Processing information with conventional integrated circuits remains beset by the interconnect bottleneck: circuits made of smaller active devices need longer and narrower interconnects, which have become the prime source of power dissipation and clock rate saturation. Optical interchip communication provides a fast and energy-saving option that still misses a generic on-chip optical information processing by interconnect-free and reconfigurable Boolean arithmetic logic units (ALU). Considering metal plasmons as a platform with dual optical and electronic compatibilities, we forge interconnect-free, ultracompact plasmonic Boolean logic gates and reconfigure them, at will, into computing ALU without any redesign nor cascaded circuitry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the context of the emerging field of quantum plasmonics, we demonstrate in this manuscript the wavelength-dependent propagation and sorting of single plasmons launched in a two-dimensional crystalline gold flake by a broadband quantum nanoemitter. The stream of single plasmons in the visible is produced by a nanodiamond hosting a single nitrogen-vacancy color center positioned in the near field of the mesoscopic metallic microplatelet. Spatially and spectrally resolved images of the single plasmon propagation in the pristine hexagonal flake, and then in the same structure after insertion of a Bragg mirror, are obtained by filtered image-plane acquisitions on a leakage-radiation microscope.
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