Int J Environ Res Public Health
October 2022
Background: Cytisine is a prospective pharmacological alternative for community pharmacy smoking cessation services. However, it has not yet been licensed because of a lack of efficacy and safety information in Thailand.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of cytisine in combination with community pharmacists' counselling on smoking cessation in a community pharmacy in ThailandDesign.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in asthma patients at Srinagarind Hospital and compare them with a non-asthmatic control group.
Material And Method: A prospective study consisted of 151 asthma patients at the outpatient asthma clinic Srinagarind Hospital and 147 non-asthmatic patients as the control group. The study group and the control group were interviewed with questionnaire.