Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
September 2015
We discuss the properties of nonlinear localized modes in sawtooth lattices, in the framework of a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger model with general on-site nonlinearity. Analytic conditions for existence of exact compact three-site solutions are obtained, and explicitly illustrated for the cases of power-law (cubic) and saturable nonlinearities. These nonlinear compact modes appear as continuations of linear compact modes belonging to a flat dispersion band.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe semiclassical and quantum dynamics of two ultrastrongly coupled nonlinear resonators cannot be explained using the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation or the Bose-Hubbard model, respectively. Instead, a model beyond the rotating wave approximation must be studied. In the semiclassical limit this model is not integrable and becomes chaotic for a finite window of parameters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
June 2013
We explore the fundamental question of the critical nonlinearity value needed to dynamically localize energy in discrete nonlinear cubic (Kerr) lattices. We focus on the effective frequency and participation ratio of the profile to determine the transition into localization in one-, two-, and three-dimensional lattices. A simple and general criterion is developed, for the case of an initially localized excitation, to define the transition region in parameter space ("dynamical tongue") from a delocalized to a localized profile.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate numerically and experimentally the influence of coupling disorder on the self-trapping dynamics in nonlinear one-dimensional optical waveguide arrays. The existence of a lower and upper bound of the effective average propagation constant allows for a generalized definition of the threshold power for the onset of soliton localization. When compared to perfectly ordered systems, this threshold is found to decrease in the presence of coupling disorder.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe show, numerically and experimentally, that the presence of weak disorder results in an enhanced energy distribution of an initially localized wave-packet, in one- and two-dimensional finite lattices. The addition of a focusing nonlinearity facilitates the spreading effect even further by increasing the wave-packet effective size. We find a clear transition between the regions of enhanced spreading (weak disorder) and localization (strong disorder).
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