Publications by authors named "Tyshko N"

Safety assessment approaches of novel food, currently adopted in the Russian Federation, imply mandatory in vivo reproductive toxicity tests with the study of reproductive function and offspring development in order to obtain comprehensive evidence of the absence of distant adverse effects that may manifest only in the next generation. Comprehensive study of reproductive function, pre- and postnatal offspring development, as a rule, includes the research of a large number of parameters, all of which has a wide range of physiological fluctuations, and the heterogeneous distribution of some parameters' values complicates the interpretation of the results. of the study was to investigate the efficiency of a reduced adaptive potential model in rats, based on decreased diet protein intake, for the use in reproductive toxicity experiments.

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The problem of food safety being an important component of the country's food security, provides not only for continuous improvement of the methodology of hygienic standardization, but also for the formation of requirements for novel food, in particular, those obtained from non-traditional sources. The accumulated practical and theoretical competence in the food hygiene area, as well as knowledge of current trends of the food base broadening, allow us to analyze the risks associated with novel food obtained of insects. of the research was to analyze the microbiological and parasitological risk of novel food sources obtained with the use of insects, suggest the effective risk management measures.

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The improvement of the novel foods' safety assessment algorithms is currently one of the food hygiene significant areas. Within the studying of Hermetia illucens insects' effect, the standard in vivo allergological research integrated in the protocol of medical and biological evaluation of genetically modified food has been used. The protocol was supplemented with cytokine profile indicators and pathomorphologic characteristics of immunocompetent organs' lymphoid tissue.

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The current practice of novel food safety assessment in the Russian Federation involves toxicological studies on the alimentary model of adaptation potential reduction of laboratory animals. Since vitamin and mineral deficiency can affect the size of structural elements of tissues, an objective estimation of the results obtained using this model is possible when determining the range of fluctuations of the studied morphometric parameters under conditions of different essential substances' supply, as well as under conditions of simulated toxic effects on the background of the corresponding supply. of the research was to investigate the morphological and morphometric features of the liver under the influence of reduced intake of vitamins and mineral elements in the combination with toxic effects of various nature, during growth and puberty of male Wistar rats.

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A promising growth vector of food protein production in the context of the Russian Federation's food sovereignty security is the use of microbial synthesis. Taking into consideration the proven promising use of biotechnological processes in the production of alternative protein sources, modern scientific research is focused, among other issues, on improving the technology of obtaining food microbial protein using a variety of substrates and strains-producers, as well as evaluating the consumer properties, food, biological value and safety of such products. of the research was to study and comparatively evaluate protein concentrate (PC) from bacteria Methylococcus capsulatus and basic food of animal and plant origin within the development of the technology of optimal in nutritional and biological value PC production.

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Forwarding development of identification methods for novel foods, derived from edible insects, is necessary to ensure control over their marketing within the framework of the current legislation's requirements. of the research was the development and validation of a monoplex TaqMan-PCR assay protocol (a real-time polymerase chain reaction with TaqMan technology) for the insect Hermetia Illucens' taxon-specific DNA detection and identification in food raw materials and foods. .

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Liver morphology, intensity of apoptosis, and activity of xenobiotic metabolism enzymes were studied in a chronic model experiment in rats receiving a mixture of 6 pesticides against the background of life-long diets with adequate and insufficient supply of water-soluble vitamins. The dose of each pesticide in the mixture did not exceed the acceptable daily intake (1 ADI). It was found that chronic exposure to low doses of anthropogenic toxicants in combination with permanent vitamin deficiency provokes a number of liver changes, such as increased apoptosis activity, cytochrome P450 system depletion, steatosis, and inflammatory infiltration, which is a potential health risk factor.

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A high protein content in the insect biomass allows to classify this product as a very promising source of protein, comparable in nutritional and biological value with proteins of animal origin. Despite a long history of safe use, in some countries insects are considered a new type of food which safety must be proven before entering the food market. The long-term Russian experience in novel food's research allows to identify the crucial stages, among which, along with toxicological and allergological tests, the protein's biological value determination takes an important place.

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Recent years a worldwide interest in the use of alternative sources of protein, in particular, protein from insects, has increased. Edible insects for thousands of years have been a part of the human diet in Asian-Pacific region and South America, while in the European Union, the USA and Canada the use of insects for food purposes is a modern trend that is determined by the care of the environment, global warming combating, etc. Thus, the legal rules governing the food use of insects have significant differences among countries.

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This study aimed to evaluate the long-term low-dose effects of exposure to a mixture of 6 pesticide active substances (diquat, imazamox, imazethapyr, tepraloxydin, bentazone, acifluorfen) and to elucidate if chronic vitamin deficiency can influence their toxicity. Two hundred Wistar rats were divided in 4 groups: a vitamin-sufficiency control group, a vitamin-deficiency control group, a vitamin sufficiency test group and a vitamin-deficiency test group. The test groups were treated with the aforementioned pesticides at doses 100 times lower than the corresponding NOAEL.

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The modeling of adaptation potential decrease in rats due to modification of the diet's vitamin-mineral composition allows to increase animals' sensitivity to toxic load in reprotoxicological experiments. The threshold values of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6 and mineral substances Fe and Mg in the diet, which lead to a considerable reduction of laboratory animals' adaptation potential, have been determined as 19% (from the basic level in the diet) for males and 18% for females. The efficiency of this model has been confirmed in a reprotoxicological experiment with glyphosate as a toxic factor: the action of the toxic factor against the background of reduced availability of B vitamins and salts Fe and Mg led to significant changes in such indicators of reproductive function as mating efficiency, postimplantation loss, and the total number of alive pups, while the toxic effect of glyphosate was not so pronounced against the normal level of essential substances.

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The modern strategy of humanity food providing is aimed at finding the exit from the food crisis in the shortest possible time, by the end of XXI century food and feed production should increase by at least 70%. These tasks solution implies not only the use of science-oriented technologies, but also the expansion of the food base by means of novel food sources, which don't have a history of safe use. In the Russian Federation the formation of novel food's safety assessment approaches is regulated at the state level and is the most important requirement for the possibility of usage.

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One of the ways to improve the laboratory control methodology of genetically modified organisms of plant origin (GMO) is to use multiplexing - an approach that allows you to increase the number of targets and enlarge the number of simultaneously processed samples, maximizing the potential of polymerase chain reaction in real time (PCR-RT). of the study is to develop a quantitative identification protocol for genetically engineered (GE) potato event AV43-6-G7 in the format of duplex PCR-RT with the use of TaqMan® PCR technology. .

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We investigate the long-term effect of very-low dose exposure to a mixture of six pesticides associated with hydrophilic vitamin deficiency on the neurobehavioral outcomes of rats. Two hundred Wistar rats were divided into four groups, two control groups, a vitamin sufficient control group and a vitamin deficiency control group and 2 test groups, a vitamin sufficient test group, and a vitamin deficiency group. The test groups were exposed for 9 months to a mixture of diquat, imazamox, imazethapyr, tepraloxydin, bentazone and acifluorfen in doses of 0.

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Aim - the elaboration of the protocol for the quantitative detection of genetically modified (GM) potato event EH92-527-1 in the format of duplex real-time polimerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with TaqMan® PCR technology. Material and methods. The duplex system included two types of specific DNA primers and fluorescent probes: the 1st was for identifying of the event-specific EH92-527-1 DNA, the 2nd was for identifying of the taxon-specific potato gene Stp23.

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The apoptosis activity and clinical state in vitamin and mineral supplemented male Wistar rats was evaluated after carbon tetrachloride exposure (CCL4). The animals were divided equally into 6 groups (3 control groups and 3 exposure groups) with the control groups (C-75, C-30, C-19) receiving AIN-93, a specific diet for rodents, consisting of a 75%, 30% and 19% ratio of vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6) and minerals (Fe3+ and Mg2+) and exposure groups (E-75, E-30, E-19) receiving the same diet paradigm as with the control groups but with the additional CCL4 administered once a week as an olive oil solution (control groups received the same ratio of olive oil without CCL4) for a duration of 64 days. The systemic condition of the male Wistar rats was evaluated based on morphological parameters and hematological and biochemical analysis, whereas the apoptosis activity in the liver was evaluated via comet assay techniques.

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Activity of apoptosis in the thymus, liver, and kidneys on days 20, 22, 35, 50, 80, 110, and 140 of ontogeny was studied in the experiments on rats using the alkaline gel electrophoresis and flow cytofluorometry. Changes in apoptosis intensity depended on animal age. The maximum level of this parameter was observed on day 20 of ontogeny with the following reduction in this parameter to the minimum value on days 35-50.

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The article presents the results of the study aimed at confirmation of the effectiveness of the rats' adaptive potential reduction under conditions of cadmium salt toxic effects. The 65-days experiment was conducted in male and female Wistar rats. Animals were divided into 6 groups of 3 control and 3 experimental, 30 males and females in each.

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Expert evaluation of genetically engineered organisms (GMO) identification methods is aimed at confirmation their adequacy with the tool and methodological base used in the institutions of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing to control market turnover and labelling of genetically engineered food. The primer system's specificity was experimentally confirmed in studies with other GM potato lines, as well as with the results of the BLAST-analysis. The efficiency, linearity and correctness of the method meet the requirements of the European Union Reference Laboratory for GM Food and Feed.

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Modern agriculture provides the potential for sustainable feeding of the world's increasing population. Up to the present moment, genetically modified (GM) products have enabled increased yields and reduced pesticide usage. Nevertheless, GM products are controversial amongst policy makers, scientists and the consumers, regarding their possible environmental, ecological, and health risks.

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The article presents data on global production of genetically modified organisms of plant origin (GMO), as well as on basic principles of organizing and methodical maintenance of the GMO control system in the framework of worldwide trend to increasing usage of such products. The results of GMO turnover monitoring, that was conducted by Rospotrebnadzor in 2003-2016 (there were made more than 300 000 analysis), indicate a decrease of such products usage: from 10-12% in 2003-2004 to less than 0.1% to in 2016.

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The article presents the results of rats' immune status evaluation in conditions of different levels of B vitamins (B, B, B, B) and minerals (Fe and Mg) supplying. Male Wistar rats (with initial body weight 90-110 g) within 65 days received model diets with 75, 30 and 19% content of the essential substances, females (with initial body weight 56-76 g) received diets with 75, 28 and 18% content. Some indicators of humoral and cellular immunity, including leukocyte count, lysozyme serum activity, IgG and IgE level, cytokine profile of blood serum and of the masses of the immune system internal organs have been examined.

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The functional importance of DNA methylation, which is a special case of epigenetic variation, is meant for regulation of many biological processes, ranged from tissue specific gene expression to remodeling of chromatin structure. Disorders of the DNA methylation can cause changes in the cell's phenotype, providing a significant impact on the development of pathology. Both exogenous and endogenous factors are able to cause disruption of DNA methylation, while epigenetic changes usually precede the emergence of clinical and morphological symptoms of pathological process development, consequently the parameters of DNA methylation can be used as sensitive biomarkers to detect adverse effects on the organism.

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This publication presents the results of research that was aimed at elaboration of adaptive potential reducing model, intended for toxicological experiments. Two series of research (with a duration of 70 days each) were conducted on Wistar rats. In the 1st series five groups of animals received diets with 100, 75,50,25 and 0% of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and minerals(Fe3+ and Mg2+); in the 2nd series four groups of animals received diets with 21.

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This publication presents the assessment of the impact of genetically modified (GM) LibertyLink maize on reproductive function, prenatal and postnatal progeny development of Wistar rats over three generations. The animals were divided into two groups, which were fed with rodent diet with inclusion of GM LibertyLink ('test' group) and non-GM near-isogenic counterpart ('control' group) maize varieties. The maize was included into the diet at maximum possible level (between 32 and 33%) not causing nutritional imbalance or metabolic disturbance for the experimental animals.

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