Publications by authors named "U Schweigkofler"

Introduction: The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) published a regulation on a staged system for emergency structures in hospitals (according to Social Security Code V) in April 2018 and therefore established the foundations for emergency care in the inpatient sector. The structural requirements for the care of potentially severely injured patients is primarily defined by the specialist society and means a high provision of personnel with a simultaneous annual increase in the burden due to increasing numbers of patients. Critics fear that the reforms do not take sufficient account of trauma care both professionally and financially.

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Background: The provision of specialized trauma teams for the care of severely injured patients is mandatory according to the requirements of the S3 guidelines polytrauma and the composition is determined by the White Book Medical Care of the Severely Injured (Weißbuch Schwerverletztenversorgung). In each level of care the basic resuscitation room team is composed of four disciplines: orthopedics and trauma surgery, anesthesia, radiology and emergency medicine in the emergency department.

Material And Methods: A prospective, multicenter observational study was conducted in 12 supraregional trauma centers in Germany and Switzerland, where a total of 3753 patients were treated in the emergency department following accidents.

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Purpose: Our aim was to develop new evidence-based and consensus-based recommendations for bleeding control in patients with multiple and/or severe injuries in the prehospital setting. This guideline topic is part of the 2022 update of the German Guideline on the Treatment of Patients with Multiple and/or Severe Injuries.

Methods: MEDLINE and Embase were systematically searched until June 2021.

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