Background/aim: Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) characterized by defective immunoglobulin production is the most prevalent form of symptomatic primary immunodeficiency (PID) in adults. We aimed to reveal the clinical features of adults with CVID and to evaluate the effects of immunoglobulin replacement treatment (IRT) on hemato-immunological findings.
Materials And Methods: This study included 26 adult patients receiving IRT.
Background/aim: In this study, we aimed to assess the clinical and immunological findings of our patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID).
Materials And Methods: We analyzed the records of 31 adult patients with CVID (12 females, 19 males). The patients were classified into clinical and immunophenotypic subgroups for statistical comparisons.
Background/aim: Currently, the provision of blood products largely depends on walking blood banks and limited amounts of stored blood with short shelf lives. We aimed to compare the efficacy of erythrocyte concentrate (ECs) by pre- and postfreezing in vitro tests.
Materials And Methods: In our study, 10 ECs were glycerolized, frozen, thawed, and then deglycerolized using the Naval Blood Research Laboratory method.