A 15-year-old Swiss Warmblood gelding was presented to the ophthalmology service of Zurich University due to severe visual impairment. Ophthalmic and neurologic examinations were performed, raising suspicion of post-retinal blindness. Standing contrast computed tomography (CT) of the head revealed a partially calcified, soft tissue attenuating mass in the sphenopalatine sinus with concurrent compression of the optic nerves and chiasm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeaweed-derived compounds are a renewable resource utilised in the manufacturing and food industry. This study focuses on an enriched seaweed extract (ESE) isolated from The ESE was screened for antiviral activity by plaque reduction assays against influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 H1N1 (PR8), A/X-31 H3N2 (X31) and A/England/195/2009 H1N1 (Eng195), resulting in the complete inhibition of infection. Time of addition assays and FACS analysis were used to help determine the modes of action.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBoid inclusion body disease (BIBD) caused by reptarenaviruses affects captive constrictor snake collections worldwide. The disease manifests by the formation of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in various tissues. Curiously, a snake with BIBD nearly always carries a swarm of reptarenavirus small and large segments rather than a single pair, and the composition of the swarm can vary between tissues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Avian malaria is caused by diverse parasite species of the genus Plasmodium, and it affects various bird species. The occurrence of this disease in some wild bird species is sparsely documented due to the scarce availability of samples. Hence the pathogenicity in some hosts is not completely known.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEuropean hedgehogs () are nocturnal insectivores frequently found in urban areas. In the last decades, their population has declined in various European countries and human activities have emerged as significant contributors to this trend. While the literature has mainly focused on trauma as the major cause of mortality, few authors have considered pathological findings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe recent discovery of Hepatitis D (HDV)-like viruses across a wide range of taxa led to the establishment of the Kolmioviridae family. Recent studies suggest that kolmiovirids can be satellites of viruses other than Hepatitis B virus (HBV), challenging the strict HBV/HDV-association dogma. Studying whether kolmiovirids are able to replicate in any animal cell they enter is essential to assess their zoonotic potential.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe European hedgehog () is a common wildlife species in European countries. Populations are declining due to anthropogenic factors and natural diseases. Verminous pneumonia has been observed as a frequent infectious disease in hedgehogs submitted for diagnostic postmortem examination.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReptarenaviruses cause boid inclusion body disease (BIBD), a fatal disease particularly impacting captive boa constrictor collections. The development of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (IBs) comprising reptarenavirus nucleoprotein (NP) in many cell types of affected snakes is characteristic of BIBD. However, snakes can harbor reptarenaviruses without showing IBs, hence representing carriers and a potential source of transmission.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrimary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) represents a group of diseases characterized by impaired movement of cilia and subsequent health problems in diverse organ systems, notably the respiratory tract. Almost 50 candidate genes for PCD are known in humans. In this study, we investigated an Australian Shepherd dog with a history of recurrent respiratory infections and nasal discharge.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a case that illustrates the complex contexts in which forensic veterinary pathology examinations may be carried out. A wild muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) had died after a putative bite attack from a domestic dog. Bite attacks by privately owned dogs on wild animals in Switzerland violate the Swiss civil (and/or hunting) laws, and dog owners are generally punished with a monetary fine; hence, this case appeared to be straightforward.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReptarenaviruses cause boid inclusion body disease (BIBD), a potentially fatal disease, occurring in captive constrictor snakes boas and pythons worldwide. Classical BIBD, characterized by the formation of pathognomonic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (IBs), occurs mainly in boas, whereas in pythons, for example, reptarenavirus infection most often manifests as central nervous system signs with limited IB formation. The natural hosts of reptarenaviruses are unknown, although free-ranging/wild constrictor snakes are among the suspects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMammarenaviruses establish a persistent infection in their rodent and bat hosts, and the evidence suggests that reptarenaviruses and hartmaniviruses found in captive snakes act similarly. In snakes, reptarenaviruses cause boid inclusion body disease (BIBD), which is often associated with secondary infections. Snakes with BIBD usually carry more than a single pair of reptarenavirus S and L segments and occasionally demonstrate hartmanivirus coinfection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInherited forms of cataract are a heterogeneous group of eye disorders known in livestock species. Clinicopathological analysis of a single case of impaired vision in a newborn Original Braunvieh calf revealed nuclear cataract. Whole-genome sequencing of the parent-offspring trio revealed a de novo mutation of ADAMTSL4 in this case.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHepatic gene therapy by delivering non-integrating therapeutic vectors in newborns remains challenging due to the risk of dilution and loss of efficacy in the growing liver. Previously we reported on hepatocyte transfection in piglets by intraportal injection of naked DNA vectors. Here, we established delivery of naked DNA vectors to target periportal hepatocytes in weaned pigs by hydrodynamic retrograde intrabiliary injection (HRII).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHuman hepatitis D virus (HDV) depends on hepatitis B virus co-infection and its glycoproteins for infectious particle formation. HDV was the sole known deltavirus for decades and believed to be a human-only pathogen. However, since 2018, several groups reported finding HDV-like agents from various hosts but without co-infecting hepadnaviruses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe sequence of pathological events in feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (fHCM) is still largely unknown, although we know that fHCM is characterized by interstitial remodeling in a macrophage-driven pro-inflammatory environment and that myocardial ischemia might contribute to its progression. This study aimed to gain further insights into the structural changes associated with interstitial remodeling in fHCM with special focus on the myocardial microvasculature and the phenotype of the interstitial cells. Twenty-eight hearts (16 hearts with fHCM and 12 without cardiac disease) were evaluated in the current study, with immunohistochemistry, RNA-in situ hybridization, and transmission electron microscopy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFViruses need cells for their replication and, therefore, ways to hijack cellular functions. Mitochondria play fundamental roles within the cell in metabolism, immunity and regulation of homeostasis due to which some viruses aim to alter mitochondrial functions. Herein we show that the nucleoprotein (NP) of arenaviruses enters the mitochondria of infected cells, affecting the mitochondrial morphology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) are chemically modified nucleic acids with therapeutic potential, some of which have been approved for marketing. We performed a study in rats to investigate mechanisms of toxicity after administration of 3 tool locked nucleic acid (LNA)-containing ASOs with differing established safety profiles. Four male rats per group were dosed once, 3, or 6 times subcutaneously, with 7 days between dosing, and sacrificed 3 days after the last dose.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article presents radiologic examinations of a deeply sedated with boid inclusion body disease (BIBD) as an adjunction to the subsequent necropsy. This method is known as virtopsy. The in the present case was gravid.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn recent years, nidoviruses have emerged as important respiratory pathogens of reptiles, affecting captive python populations. In pythons, nidovirus (recently reclassified as serpentovirus) infection induces an inflammation of the upper respiratory and alimentary tract which can develop into a severe, often fatal proliferative pneumonia. We observed pyogranulomatous and fibrinonecrotic lesions in organ systems other than the respiratory tract during full postmortem examinations on 30 serpentovirus reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR)-positive pythons of varying species originating from Switzerland and Spain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConcurrent three-dimensional imaging of the renal vascular and tubular systems on the whole-kidney scale with capillary level resolution is labor-intensive and technically difficult. Approaches based on vascular corrosion casting and X-ray micro computed tomography (μCT), for example, suffer from vascular filling artifacts and necessitate imaging with an additional modality to acquire tubules. In this work, we report on a new sample preparation, image acquisition, and quantification protocol for simultaneous vascular and tubular μCT imaging of whole, uncorroded mouse kidneys.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol
September 2020
The poorly understood tolerance toward high tidal volume (V) ventilation observed in critically ill children and age-equivalent animal models may be explained by surfactant homeostasis. The aim of our prospective animal study was to test whether high V with adequate positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is associated with surfactant de novo synthesis and secretion, leading to improved lung function, and whether extreme mechanical ventilation affects intracellular lamellar body formation and exocytosis. Rats (14 days old) were allocated to five groups: nonventilated controls, PEEP 5 cmHO with V of 8, 16, and 24 mL/kg, and PEEP 1 cmHO with V 24 mL/kg.
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