: Retrospective cohort.

Methods: We analyzed 24 months of medical and pharmacy claims data comparing healthcare utilization and costs among Humana members diagnosed with FM to a propensity score matched control group without a diagnosis for FM.

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Biopercular syndrome is a labio-facio-pharyngeal-laryngeal-gloso-masticatory diplegia, with automatic dissociation of movements. Ischemia is the most common etiology when it occurs bilaterally in the opercular area, but it has been also described in patients with bilateral subcortical lesions. There are few cases described with unilateral lesions.

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Aim: The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of bone marrow mononuclear cell (BMC) transplantation in rats with toxic acute liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4)).

Methods: Cells from male Wistar rats were obtained using Ficoll density gradient and 0.2 ml (1 × 10(6) cells) were injected into the portal vein of female rats (n = 15) 24 h after damage.

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The study assessed ethnic differences in the perceived risks of HIV infection, sexual experiences, and HIV-antibody testing histories among Black populations in Broward County, Florida. Data were analyzed for 2,731 well-characterized survey respondents 18-39 years old who indicated they were African Americans, Caribbean Islanders, English-speaking, or Creole-speaking Haitians. Creole-speaking Haitians were least likely to consider themselves at risk of HIV infection, report using condoms in the last 12 months, and indicate that they had ever been tested for HIV.

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Purpose: To improve the effectiveness of behavioral interventions for Hispanic young adults, we studied their perceived risks for HIV infection, lifetime and more recent sexual experiences, use of condoms, and HIV-antibody testing histories.

Methods: Logistic regression was used to analyze computer-assisted telephone-interview surveys of 1,596 randomly selected Hispanic residents of 12 high AIDS-incidence ZIP-code areas.

Results: After we controlled for gender, age, marital status, educational attainment, and language of preference, differences were found by country of origin.

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The visual capture phenomenon has recently been explored, especially in the context of the rubber-hand illusion (RHI)--an illusion in which tactile sensations are referred to an illusory limb. We have induced the RHI with the difference that tactile-painful stimuli were added in order to verify the interaction between vision, touch, proprioception, and pain. Thirty volunteers were used.

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Objective. To assess the ability of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients to perceive emotional information and to assign subjective emotional rating scores to audiovisual presentations. Materials and Methods.

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Reduction of excitability of the dominant primary motor cortex (M1) improves ipsilateral hand function in healthy subjects. In analogy, inhibition of non-dominant M1 should also improve ipsilateral performance. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we have used slow repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and the Purdue Pegboard test.

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The anterior opercular or biopercular syndrome is a cortical pseudobulbar palsy due to bilateral lesions of the anterior brain operculum. It is characterized by preservation of reflex function and automatic activity, without mental impairment. Two cases are reported herein and the relevant literature reviewed.

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