Publications by authors named "Tullson P"

During contractions, when the rate of ATP hydrolysis exceeds that of ADP phosphorylation, inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) accumulates in skeletal muscle. If the cellular energy balance is not promptly restored, subsequent purine degradation to inosine via 5'-nucleotidase can occur, a process that is most robust in the slow-twitch red, as compared to fast-twitch, skeletal muscle. We measured the distribution of 5'-nucleotidase activity among membrane-bound and soluble fractions of fiber specific skeletal muscle sections and found most (80-90%) of the total 5'-nucleotidase activity to be membrane-bound.

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AMP deaminase isoforms purified from endogenous sources display smaller than predicted subunit molecular masses, whereas baculoviral expression of human AMPD1 (isoform M) and AMPD3 (isoform E) cDNAs produces full-sized recombinant enzymes. However, nearly 100 N-terminal amino acid residues are cleaved from each recombinant polypeptide during storage at 4 degreesC. Expression of N-truncated cDNAs (DeltaL96AMPD1 and DeltaM90AMPD3) produces stable recombinant enzymes exhibiting subunit molecular masses and kinetic properties that are similar to those reported for purified isoforms M and E.

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We have blocked creatine kinase (CK) mediated phosphocreatine (PCr) <==> ATP transphosphorylation in mitochondria and cytosol of skeletal muscle by knocking out the genes for the mitochondrial (ScCKmit) and the cytosolic (M-CK) CK isoforms in mice. Animals which carry single or double mutations, if kept and tested under standard laboratory conditions, have surprisingly mild changes in muscle physiology. Strenuous ex vivo conditions were necessary to reveal that MM-CK absence in single and double mutants leads to a partial loss of tetanic force output.

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Alterations in the competency of the creatine kinase system elicit numerous structural and metabolic compensations, including changes in purine nucleotide metabolism. We evaluated molecular and kinetic changes in AMP deaminase from skeletal muscles of mice deficient in either cytosolic creatine kinase alone (M-CK-/-) or also deficient in mitochondrial creatine kinase (CK-/-) compared with wild type. We found that predominantly fast-twitch muscle, but not slow-twitch muscle, from both M-CK-/- and CK-/- mice had much lower AMP deaminase; the quantity of AMP deaminase detected by Western blot was correspondingly lower, whereas AMP deaminase-1 (AMPD1) gene expression was unchanged.

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We examined a possible mechanism to account for the maintenance of peak AMP deamination rate in fast-twitch muscle of rats fed the creatine analog beta-guanidinopropionic acid (beta-GPA), in spite of reduced abundance of the enzyme AMP deaminase (AMPD). AMPD enzymatic capacity (determined at saturating AMP concentration) and AMPD protein abundance (Western blot) were coordinately reduced approximately 80% in fast-twitch white gastrocnemius muscle by beta-GPA feeding over 7 wk. Kinetic analysis of AMPD in the soluble cell fraction demonstrated a single Michaelis-Menten constant (Km; approximately 1.

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether high metabolic stress to skeletal muscle, induced by intensive exercise, would lead to an oxidation of urate to allantoin in the exercised muscle. Seven healthy male subjects performed short term (4.39 +/- 0.

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Inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) reamination in skeletal muscle fiber sections of the rat hindlimb was studied. High IMP concentrations were established during ischemic contractions in each fiber section: 3.1, 2.

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Dietary supplementation of the creatine analogue beta-guanidinopropionic acid (beta-GPA) decreases in vitro skeletal muscle AMP deaminase (AMP-D) activity in rats. Downregulation of AMP-D activity was progressive and greater in fast-twitch muscles (70-80%) than in the slow-twitch soleus muscle (approximately 50%). The loss in AMP-D activity had little effect on inosine 5'-monophosphate accumulation in mixed-fiber muscle with intense tetanic contractions.

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This study addressed whether AMP deaminase (AMPD)myosin binding occurs with deamination during intense exercise in humans and the extent of purine loss from muscle during the initial minutes of recovery. Male subjects performed cycle exercise (265 +/- 2 W for 4.39 +/- 0.

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The importance of the training-induced increase in mitochondrial capacity in realizing the increase in maximal O2 consumption (VO2max) of trained muscle was evaluated using an isolated perfused rat hindlimb preparation at a high blood flow (approximately 80 ml.min-1.100 g-1) during tetanic contractions.

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To determine the capacity for purine nucleotide degradation among skeletal muscle fiber types, we established energy-depleted conditions in muscles of the rat hindlimb by inducing muscle contraction during ischemia. After 5, 10, 15, or 20 min of ischemic contractions, representative muscle sections were freeze-clamped and analyzed for purine nucleotides, nucleosides, and bases. Fast-twitch muscle sections accumulated about fourfold more IMP than the slow-twitch red soleus muscle.

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Skeletal muscle deaminates a substantial fraction of its adenylate pool to inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) when the rate of energy expenditure exceeds supply. How AMP deaminase is activated in vivo is unclear because the substrate affinity is quite low (Michaelis constant approximately 1-2 mM) relative to estimated concentrations of free AMP in skeletal muscle (0.2-1 microM).

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AMP deaminase catalyzes the deamination of AMP to inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) and ammonia. Factors controlling the enzyme in muscle can rapidly promote high rates of IMP formation when ATP utilization exceeds supply. We evaluated whether binding of AMP deaminase to myosin, which occurs during intense contraction conditions, alters the kinetic behavior of the enzyme.

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AMP deaminase, which hydrolyses AMP to inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) and NH3 at high rates during excessive energy demands in skeletal muscle, is activated when bound to myosin in vitro. We evaluated AMP deaminase binding in vivo during muscle contractions to assess whether binding 1) is inherent to deamination and found only with high rates of IMP production or simply coincident with the contractile process and 2) requires cellular acidosis. AMP deaminase activity (mumol.

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Strenuous exercise leads to increased efflux of purine nucleoside and base that should necessitate recovery of adenine nucleotides by either the de novo synthesis or salvage pathway. De novo synthesis of adenine nucleotide was measured in quiescent and contracting muscle of sedentary and exercise-trained rats using an isolated perfused hindquarter preparation. Synthesis rates were assessed by measuring the incorporation of [1-14C]glycine into adenine nucleotide in muscles of both resting and stimulated hindlimbs after 1 h of either low- or high-energy demand isometric contractions.

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During steady-state muscle contractions, ATP production and utilization are well matched. When the rate of ATP hydrolysis exceeds the capacity of a given muscle fiber to phosphorylate ADP, the ADPf and AMPf concentrations rise, first leading to the deamination of adenylates and subsequently to the dephosphorylation of AMP or IMP, or both, to their respective nucleosides and bases. Several proposed roles for the purine nucleotide cycle in skeletal muscle have been reviewed and evaluated.

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Adenine nucleotides play a central role in cellular processes involving the transduction of energy. Among striated muscles, the management of adenine nucleotide catabolism differs greatly. These differences can be understood by considering the distribution, activity, and kinetic characteristics of degradative enzymes.

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The catabolism of adenine nucleotides (AdN) in rat soleus muscle (predominantly slow twitch) is very different from that in fast-twitch muscle. AMP deaminase is highly inhibited during brief (3 min) intense (120 tetani/min) in situ stimulation, resulting in little inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) accumulation (0.21 mumol/g).

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Management of adenine nucleotide catabolism differs among skeletal muscle fiber types. This study evaluated whether there are corresponding differences in the rates of de novo synthesis of adenine nucleotide among fiber type sections of skeletal muscle using an isolated perfused rat hindquarter preparation. Label incorporation into adenine nucleotides from the [1-14C]glycine precursor was determined and used to calculate synthesis rates based on the intracellular glycine specific radioactivity.

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This study examined the relationship between postnatal metabolic and hormonal changes and the accompanying rapid increase in mitochondrial adenine nucleotide content (ATP + ADP + AMP) in rabbit liver. The cytosolic NAD+/NADH concentration ratio, calculated from tissue pyruvate and lactate values, increased linearly 6.6-fold during the 1st postnatal h.

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This study evaluated the sensitivity of mitochondrial respiratory control as a function of tissue oxidative capacity. The mitochondrial content of rat skeletal muscle was increased by exercise training or decreased by hypothyroidism. Muscles of the lower hindlimb were stimulated to tetanically contract in situ for 3 min at one of four frequencies to elicit a 30-fold range of oxygen consumption rates.

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Glutamine, the principal source of urinary ammonia, can be fully oxidized or converted to glucose by the kidney. To be oxidized, the carbon skeleton of glutamine must enter the TCA cycle as acetyl CoA formed by pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH). The purpose of this study was to measure kidney PDH activity (active and total) following acute acid-base changes in vivo.

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In adult rats, mannoheptulose injection causes a transient decrease in the serum insulin-to-glucagon ratio and a concomitant increase in serum glucose concentration. These effects attain a maximum 1 h after the injection and then decline toward normal. Correlated with the hormone changes is a dramatic increase in the adenine nucleotide content (ATP + ADP + AMP) of liver mitochondria, which peaks to over 50% of control values at 1 h.

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